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Align Tool - Max 8

efritschefritsch0 Posts: 0Member
I'm trying to figure out how the align tool works and in my case, if it does what I want. Lets say I have a box and over the course of manipulating said box, the vertices become unaligned a bit. How can I fix that with out moving many vertices one by one?
Post edited by efritsch on


  • LarsenLarsen171 Posts: 0Member
    Align the vertices to another object or plane, that you know is perfectly aligned... Unless the vertices are excactly equelly misaligned there's really no way around aligning every one of them!

    But... zoom in and then move the vertices to where they are supposed to be... if we're talking 0,000 here, it will never show on the model... and it's a lot faster!
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