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3DUSS Nimitz

BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
There was an art contest over at TrekBBS t oproduce something "original and iconic". I went the hard route and produced a carrier whose frame could double as a dreadnought after some back-and-forth shoving of the elements. I plan on working some more on this (don't do a lot of big ships) and probably will upload it to the 3DWarehouse as well at some point in time.


The ship can carry some 60 standard sized shuttle and a lot more if a smaller fighter variant is used, so I guess that makes this fair and square in Supercarrier territory. I decided to go with a base of oval shapes for its overall presentation, compared to the cylinders used by the Constitution class. While not visible here, there's a third deflector housing on the bottom to help balance the output.

Constructive criticism is always welcome :)
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