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3DU.S.S. Discovery NCC-1031

PixelMagicPixelMagic473 Posts: 663Member
edited September 2016 in Work in Progress #1
When I first laid eyes on this ship, I thought it was ugly supreme. But, it's slowly growing on me, even though I still don't think it's that beautiful. BUT, since I am trying to increase my modeling skills, and it's not as curvy and organic as say, the JJprise, I thought I'd give it a go. Also, I cannot for the life of me attach an image for a thumbnail. Is the forum broken?




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  • WideFootWideFoot83 Posts: 81Member
    This ship design always reminds me of the Vulcan IDIC


    But, It wouldn't be as bad if the bottom of the engineering section wasn't boxy when viewed from the front. The side elevation is incredibly atractive, so there is hope.
  • BlobVanDamBlobVanDam0 Posts: 0Member
    Still not a huge fan of the ship either, but it's always great to see someone tackling something new and different! Especially with so little reference material available. It will be interesting to see how well the fan blueprints match up to the teaser once it's fully built in 3D. Nice start so far. :thumb:
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804596 Posts: 11,184Member
    Good start, PixelMagic. I actually like the ship, so it's cool that you're doing a model of it already, even though the design isn't finalized.

    In answer to your question, nobody seems to be able to upload images to the site.
  • SeanPSeanP218 Posts: 256Member
    Hey PixelMagic, like you I couldn't believe how ugly the new ship is, but I am sure you will do an excellent job of modeling it, you are off to a good start so far.

    I was probably more surprised how ugly the new ship is and how poor the animation in the trailer was than anyone as a friend of mine that I grew up with just outside of Edmonton was handed the rains to the new series by CBS. He has always been beyond a perfectionist and has become very successful in Hollywood behind the scenes because of it. As a matter of fact the last time I was down in LA visiting my fiance's family I spoke with him on the phone and he was telling me all about how excited he was about the new series.

    He also told me that he was working on Star Wars 8 and that the week prior to our phone call he received the Millenium Falcon in a bunch of sea cans and was tasked with assembling it on set. He said when he was done he got to sit in the cockpit of the Millenium Falcon and how many people can say they did that? He said some days his job is just a job and other days it's f*cking awesome.

    Sorry, I went off on a tangent there, but back to the new series I was rather shocked at how bad the trailer looked knowing how Todd is. Maybe he didn't have full control, I'm not sure. I am going back to LA in a few weeks to visit my future in-laws again and I'm supposed to have dinner with him so you can be sure I'll be asking him all kinds of questions about the new series. :D
  • BlobVanDamBlobVanDam0 Posts: 0Member
    SeanP wrote: »
    Sorry, I went off on a tangent there, but back to the new series I was rather shocked at how bad the trailer looked knowing how Todd is. Maybe he didn't have full control, I'm not sure. I am going back to LA in a few weeks to visit my future in-laws again and I'm supposed to have dinner with Todd so you can be sure I'll be asking him all kinds of questions about the new series. :D

    Not to take the thread on a tangent, but I heard from someone else that the trailer was incredibly rushed, and the ship is definitely not finalized. Just how much the design changes from now till then, who knows? Hopefully it won't require too much tweaking for PixelMagic. :D
  • Wishbone_AshWishbone_Ash325 Posts: 250Member
    BlobVanDam wrote: »
    Not to take the thread on a tangent, but I heard from someone else that the trailer was incredibly rushed, and the ship is definitely not finalized. Just how much the design changes from now till then, who knows? Hopefully it won't require too much tweaking for PixelMagic. :D

    apparently it was built in 3 days or something stupid...
  • I14R10I14R1070 Posts: 140Member
    Yeah, it does seem like 3 days worth of work.
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