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3DPhase II Enterprise

evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804571 Posts: 11,177Member
edited January 2018 in Work in Progress #1
IA’ve always been intrigued by Star Trek: Phase II, the second attempt at a Star Trek TV series by Paramount that was doomed before it really got into production. Of course, the pilot episode became Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and many of the sets were used on the movies and even TNG, and some of the characters and stories were revisited on that show as well, but one wonders what would have become of Star Trek had that series gone through, as opposed to becoming a movie. WeA’ll never know because it didnA’t happen, and everything worked out OK. We had the movies with the original cast, followed by TNG, DS9, Voyager, more movies and Enterprise. All told, a lot of good Trek, some of which likely wouldnA’t have happened if Phase II had happened instead of TMP. Of course, the current state of Star Trek is sad, but at least we have hours upon hours of great shows and movies.

One thing IA’ve always liked from Phase II was the model work being done at Brick Price Movie Miniatures, particularly the Enterprise model being constructed by Don Loos. Unfortunately, the model wasnA’t high enough quality for the motion picture work as it was being built for television, so it couldnA’t be used. Still, I love looking at Matt JefferiesA’ sleek redesign for the ship, and at the 75% completed model that was being built. They were also working on a space dock that was significantly different than the one designed by Andrew Probert for the movie.

Anyway, IA’ve built this ship before, but itA’s been many years. As before, IA’m using JefferiesA’ updated drawings, cleaned up and made available by David Shaw. The drawings arenA’t complete, but they give a complete enough view of what he had in mind for the EnterpriseA’s refit. There are also a few existing pics from the build in the Phase II book, which I of course have a copy of. In fact, IA’m re-reading it while working on this. But, what I donA’t have as far as references is where artistic license comes in. My goal is to do something between TOS and TMP, like maybe an intermediate design. Anyway, this is what I have so far:





IA’m building the ship in Blender 2.79, for those who are curious. I like Blender well enough. There are things I like better in Lightwave, but also things I like better in Blender. BlenderA’s price tag and Linux compatibility are always winning factors for me. :)
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