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BSG Hangar

[Deleted User][Deleted User]11 Posts: 4,002Member
Because some guys prefer the white Clay-Version (First Lighting Test), I make a brighter Version of the Hangar.
So, if you also think that the Final Version of the Hangar is a bit to dark, maybe you´ll like this one. :)

....some weeks ago I just grub out my old Raptor to make a "remake" of it. I made it one year ago for a Spaceship-Contest in a german Cinema4D community. Then I made some scenes, but I was not happy with those old results. This was the mainreason for this reissue. First I made just some Vray Studio-Setup of it, but just some Studio-Setup is not appropriate for such a nice spacecraft, or not?! ;-) So last night I finally completed the -BSG 75 Hangar Bay- for the Raptor. I know that the hangar is not exactly like the one of the series, but it is my interpretation of it. :-) I used Cinema4D and Vray for the rendering, and PS for the postwork. So I hope you´ll like it.

Here you will find the darker Version:

Here you´ll find a Clay:

...and here the Studio-Setup of the Raptor:

Project: BSG 75 Hangar Bay II

Status: second Final

Software: Cinema4D & Vray 1.1 & PS

comments are welcome. ;)

Thanks for watching!


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