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Need some help with 3d studio and shadows

Tag_AstroTag_Astro0 Posts: 0Member
Hi all,
I've a little problem with 3d studio 7...
I try to explain it : i'm trying to make a video with my starship Ere du Verseau(as maybe somebody have seen recently here...) The scene is quite simple : the starship, a starfield made with particules, and only a cam.
On the starship I've put 4 omni lights and 3 spotlights that cast are shadow(with light as simple, and not rectangular or others options...) These light use far attenuation...
I have two lights with advanced ray tracer shadow to illuminate the starship, and the antialising is on simple.
I have a sky light...
For the render of still images, i've got no problems as you can see ont the post concerning the Ere du Verseau... even in high resolution, even with the skylight casting shadows...
But for the animation, 3d studio failled at some pictures, even if the skylight doesn't cast shadow...
For some pictures of the animation, I've got no problem and the image is rendered in a few minutes...
But when 3ds failled, I've often the message that says that the program is out of memory...
This morning I subsitute the two advanced ray tracers shadow by two areas shadows... but 3ds failled again after rendering some pictures without problems...
So my question is : what is the best way to got no problems with shadows but keep a good quality of render ? What kind of shadows may I try ?
Can some render plugins avoid to 3ds to render correctly my pictures without bugs and in a reasonnable time ?
I've got a little more than 1Go of ram on my pc...
I thank all people whot could help me because I'm :mad:
Thanx again

Post edited by Tag_Astro on


  • L2KL2K0 Posts: 0Member
    put all the shadows in shadowmap.
    this work just as fine as the complex shadows, the trick is to tweak them correctly.
    down in the shadowmap parametres, change the bias to 0. and the other param (the one that is preset on 4. cant remember the name and i dont want to turn max on now), set it to 8 or 10. this will blur the shadow. the highest the bluriest.

    if you ant to use a skylight, make sure that you use the scanline.
    then, in the advanced illumination tab, click the light tracer. on the 250 setting, turn it down, you wont see any difference.
    lower the sampler (the 1/16 thing) put it to something lower.

    now, if evry thing seems ok, or if you hate shadowmaps
    make sure that you didnt animate your lights.

    and dont use vray.
    i hate vray.
  • Tag_AstroTag_Astro0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanx L2K for your advices :)
    But as I knew, shadow maps don't seem to cast shadows from some of objects, as on the two pictures below. The first one is made with a shadow map from the principal light, and the other with advanced ray traced shadows. In the red zone on the first picture, we can see that there are no shadows casting on the ship by some of his parts... But on the second, we can see shadows casting.
    Thanx again, I'll try with keeping the advanced ray traced shadows on the principal light(that is not animated) and shadows map on all others light from the scene and I'm going to render the anim... We will see if it works or not.
    If anybody else have tips or advices, I'll be happy to read them :)
    Thanx again.

  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    I would avoid shadowmaps they are inherently buggy. Usualy in the case of artifacts.
    Try my sig url and give the lighting tut a go. The lack of cast shadows seems to me that some objects are set with a certian setting Either in materials or the objects themselfs.

    Ray trace is only useful if your USING anything that makes use of it. Such as reflected materials (a mirrior etc) For plain old shadows I would avoid ray trace anything. The skylight you have might be causing issues as well depending on filters or other options.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • Tag_AstroTag_Astro0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanx man, but if shadow maps are not the best way, and ray traced shadows are not too, what kind of shadows can I use without that 3ds crash down and with a good rendering quality of shadows ? I've tryed your sif but I cant' open your home page...

  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    egh would have thought the stupid redirect service woul dbe back up by now. . . .
    try this url instead
    Any of the shadow systems are good. Some work better than others. Biggest tip I could lend is to avoid mixing types up.
    I havent a clue why the ray traced shadows are giving you grief but for the scene you posted there is no logial reason to use them. The shadows failing with shadowmaps leads me to belive there is something wrong with the way the scene is set up. Only way to decern this is to systematicly tear the scene apart.

    Here are some basic examples

    skylight with default shadows used within the lights settings , if you drop the ray settings the grainer it gets as the render times drop. Very slow renders. 5min on the laptop

    Skylight with lighttracer used (see setings on my site) 18sec
    Skylight with shadowmaps default 18sec note the jaggy edges in the shadows
    Ajusted shadowmaps. 22sec
    Skylight with area shadows 22sec

    Ray Traced
    as you can see all ray does is make a harsh unrealistic shadow.
    I plan to expand the lighting tuts and reasons to and not to use a specific "type" either way hope you get the crashes fixed.

    It can do speciual thing but for basic shadows its uneeded. I would as well try to avoid mixing shadow types, this might be the problem, Im not sure though I have mixed shadowmaps and area shadows in the past mainly because area does some wierd things in confined bright spaces.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • Tag_AstroTag_Astro0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanx again for your advices and precisions. My pc crashed again even after trying some others kind of lighting and shadows... Maybe a memory problem but I don't think so...
    That still seems to me very very strange...
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Try updating max there are 2 hotfixes and a service pac from autodesk. Link is in the help menu.
    If these fail try merging in the objects from your old scene one by one into a new one rendering between.
    Beyond that I am at a los lol since it could be any number of things at this stage.
    does max crash with other scenes or objects?
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • Tag_AstroTag_Astro0 Posts: 0Member
    That what I'll do: I tryed this night to render a part of the total anim, and after rendering 70 frames, a new crash has arrived pffffff
    That makes me crazy!!! :(

  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Oh so its crashing during a sequence job? Sounds like maybe the codec your rendering to may be the cause then. That opens a whole diffrent can of worms. Such as HDD error codec etc. If you have the hdd free go dl a codec called huffy. It is a lossless codec and is quite stable then later you can use a app like Vdub to reencode it to a lossy codec.

    maybe someone skilled in animation can chime in as well?? >_>
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • Tag_AstroTag_Astro0 Posts: 0Member
    Humm, it coule be the codec... but it would be the first time that the indeo video 5 codec crash :(...

  • 1of331of330 Posts: 0Member

    always render to image`s so that if you have a crash you can start from where it stopped

    *.Tga is the a good image file to go with
  • Tag_AstroTag_Astro0 Posts: 0Member
    Yes, but I can't render each frames of a 25 seconds anim and save them one per one... And I never get a such kind of bug. Sometimes 3ds have crashed but even with one frame, not after rendering a part of the anim... That's why it seems to me very strange...

  • 1of331of330 Posts: 0Member
    max can render all your image`s out in one so you don`t have to save them all one at a time
  • Tag_AstroTag_Astro0 Posts: 0Member
    Yes I realise it... Pfff I'm stupid sometimes... Thanx man, I'll try this solution because I don't know why 3ds crash at only some pictures of the total render...

  • Tag_AstroTag_Astro0 Posts: 0Member
    HI all ;)
    After a night trying to find why 3ds crashed and trying to fix the problem, and after crying and shouting and breaking all at home, I find a solution. With two areas shadows for the global lightning, a skylight with no shadows cast and shadow map for the starship light, it seems to work... I'm saved, and I find that area shadows are quite good than raytraced shadows :)

    Thanx for all for your advices ;)

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