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BrainBrain0 Posts: 0Member
From Jack Pearl's nifty future Cold War books for teens, the S.W.I.F.T. (Space Warp Infinity Finity Transport), piloted by Paul Girard - the SPACE EAGLE - sets off on another mission to defend life, liberty and the American way.


  • kuckuk333kuckuk333178 Posts: 209Member
    background looks awesome, but this flightobject is pretty strange and somehow spoils the pic
  • CptBeowulfCptBeowulf0 Posts: 0Member
    I had two of these books when i was a kid( well, I'm still a kid just a 46 yr old one). Any idea where i can get copies?

    Super pic just the way i always imagined the S.W.I.F.T. Beautiful. Still remember the description of someone being shot by a laser, leaving a hole the size of a pencil. Brrrr!
  • BrainBrain0 Posts: 0Member
    Why are we worrying about backgrounds at Sci-Fi The ship design is not mine (see, but ever since reading the books when I was a kid I have always enjoyed it. FYI: I believe the SWIFT was housed at a secret hangar in the mountains, and when it was sent out I imagined such vistas involved.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]11 Posts: 4,002Member
    It is a really good design.
  • HuejassHuejass0 Posts: 0Member
    Not a good ship. No room for fuel or weapons or anything. I just don't like it the ship.
  • BrainBrain0 Posts: 0Member
    Like I said before, it's not my ship design (hence being here in the 'Other Shows' gallery, since there isn't another I could choose that's more relevent); and I don't quite remember whether or not there were any weapons on it (and in science-fiction, what kind of weapons does one need to have before we start 'believing' in them - or what if the ship doesn't have any... or am I missing some qualification for posting images here?); and finally, since we don't know anything about the fictional spartanium drive that this thing uses, well... I hope I made my point. Sorry you don't care for it.
  • nyrathnyrath0 Posts: 0Member
    The S.W.I.F.T. also had a hull composed of "fossilized plastic", which was impervious to laser beams. I see you've made it blue.

    Nice mesh!
  • CougashikaCougashika0 Posts: 0Member
    I so loved those juvie books, even though the science was flawed and the characters two dimensional. Private ownership in space! Good-guy capitalists! Whoda thunk?!? As far as the ship design, I always had trouble with the cover design vs. the description in the book. But a broad-end teardrop shape would've been dorky. The droop in the nose: unnecessary, but poetic. Bluer than I imagined, but blue is good. Seventy-six sixty!
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