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PracticalFinished 3D printed model

srspicersrspicer395 Posts: 339Member
edited July 2020 in Finished Work #1
The model, one of two, was printed by the client. I assembled and finished this 28" long beastie. You can see the build process on my web site here, thanks for looking!;
Post edited by srspicer on
Warp Propulsion Laboratoryevil_genius_180FreakslybrarianLizzy777RekkertBrandenbergDark AngelTrekMD


  • Adam WarnockAdam Warnock65 Posts: 102Member
    Lovely work. I think I see some issues with the webbing on the underside, but other than that, it's superb to me. :)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,272Member
    Yeah, that looks great for sure.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish10159 Posts: 5,375Member

    I think that rib (web) area is a seam where one print ended and another started. Usually the first few rows are thinner so it makes things crossing over parts not line up like that. EG each layer is say .5mm the first 2 rows or more could be 0.2mm

    Been looking at doing this for a while considering how cheap pooping printers have gotten and how much easier they are to tune for decent prints. Been considering selling sliced models but can't bring myself to do so until I have a printer to do the testing on to know the things will print.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • japetusjapetus2984 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    Wow, amazing! That's a childhood dream to get my models in real life =)
  • publiusrpubliusr558 Posts: 1,758Member
  • srspicersrspicer395 Posts: 339Member
    edited July 2020 #7
    Thanks All.
    Yes, the resolution is a bit rough, but a smooth finish is not the point. He printed his favorite models and sent them to me to assemble and finish. He also printed the bases. The client is printing models like a mad man! I think he is using an X-MAN CIDI printer. Never heard of the machine before. The material he is using is super strong. There was a little mis-match due to material shrinkage in one place, but everything else lined up perfectly. I could hold the whole model by one of the engines after I assembled it.
    Post edited by srspicer on
  • publiusrpubliusr558 Posts: 1,758Member
    Craft it in pieces snap ship style
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    I wondered how long it would be before someone did something like this. Nice.
  • prisoner881prisoner881336 Posts: 30Member
    I loved everything about this ship/model...EXCEPT the deflector. Surely it deserves something that looks better than an inverted bottlecap!
  • srspicersrspicer395 Posts: 339Member
    It may have been something easy after all of the other modeling done for this design.
  • publiusrpubliusr558 Posts: 1,758Member
    What is your next project? Alaska class and similar ships I hope
  • srspicersrspicer395 Posts: 339Member
    Next project for this client is a 1K scale Belknap Class starship. Much smaller, more traditional model.
  • publiusrpubliusr558 Posts: 1,758Member
    I hope you do a Balson secondary hull and a slightly wider refit saucer with a Disco-pride rear toro launcher and stretched Raan nacelle, for what the 1701-A should have looked like
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