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Spacecruiser Tiger-Class

[Deleted User][Deleted User]11 Posts: 4,002Member
Spaceship "Tiger-Class" for the Novel of the Kantaki-Universe from Andreas Brandhorst.

Design is a crossover from Star Trek ans Star Wars...


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]11 Posts: 4,002Member
    now thats a small warship. Nice to see something like this. Most space ships are huge. Nice to see every space utilized.

    Been on a few ships of the u. s. navy and they do keep comparments small. Naturally, warships are expensive. :)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]11 Posts: 4,002Member
    Wow that really cool, I like the cut-a-away work, really very thing is just so awesome.
  • ApogeeApogee0 Posts: 0Member
    SUPERB work! Terrific to see these cut-a-ways! Really good work... Kudos!
  • deathsignsdeathsigns0 Posts: 0Member
    i like this ship, need more picture detail, please.
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