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question about the thumbnails next to forum threads

Paul MoechnerPaul Moechner541 Posts: 126Member
I'm new to this forum, and I'm still exploring it, learning how things work here etc. But I noticed a lot of threads here tend to have really cool thumbnails next to the thread before I click on it. Are those profile pictures(avatars) or do folks make thumbnails for their thread posts?

Also, as an experiment I attempted to create a thumbnail/avatar for my profile and I got a message saying I'm not allowed to do that. I'm guessing because today is my first day in this forum that I'm aware of and just made my profile today. this is literally my second post lol.


  • count23count23367 Posts: 785Member
    Hi there,

    thumbnails are automatically generated by the first image that's been attached in a thread.

    When you make or edit a post, there's the landscape picture in the options that has the tooltip "attach image", you attach the image to your post and save it then that becomes the thumbnail.
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  • Paul MoechnerPaul Moechner541 Posts: 126Member
    count23 wrote: »
    Hi there,

    thumbnails are automatically generated by the first image that's been attached in a thread.

    When you make or edit a post, there's the landscape picture in the options that has the tooltip "attach image", you attach the image to your post and save it then that becomes the thumbnail.

    cool, thanks! I was able to 'fix' my first thread and made sure it had a good thumbnail for it. :)
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,870Administrator
    Yeah, thumbnails are generated from the first image in the first post of a thread. Doesn't matter if it's hotlinked or attached. Anything in the 16:9 aspect ratio should work pretty well.
    Also, as an experiment I attempted to create a thumbnail/avatar for my profile and I got a message saying I'm not allowed to do that. I'm guessing because today is my first day in this forum that I'm aware of and just made my profile today. this is literally my second post lol.

    Yeah, new members are pretty limited in what they can do with their profile to keep spammers off the site. I bumped you up to regular member now, so please enjoy your fully featured profile. You can add a profile pic, your 3d apps and socials now. Welcome to Scifi-Meshes. :)
    Paul Moechner
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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  • Paul MoechnerPaul Moechner541 Posts: 126Member
    thank you! :)
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