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Prologic9's Drydock

JasonAdankJasonAdank33 Posts: 29Member
Does anyone have Prologic9's Drydock model theyd be wiling to share? Preferably in 3ds max or FBX
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  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    I don't think Prologic9 ever released that particular mesh--if he did it would've been at Foundation3D, which has long since disappeared.

    The one I use is Nico Weigland's, which you can still get at I know it's not 100% the answer you wanted, but Nico's is just as good as Prologic's I think.
  • JasonAdankJasonAdank33 Posts: 29Member
    Thanks for responding. Yeah its really an unfortunate loss for the 3D trek community that Foundation3D went offline...
    Feel free to visit my now archaic Renderosity Gallery.
  • StarshipStarship476 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,985Member
    Jason, Prologic released the drydock.
    I had a copy of her, and I remember that I started the conversion (but not finizhed). Therefore, I also remember that someone finished the conversion (I just forgot the who is)... I still have a lot of old meshes stored in cds and dvds. Gimme some time and I will seek the mesh for you.
    When (if) I found it, I will post it here.
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    Please don't post it on the forums. I appreciate the sentiment, but I don't want anything uploaded here without the explicit permission from the authors. The artists' right to their work is more important to me than the availability of models, and I'm pretty sure F3D had rules against re-uploading the models in their EULA. While the site and EULA may be gone, I'm not really comfortable altering the deal between the artists and F3D like that. They uploaded their stuff on F3D for a reason, and the reason may well have been they didn't want it available elsewhere.
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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  • backsteptbackstept2342 Posts: 969Member
    Which drydock is this? TMP? I've been thinking of making my own so if I get good enough reference and take time to make one, I'll gladly share it when finished.
  • StarshipStarship476 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,985Member
    edited May 2023 #7
    backstept wrote: »
    Which drydock is this? TMP? I've been thinking of making my own so if I get good enough reference and take time to make one, I'll gladly share it when finished.

    This is the drydock they´re talking about. Prologic´s drydock is featured in this video. He still do posts (from time to time) at Trekbbs forums, and he told that he lost all his old meshes...
    Post edited by Starship on
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