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3DThe Flagship

halhal192 Posts: 157Member
Hi everyone, it's been a long time since I've poste. I've been lurking for the last year and thought it would be good to get back into the mix. As usual I super busy with work and real life but I've found some time to work on some of my own projects.

Here is my latest render which is part of a wider animation. Massive shout out to Nightfever for his Enterprise-D mesh.
C&C welcome.




  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771425 PNWPosts: 767Member
    Maybe add a flash of light or flare or something at the point of origin just before the ship warps into the scene? Something to indicate that 400,000 metric tons of starship just exited a warp field into normal space.
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • trekkitrekki981 Posts: 1,435Member
    Yes, this is a nice mesh from Alex .
    Good Rendering !
  • halhal192 Posts: 157Member
    Lizzy777 wrote: »
    Maybe add a flash of light or flare or something at the point of origin just before the ship warps into the scene? Something to indicate that 400,000 metric tons of starship just exited a warp field into normal space.

    Cheers Lizzy. I'm being heavy influenced buy the warp effect in the JJ Movies but also the coming out of hyperspace effect from Star Wars (especially Vaders Star Destroyer in Rogue One). I love the look and feel of a ship that size just suddenly appearing and filling the frame. I did play about with adding a flash, but I felt it took away from what I was trying to achieve.

  • halhal192 Posts: 157Member
    trekki wrote: »
    Yes, this is a nice mesh from Alex .
    Good Rendering !

    It is a good mesh and I'm glad you like it.


  • maranmaran178 Posts: 39Member
    The movement of the ship after it's warped in seems a bit too fast for the music. I would expect a slower "reveal" of the ship.

    Other than that it's a nice render and I do also prefer the JJ warp effect ;)
  • markmasseymarkmassey515 StaffordshirePosts: 588Member
    Works pretty well the nice clean bang out of warp works... i'd say the camera is a bit jarring i'm assuming its tracking the model... i'd suggest not have it doing that at she appears but have a soft drift for that first section.. then as you've got it now pan with the ship as she flies by.... but hay you might like the snap in which case disregard what i say :) Definely needs a flash of some sort as she drops out of warp tho... :)

    Looking ace tho :) i'm a total sucker for a good fly by.....
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
  • halhal192 Posts: 157Member
    maran wrote: »
    The movement of the ship after it's warped in seems a bit too fast for the music. I would expect a slower "reveal" of the ship.

    Other than that it's a nice render and I do also prefer the JJ warp effect ;)

    Cheers Maran, I totally agree. The Enterprise does move at some speed in the flyby, definitely need to slow it down.
    It actually does start to slow down towards the end but its not that apparent.
  • halhal192 Posts: 157Member
    markmassey wrote: »
    Works pretty well the nice clean bang out of warp works... i'd say the camera is a bit jarring i'm assuming its tracking the model... i'd suggest not have it doing that at she appears but have a soft drift for that first section.. then as you've got it now pan with the ship as she flies by.... but hay you might like the snap in which case disregard what i say :) Definely needs a flash of some sort as she drops out of warp tho... :)

    Looking ace tho :) i'm a total sucker for a good fly by.....

    Thanks, to be honest it needs a lot more work, and the camera movement was pretty much an afterthought. I spent about 5 hours on the whole thing (that was to retexturing, light, animate and render time).

    I don't actually start tracking the ship until its in frame. There is a camera drift, moving from left to right, put this was done in post as I felt like there need to be some initial movement (I also played about with zooming in/out).

    Cheers again
  • halhal192 Posts: 157Member

    Thanks, glad you like it.
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