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3DBack after a long break. New project.

Paul MoechnerPaul Moechner541 Posts: 126Member
edited March 2023 in Work in Progress #1

Well, I'm BACK on blender, after taking a 2 month break to focus on learning spanish. I'm now in a more balanced workflow learning spanish and Blender 3D at the same time. This is a new starship I'm modeling based on real world physics (to the best of my knowledge lol).

It uses 6 of what are called Quantum Vacuum Ramjets, which will be featured on an upcoming AsteronX youtube video ( The three rings represent 3 of 4 warp field generators, adjusting the warp field geometry around the whole ship.

There are different warp drive theories that exist. One category of warp field theory theorizes that the field expands space/time behind the ship while compressing space/time in front of the ship as a form of thrust. This warp ship represents a "less talked about" form of warp drive theory that theorizes that a warp field simply "reduces mass" so that something as low powered as a "photon rocket" can be used to approach the speed of light, while the warp field also in theory solves the time dilation problem. (hope I described that correctly as I'm still a rookie to this field of study lol).

The bulb in the front of the ship is where the crew resides, far away from the Quantum Vacuum Ramjets that produce a lot of harmful radiation. The bulb in the front also is designed to have what is called a "Froning Style Caduceus Warp Coil". Next week I'll be adding a deflector dish on the front. Ship is 3 kilometers long.

I'm still going to be working/learning to animate the 1701 Enterprise model I made/showed in this forum, but to keep from burning out (which led to me taking a couple month break from blender) I'll be bouncing back and forth between various 3D modeling/animation projects to keep engaged and working as consistantly as I did with my 1701 Enterprise project.
Post edited by Guerrilla on


  • publiusrpubliusr558 Posts: 1,758Member
    Now I really dig that concept.

    Something you might consider.

    Here in the real world…we have competing takes for space transportation…SLS vs SuperHeavy say.

    In trek, I could see ringship folks vs nacelle folks.

    I could see the early days of warp helping to lay down spacelanes with something like this:

    Now, I see your craft as an example of warp staging…like rocket staging.

    Each ring it leaves behind as something like that catapult.

    That would also allow blistering straight line speed. As Tom Paris said…no turning.

    The cast aside ring would push the one ahead in something like a rail gun effect…dropping out of warp itself.

    But things can go wrong.

    This might explain how early warp ships are found in distant areas…for later, more advanced designs to stumble across.

    Say this staged warper gets into a spacelane already laid down.
    Paul Moechnerscifieric
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    It's good to see you back. Good idea, taking a break to avoid burning yourself out on CGI. I've done that before more than once and it's not fun. Neat concept for the ship, I love seeing stuff based on real world concepts of faster than light travel. I'm looking forward to seeing this develop.
  • Paul MoechnerPaul Moechner541 Posts: 126Member
    edited March 2023 #4
    Progress so far on a ship I'm designing based on stuff I'm learning in real life FTL propulsion concepts. It has a combination of Dr. Sonny White inspired warp coils (the rings) and a Dr. Froning inspired caduceus coil in the nose. The nose is the "crew module" that is far away from the 6 QVRs (quantum vacuum ramjets) in the back. The warp coils are spread out to form a semi-cone shaped warp field. There are 7 deflectors (3 on the two smaller warp coils, and a main deflector on the front of the crew module) to create a cone shaped zone of protection when approaching the speed of light.


    From what I'm learning about the concept of a QVR (quantum vacuum ramjet), in theory it needs a very powerful power source to power the "photon rockets" that are positions on the front and back of the engines (inspired by Babylon 5 ships).

    A photon projector doesn't produce much thrust, but if you can reduce the mass effectively enough with the mass reduction fields (warp fields), then they can be used to approach the speed of light because the photons are "exiting" the engine at the speed of light.

    In theory, once the QVRs are traveling fast enough, then in theory, they can then harvest energy from the quantum vacuum and then basically run on "unlimited fuel" from the quantum vacuum until the speed of light is reached.

    That's when I integrate Dr. Takaaki Musha's FTL propulsion theory: If I understand Dr. Musha's FTL propulsion theory correctly (famously called the Musha Jump Drive), the moment the starship passes the speed of light, the semi-cone shaped warp field (formed by the 3 ring shaped warp coils and the 4th Dr. Froning inspired warp coil in the front) becomes a "tachyonic intrablock" because anything faster than the speed of light is by definition a tachyon.

    And for a single chronon (time's smallest unit of measurement) the entire ship is a tachyon and is experiencing infinite velocity due the relationship between time/space and tachyons.

    In theory, such a method of FTL travel, if ever invented, could enable a starship to travel to other galaxies as quickly as other solar systems due to the "infinite velocity" that is experienced during the single chronon that the starship is a tachyonic intrablock.

    Post edited by Paul Moechner on
  • Paul MoechnerPaul Moechner541 Posts: 126Member
    edited March 2023 #5
    oops. accidently posted again. currently figuring out how to delete this lol
    Post edited by Paul Moechner on
  • Paul MoechnerPaul Moechner541 Posts: 126Member
    edited March 2023 #6

    Forgot to show this, lol. I designed the "crew module" to detach from the section of the starship that gives it FTL capabilities. If equipped with an advanced enough A.I., the "FTL capable section' can serve as an interstellar or transgalactic cycler, while the crew module, equipped with it's own warp coil, deflector, and QRJ/photon rocket (blue/purple photon emitters on the equator of the module), can travel in an interplanetary context.

    Got this idea from the Enterprise-D. :)
    Post edited by Paul Moechner on
  • Paul MoechnerPaul Moechner541 Posts: 126Member
  • publiusrpubliusr558 Posts: 1,758Member
  • Paul MoechnerPaul Moechner541 Posts: 126Member
    edited March 2023 #9
    Each cylinder represents a 6 foot tall person and they are spaced out to give a "sense of scale" of the ship.

    Since the "crew module" is designed to separate and basically be it's own interplanetary vehicle, due to it's size, I was thinking that it could land and be and "instant arcology/base" when settling a new exoplanet.

    But after playing around, I realize that this is no way practical, unless you 1. Have extremely advanced material sciences in order for the structure to support its own weight, and 2. You'd have to send down equipment to the exoplanet's surface to "prepare the landing spot" by building a structure than can serve as a landing pad to handle the crew module's weight.

    So maybe, in RL it might be practical for this crew module to serve as an "orbiting space station", and have smaller craft travel back and forth from the exoplanet's surface to transport people, cargo, equipment, etc for a settlement.
    Post edited by Paul Moechner on
  • Paul MoechnerPaul Moechner541 Posts: 126Member
    edited March 2023 #10

    I now have radiators. The pylons (fins connecting the warp rings to the central shaft) double as what I think are called 'dusty plasma radiators'. The only time I ever observed these type of radiators in science fiction, other than the intercoolers on the 1701 Enterprise's warp nacelles, are radiators I've seen from screenshots of the latest Avatar movie.
    Post edited by Paul Moechner on
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