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3DAmbassador Class Bridge (new attempt)



  • mdtamdta390 Posts: 95Member
    Seems to be a perfect spot for one of these

  • seanrseanr1452 Brooklyn, NYPosts: 641Member
    Yeah, I'll probably slot a few of those in somewhere. I think one of the screens I'm already using in random places would be a one to swap that in for when red alert is turned on. I need to find a proper animated version of that somewhere (assuming I didn't already grab one in my stash).
  • lexington1709lexington1709339 Posts: 29Member
    seanr wrote: »
    Yeah, I'll probably slot a few of those in somewhere. I think one of the screens I'm already using in random places would be a one to swap that in for when red alert is turned on. I need to find a proper animated version of that somewhere (assuming I didn't already grab one in my stash).

    I may have one for you to use. Let me know.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1216 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,644Member
    Why not circuitry access?
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918267 Posts: 454Member
    @BolianAdmiral - good point!
  • Stephan WaterstramStephan Waterstram0 Posts: 2New Member
    I joined up here to leave My Two cents on suggesting this also should have been the computer operating system for "The Battle of Maxia" JLP's USS STARGAZER. That bridge also suffered from antiquitech but TNG itself suffered from lack of creativity in the beginning as they even changed the Enterprise B even later.
  • Stephan WaterstramStephan Waterstram0 Posts: 2New Member
    Yeah, I think I'd throw in a few more TNG-ish elements... the shapes and looks of the alcoves and display cutouts is giving me a much more Stargazer/Hathaway vibe, meaning an older, more TMP-ish ship... the Ambassador isn't that old... she should have a vibe of something newer than an Excelsior... IMO. That having been said, I love the overall floor plan and look. Keep the TNG wall fabric in the alcoves, and the TNG CONN & OPS stations, but maybe switch out that TMP-ish Tactical station with a TNG one... maybe like the one from the 1st season Battle Bridge? As always, just my two cents.
    My pretty pennies exactly!

  • seanrseanr1452 Brooklyn, NYPosts: 641Member
    I've been so busy with work that I haven't had any time to work on this, but hopefully in a month or two. Thanks for the comments. :)
  • seanrseanr1452 Brooklyn, NYPosts: 641Member
    A little bit of an update (just viewport renders):

    BolianAdmiralRekkertashleytingerlennier1wibbleAel'sxiaorobearLizzy777StarCruiserMadKoiFishand 3 others.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2113 Central OhioPosts: 1,275Member
    Looking amazing!
  • lennier1lennier1918 Posts: 1,287Member
    seanr wrote: »
    A little bit of an update (just viewport renders):

    This beauty has come a long way since the first version made in Truespace on an electric potato! :D
  • TrekMDTrekMD192 Posts: 639Member
    Excellent bridge design!
  • seanrseanr1452 Brooklyn, NYPosts: 641Member
    Thank you! I'm very unhappy with those panels on the sides though. No idea what I'm going to do to fix that. :/
  • new_purplenew_purple112 Posts: 62Member
    Loving this! I was really unhappy with the Ambassador-class bridge in 'Yesterday's Enterprise'...I've always viewed it as "Budget constraints, they had to re-use that same old set they ended up using a dozen times, proper bridge would look better."

    You've captured that better, lol.

    I tried something similar a few years ago, but it was my concept for an updated, 24th-century Excelsior class.
  • ChrysallianChrysallian5 Posts: 3Member
    seanr wrote: »
    Thank you! I'm very unhappy with those panels on the sides though. No idea what I'm going to do to fix that. :/

    Might I suggest isolinear chip banks both above and below the indicator strip?

  • Paul MoechnerPaul Moechner541 Posts: 126Member
    wow that looks amazing
  • Rory1707Rory1707241 Posts: 244Member
    Looks amazing!
  • lexington1709lexington1709339 Posts: 29Member
    How's this coming? :)
  • Admiral156Admiral156200 Posts: 88Member
  • seanrseanr1452 Brooklyn, NYPosts: 641Member
    Might I suggest isolinear chip banks both above and below the indicator strip?
    That's a brilliant idea, actually. Sort of how the 1st season TNG bridge looked with the panels off. I'll give that a try when I get back to this. Thanks!
  • KirtemorKirtemor426 Posts: 100Member
    This is the bridge I want for my Endeavour or my SOlaris Class. Will you be sharing?
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