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Galaxy MK 3 Class and Pathfinder Class

[Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
edited September 2012 in Looking for... #1
im looking for these ships for a very long time. came close to getting it before the the one owner i knew that had both meshes closed down his website 3 years ago.


Galaxy MK 3:
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • AndurilAnduril0 Posts: 0Member
    i also try to find this ships,after is off,luckly i get entire specs for both ships and i start making pathfinder ,soon i will post first pics,
  • AndurilAnduril0 Posts: 0Member
    here is specs for both classes:

    Pathfinder class:Tactical Battlecruiser

    Type: Advanced Exploratory/Tactical Cruiser
    Commissioned: 2376-PRES
    Production: 1 per year
    Unit Run: USS Pathfinder
    USS Hawke
    [USS Exploration] USS Miranda-B
    USS Texas
    [USS Rodan] USS Stargazer
    USS Trieste
    USS Anduril

    Mass: 5,700,000 tons
    Crew: 1,600
    Propulsion: Three cochrane warp core feeding two warp nacelles; four subatomic unified energy impulse engines
    Armament: 12 x Type XII phaser arrays, total output 85,000 TeraWatts,
    1 x Rapid fire quantum torpedo turret + 600 torpedoes,
    5 x Type 4 Burst Fire photon torpedo tubes + 500 photon torpedoes total
    Antimatter spread emitter
    Defense Systems: Systems Auto modulated shield system, total capacity 4,590,000 TeraJoules
    Heavy Duranium/Tritanium double hull plus 10 cm Ablative armor
    High level Structural Integrity Field
    Ablative Armor Generators
    Multi-Vector Assault Mode
    Warp Capabilities: Cruise : Warp Factor 7.7
    Maximum Cruise : Warp Factor 9.96
    Maximum Rated : Warp Factor 9.98 for thirty six hours
    MVAM: MVAM capable to three fully warp capable hulls - Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary
    Hull Life: 120 years
    Refit Cycle: Refit Cycle Minor : 2 year
    Standard : 5 year
    Major : 20 year
    Dimensions: Dimensions Length : 980 m
    Beam : 492 m
    Height : 188 m
    Decks : 52
    Shuttle Compliment: shuttle bays: 4, shuttles: 21, attack fighters: 12 , runabouts: 5
    captain's yacht: 1
    The Pathfinder-class starship had its origins in the early 2360's shortly after the Galaxy-class starship began their successful run in to the Fleet as a deep-space explorer. It was felt that Starfleet needed to diverse the fleet with command ships capable of multi-mission design specifications to cover the three primary duties of the Starfleet charter - exploration, defense, and diplomacy. Admiral Victor Murdock took up the gauntlet and began the process of designing a new starship class capable of meeting these requirements. While the project development peaked and waned over the next few years - usually at the whim of Starfleet Command - it was not until 2368 that the modern Pathfinder-class design was developed. In light of the events at Wolf 369 against the Borg, the design principles of the Pathfinder-class leaned more to defensive and offensive capabilities. The design of the current battlecruiser contributed to other contemporary starship designs - Akira, Steamrunner, Saber, Sovereign - which were being designed and built at the same time.

    The following year, following confirmed approvals from Starfleet Command and the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, the Pathfinder-class Development Project. Continuing until 2373 the ship was not ready for the next encounter Starfleet had with the Borg, but the first superstructure was built in the following year. By 2375 the prototype was completed, USS Pathfinder, which began her shakedown cruiser shortly thereafter. In 2376 the ship was renamed for in honor of the previous ships holding the name USS Miranda - an honor shared with the USS Enterprise line of starships - which became the flagship of Admiral Victor Murdock, the man that designed the original Pathfinder-class vessel and oversaw its development.

    In 2377 a new class of ship entered service, the Pathfinder-Class was designed as the ultimate in front-line explorers. This Vessel was initially named USS Pathfinder, but recommissioned USS Miranda-B in honor of the previous vessel to bear the name, at the request of Fleet Admiral Victor Murdock.

    The Pathfinder-Class merges the catamaran hull design of the Akira-Class with the maneuverability (both physically and mission-wise) of the Sovereign Class. The ship also was constructed as a response to the Klingon's Negh'Var-Class Warships, the Romulans D'Deridex-Class Warbird, and the Dominion's Battleship-Class Heavy Cruisers. The ship featured a brand new torpedo turret as it's primary weapon and the type-XIV phaser arrays, (known as Sovereign-Type) as well as two Type XV (commonly known as Defiant-Type) phased pulse emitters.

    The USS Miranda is one of the few Starfleet vessels which has enough firepower for any combat role, but also carries the full capabilities of an exploratory Starship. The Miranda is designed to go for extensive periods on deep-space exploratory duties. The ships carry an extremely heavy torpedo armament of 7 torpedo launchers. Four of these are mounted in the large roll bar pod, two forward and two back; the one is located on the underside of the saucer section, two of which face directly out to port and starboard : an unique feature in a Starfleet vessel, shared only with the Akira and Wazikashi Classes.

    Another special feature of the Pathfinder-Class is the hangar bay arrangements. There is one large shuttle bay in the saucer section, running the width of the ship with bay doors on both sides. These allow large numbers of launch and landing operations to be handled simultaneously. During peacetime this allows the Miranda to evacuate large numbers of small survey craft, or ferry evacuees on board at a high rate. During time of war, the ship can serve as fighter carriers; in this role they can carry up to thirty-six attack fighters, although a load of six fighters and a dozen utility craft is all Miranda currently carries. The USS Miranda-B entered service in 2377and was assigned to units on the outer Federation territories, performing patrol and presence missions as well as the normal mapping and exploration duties which any Starfleet vessel is expected to handle. The ship also features and MVAM - Multi-Vector Assault Mode, a design feature shared by the Prometheus-Class Starship. However, at this time, the components to make the Secondary and Tertiary hulls completely self-sufficient are not installed, in the rush to get the Pathfinder-Class prototype commissioned.

    With the destruction of the Borg cube in 2366, Starfleet stepped up several new ship designs to combat the new threat. One of the designs to benefit was that of the Pathfinder. The Pathfinder design developed and evolved rapidly, an one point being the proposal for the Prometheus-Class. Instead, Starfleet decided to go with the smaller MVAM capable proposal, and the Pathfinder design was commissioned as a separate class. New weapons, shields, computers, and other systems continued to develop rapidly. The design was modified constantly to incorporate all the new technology. As a result the prototype emerged from the dry dock as Starfleet's most sophisticated and comprehensively armed vessel.

    The vessel is equipped with a new variant of the Type XIV phaser array, formerly known as the 'Type X+' for security reasons, which equips the Federation's most powerful Starbases, deep space facilities. The Type XIV has a raw beam power output some 60% more powerful than the Type X arrays installed on the Standard Galaxy-Class. In addition the Type XIV has a shorter recharge time and can fire a longer sustained burst, giving each bank a combat effectiveness 79.4% greater than a type ten array. All told, the Pathfinder has an overall 54.6% increase in phaser capability over the Galaxy-Class.

    The shield system of the Pathfinder-Class is similarly one of the most powerful of any Starfleet ship; the design was modified just prior to installation in order to increase effectiveness against both high energy tractor beams and phased polaron particles, measures clearly aimed at the Borg and Dominion respectively. Under normal operation the shield modulation frequencies are under the control of the ships computer system, which continually evaluates incoming weapons fire and automatically re-modulates the shields to give the most effective possible defense. It is thought that this system will also enable the shield system to prevent beam-through by Borg transporter technology.

    The warp engines of the Miranda are of a new design which eliminates subspace distortion effects inherent to standard warp drives, a feature now becoming common on most Starfleet ships. The Pathfinder-Class is currently the fastest vessel in Starfleet, with a maximum cruise speed of Warp 9.85 and a top speed of Warp 9.94 for up to twelve hours.

    The very high cruise speed is intended to allow the ship to deploy as rapidly as possible to potential trouble spots. Her Impulse drive system is the most sophisticated model in production, giving the Pathfinder-Class a maneuverability equal to that of a vessel one half its size.

    After a major refitting in early 2378, the MVAM features of the USS Miranda were fully enabled, at approximately the same time as the Miranda's sister ships, Pathfinder and Stargazer, neared completion.
    Deck Layout
    Level D Maintenance Access, Torpedo storage, Main Torpedo Room,
    Level C Primary Sensor control, Observation Lounge
    Level B Docking Support, Starship Interlink Systems, Primary Hull Deflector Array
    Level A Primary Sensor control, Docking port for Saber-Class Starship
    Deck 1 Main Bridge, Captain's Ready Room, Observation Lounge
    Deck 2 Captain's Quarters, Senior Officer Quarters,
    Deck 3 Officer Quarters, Holodecks
    Deck 4 Officer Quarters, Springball and Volleyball courts
    Deck 5 Officer Quarters, Crew Lounges
    Deck 6 Officer Quarters , Ship's Library
    Deck 7 Tactical Office
    Deck 8 Stellar Cartography, Science Labs , Maintenance
    Deck 9 Crew Quarters, Crew Lounges
    Deck 10 Science Labs, Living Quarters
    Deck 11 Counseling Offices
    Deck 12 Transporter Rooms ,Conference Rooms
    Deck 13 Operations Center, Crew Quarters
    Deck 14 Crew Quarters Junior Officers Quarters, VIP/Guest Quarters
    Deck 15 Maintenance and Crew Quarters
    Deck 16 Crew Quarters Primary Computer Core
    Deck 17 Separation Plane and mechanics
    Deck 18 Crew Quarters , Saucer Battle Bridge
    Deck 19 Crew Quarters, Main Impulse Engines, Cantina Lvl 2
    Deck 20 Main Lounge (Cantina), Arboretum, Docking Clamps,
    Deck 21 Crew Quarters, Main Shuttlebay
    Deck 22 Holodecks 4-6, Recreational Facilities
    Deck 23 Medical Laboratories, Gymnasium
    Deck 24 Sickbay, Medical Laboratories
    Deck 25 Crew Quarters
    Deck 26 Environmental Control and Life Support
    Deck 27 Crew Quarters
    Deck 28 Living Quarters . Transporter Rooms 3 4 & 5
    Deck 29 Crew Quarters
    Deck 30 Living Quarters
    Deck 31 Crew Quarters
    Deck 32 Shuttle Bay 2 , Torpedo Bay 2 Control & Storage, Captain's
    Yacht Dock Port
    Deck 33 Crew Quarters, Cargo Bays
    Deck 34 Shuttle Bay 3, Cargo Bays , Cargo Transporters 1-5
    Deck 35 Crew Quarters, Cargo Bays
    Deck 36 Cargo Bays , Crew Quarters
    Deck 37 matter storage pods, upper core injection assembly
    Deck 38 Upper Engineering Support Area
    Deck 39 Main Engineering, Cargo Transporter 9
    Deck 40 Main Engineering
    Deck 41 Main Engineering, Ship's Quartermaster's Office
    Deck 42 Deuterium Storage, Deflector Control
    Deck 43 Lower Level Torpedo Bay Control, Dorsal Docking Port,
    Deck 44 Deuterium Fill Ports and Storage , Engineering Support
    Deck 45 Parts Storage, Secondary Computer Core,
    Deck 46 Antimatter Storage Pods , Environmental Control
    Deck 47 Antimatter Injection Reactors, Viewing Lounges, Cargo Bays
    Deck 48 Antimatter Storage Pods, Engineering Support Labs
    Deck 49 Emergency Batteries, Secondary Antimatter & Deuterium
    Deck 50 Transporter Rooms 6 and 7, Cargo Transporters 6-8
    Deck 51 Life Support Systems Shuttle Bay 3, Auxiliary Craft
    Construction & Maintenance
    Deck 52 Security, Brig, Armory, cargo bays, Waste Management
    Deck 53 Cargo Bays Industrial Replicators, Torpedo Bay 3 Control &
    Storage, Tractor Beam Control
    Master System Display

    Sources: Pathfinder-Class Starship copyright Patrick Weber, 2000-2002. Mesh kitbashed from Steve Davis' Excalibur, Mark Kingsnorth's Insignia, Hobbes' Ronin and Scifi-Art's Sovereign. Images by Patrick Weber. Backgrounds from , and public domain
  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    these are kitbashed meshs and I don't think you will find anyone here who will do it or has it, we don't like kitbashers here. esp. that USS Miranda site, they stole theri parts.
  • AndurilAnduril0 Posts: 0Member
    well i dont need anyone to do it i alredy work on it,
  • count23count23367 Posts: 785Member
    I disliked ussmiranda, the mesh and image theives that they were, but I have to admit. I did like their Galaxy Class MK 3 design.
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Heard ya the first time, no need to repeat what others said.
    Still they had some nice vessels among their huge list. Sure they were thieves and they got what they deserved. Doesn't mean you cannot appreciate a single ship they showed...
    Due to them and their site, I found out about the first Scifi-Meshes site.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    i have seen models of a galaxy class on the google 3d warehouse, they are in skp format (but you can convert that with online translation services) and do not look the same as the MK3 you want but you could make the changes yourself and convert the model. one of them is here hope this helps.
  • jerjer0 Posts: 1New Member
    I am wondering how I would about being able to get the Pathfinder 3d printed I'm a fan of the ship.
  • admiral hortonadmiral horton201 Posts: 145Member
    Jer ig u have a 3d model i love the pathfinder and would love to see some orthos
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