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3DLEXX 3d model in 3ds max

bladeghostbladeghost1 Posts: 0Member
edited August 2014 in Finished Work #1

Hi Everyone, I like this site and decided to contribute one of my own models I made of the LEXX ship.
In this version I've added textures to the model and it is included in the .zip.
this model I'm submitting is in 3ds max format (.max) and will load in max 7 or higher.

Thanks I hope you can have fun with it, and leave some feedback on my first submission to sci-fi by letting me know your comments and suggestions.



Post edited by bladeghost on


  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    Not sure how this one has slipped by without comment.

    I never watched Lexx but the design is pretty neat. Obviously has a space-fly look going there. Well done on modeling her. I doesn't look like it would have been an easy task with that pseudo-organic look.

    Thanks for sharing the model with the community, bladeghost. :thumb:
  • bladeghostbladeghost1 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Comco, I had initially made this for the space sim celestia for their library to have and thought it would be a good challange to build. it's not a 1000 percent accurate yet I feel its it's pretty close. it was built without using nurbs and is all polygons bent and shaped into place. it took awhile to make, yet I'm glad I can participate in a great community and share my work with everyone here.
    Thanks everyone!

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804433 Posts: 11,109Member
    I've never seen Lexx either, but that's a very impressive model. (though, the design is a bit phallic :shiner:) Your lighting and composition in your images is also very nice. :)
  • bladeghostbladeghost1 Posts: 0Member
    Blame the show not me, not of my design....

    at best its a dragonfly without wings in space.

    The show portrays it as an organically grown spacecraft weapon.

    also the show can be racy at times as it is geared to an adult audience.

    still it's sci-fi and that is what I appreciated about it most.

    you can always watch it on youtube to see how it was produced from it's company.
    still,modelling with nurbs i still need to learn how use to make better organic shapes.
    phallic or not I don't care for that as im sure that was a different show.
    whatever, the detail involved had me interested as impossible, I thought otherwise and gave it a shot and this was the result. any model you it! worse thing is when many give up early because it's too complicated. again, thanks!
    I have other models, however this one is one of a kind.

  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    You're looking at it the wrong way round, genius. It never even occurred to me that it looked...phallic...But yeah, if you turn it around that way...Yes...I can see what you mean. :lol:
  • SphynxSphynx195 Posts: 461Member
    Considering the rest of the Lexx series, it was probably designed that way specifically. Still remember the episode with the giant space-station in the shape of a female torso with the main hanger / airlock in the crotch... :rolleyes:
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    Sounds like an...Interesting series. Hah. All I remember was that Tachy loved it (for those that remember him). From what he was always saying about it, I never had a desire to watch it. :lol:
  • SphynxSphynx195 Posts: 461Member
    TBH, tacky series... I watched the first couple of episodes (the ones that were essentially a mini-series type film-length story) and it seemed to be OK and had a reasonable story premise.

    Doubts about longevity proved true however, and they seemed to run out of good story ideas and resorted to semi-erotic SF. There was an element in the first few episodes, but later it became a replacement for good story content.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804433 Posts: 11,109Member
    I'm intrigued, especially after reading a bit about the show on Wikipedia. I'm going to have to see if I can find this series on DVD. I see why I never saw it, it was on Sci-Fi when it finally aired in the US. I had cable for a brief span in 2003-2004, but I never saw this show.
  • billtfargobilltfargo332 Posts: 6Member
    You can get it on Netflix if you are a streaming subscriber (at least in the US).
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804433 Posts: 11,109Member
    I don't do streaming Netflix. My connection isn't the best for streaming HD and I also prefer to watch stuff on my TV. I could do it on my XBOX 360, but I don't. I did reserve season 1 from my local library, though.
  • bladeghostbladeghost1 Posts: 0Member
    Youtube has the whole thing for free, here's the pilot episode it's in 7 parts
    and plays in succession.

    Lexx 1.1 (I Worship His Shadow)

    part 2 is called ( Super Nova)
    part 3 is called (Eating Pattern)
    part 4 is called (Giga Shadow)

    all findable on youtube. :)

    after is when the series begins..
    episode guide here:

    some of the set pieces in the shows are quite interesting, enjoy!

    also the model I made can be rebuilt any way you like to be made better anytime!
  • bladeghostbladeghost1 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks everyone, I hope all can enjoy the model for what it is and can maybe improve it if need be. Happy modelling and good rockin'
  • guideXguideX0 Posts: 0Member
    Can someone convert this to .x or .ms3d or .3ds for me?
  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Great work on the model, loved the show from start to finish.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Yo Way Yo
    Home Va Ray
  • lennier1lennier1917 Posts: 1,286Member
    Nice rendition of the design.
    The TV series was just plain terrible, but the miniseries is made up of some of the best B movies the 90's had to offer.
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    My favorite was that super HLLV megarocket used by the scientists who were looking for the mass of the Higgs boson. I think Prince and the George W. Bush look-alike made their escape on it. The sfx consisted of using footage of the Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs) and repeating them over and over making it look like a giant version of the Soviet UR-700 concept. Got stills of that superrocket at launch?
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    I've never seen the show and this ship has a well, unique shape... But you did a great job making it. I don't use max anymore, I use lightwave and if it's ever converted, I'd be glad to make a render with it, once I get my new pc in next week.
  • Lake333GLDLake333GLD0 Posts: 0Member
    Very nice model. Amazing work.
  • GrabzGrabz61 Posts: 5Member
    Link is broken, is there any way i can download it?
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    the downloads section of this site hasn't operated for several years, no-one is sure if/when it will be resurrected. i know there is a model (lower quality than this one though) of this ship on the google 3d warehouse , there is also a good chance of there being a model of this on foundation3d( currently down) and blendswap .
  • GrabzGrabz61 Posts: 5Member
    edited February 2022 #24
    Sooo the link is quite dead, but at the time of my previous post 7 years ago I've somehow managed to find this model by MasterScy / BladeGhost and I think it belongs here.
    What's interesting is that I was under impression that I actually never found it, so I've looked for this thread in hope that the downloads section is active by now, but it's still not :#

    Aaaaand then I suddenly rediscovered it in my folder with other LEXX stuff. So here it goes, I'm returning this old book to the library where it belongs.
    Post edited by Grabz on
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla797 HelsinkiPosts: 2,868Administrator
    edited February 2022 #25
    It is actually available in our Model Archive too:
    Post edited by Guerrilla on
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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  • GrabzGrabz61 Posts: 5Member
    Yay, that's awesome! The version I posted is different though, it's from 2005 and is made without textures for Celestia simulator, so I guess it counts as useful anyway .
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla797 HelsinkiPosts: 2,868Administrator
    Yeah, anything from before May 2006 would've been wiped by the Big Crash of 2006.
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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