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PracticalU.S.S. Trieste (DS9 Kitbash)



  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Yeah, it is, but that’s why I love it. And thank you very much.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Last update for the night.

  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Last update for a few days… I’m awaiting a couple donor kits for the bottom parts, and I also just need a small break.

  • srspicersrspicer395 Posts: 340Member
    Its looking nice!
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Thanks. 😊 The Maquis kit finally arrived, so now I have all the remaining bits I need. I’ll probably restart work on this next week.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    After a LONG pause, here is an update!


    I'm not entirely happy with the windows, but whatever... I'm not gonna spend another year on this, lol... the next time I have a project that requires windows to be made with this method, I will invest in a vinyl mask cutter.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    edited May 2023 #38
    That's such a crazy design. (obviously, meant to be seen from a distance) You're doing a great job on the model. This looks like a project where, if I attempted it, I would get myself all psyched up, buy the stuff I needed, start on it, get about 45 minutes into it, then quit. :lol:
    Post edited by evil_genius_180 on
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Thanks. Yeah... hence my year-long break from it, lol. All I have to do now is glue the halves together and it'll be done.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    I'll post some final pics soon, but I think I'm calling the Trieste done. At least THIS Trieste, lol. On this one, I'm not gonna bother with trying to replicate the NCC number or name decals. I learned a lot from this bash, which had me experimenting with new ways to make the windows, with using black primer and then using vinyl tape to make individual window masks. Honestly, I won't do that again, as the results aren't perfectly consistent, size-wise. THIS Trieste was made to duplicate the look of the studio model as best possible, save for the flourescent pink nacelles, lol. The end result would not at all have been anywhere NEAR as accurate, had it not been for the extremely generous help of both Mark Delgado, who was the one who sent me the pics of the studio model, including the previously unseen bottom side of the model, and stevielewis on the RPF forum, who very graciously shared her own WIP images and helped me out in locating kits used to make the ship. My utmost sincere thanks to both these people.

    If I ever do another Trieste, I'll give it more color, like a proper Dominion War color scheme, and color the cannons and make lifeboats, RCS, and proper registries and markings. I'll also invest in a vinyl mask cutter, so all my window masks will be perfectly identical in size and shape.
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