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ChanurChanur191 53.33° N / 10.00° EPosts: 305Member


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]11 Posts: 4,002Member
    Nice design-good looking vessal


    Do you still have Faith?


    "But I still have Hope"
  • ScorndrakeScorndrake0 Posts: 0Member
    I love seeing a Dreadnought Class created. However there are several errors

    made on this mesh. On the Primary Hull (saucer section) there are 6 rings totaled

    the outer ring equals about 3 rings and your nav lights are on the outer edge

    of this ring. Then you have 2 rings and on the third ring will be your 2 phaser

    banks on the side and in front the Photon Torpedoes. That is 2 errors made

    and the third is the middle warp narcelle, it doesn't from the orginal blue

    prints have any text on it what so ever but has on both sides the inner

    blue section from the outer narcelle. I hope this helps you out on your ship.

    Here is a picture of what I seen wrong with you other then almost perfect


  • BERmaestroBERmaestro2 Posts: 0Member
    nice, did you try made a JJverse?
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