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3DU.S.S. PERSEUS - Star Trek Hope FanFic 3d Ship

N Tasha DaxN Tasha Dax0 Posts: 0Member
edited July 2016 in Work in Progress #1
Hello Board, this is my first posting here. I would show you my Star Trek FanFic Project U.S.S. PERSEUS from Star Trek Hope. This is a Huge ship with 3km length and is a "Mobile Long Range Outpost" Typ. It is the first ship of the Perseus-Class and can transport 3 smaller ships (Akira, Defiant and Intrepid Class).

Please let me know what you think about my work and what can i do better.:thumb:
Post edited by N Tasha Dax on


  • Lizzy777Lizzy7771390 PNWPosts: 761Member
    It looks alright for a beginner. As a concept you have a lot of room to work with here.

    First of all, the forward part of the ship looks like it could use a bit of mesh smoothing. The blocky look takes away from the organic shapes of the rest of the hull. I'm guessing you've taken the individual faces and extruded them to make those panels. On a ship this size, if that is the configuration you want to go with, I'd suggest making the gaps between them a lot narrower. Also make the panels themselves a lot closer to the hull. Whatever extrusion setting you used, try half or even a quarter that. For example: If you extruded the face at 0.05 meters (or whatever measure you're using), try going with 0.025, or even 0.0125.

    That should help with a sense of scale and give you some direction for further detailing. Personally I'd skip that kind of paneling on a Federation faction Trek design of this size. However it is a good base for detailing. As for detailing, I like to do a "Three Levels of Detail" method.

    - Level One: Base surface
    - Level Two: Panels, grid lines, plates, sensor panels, etc.
    - Level Three: Windows, access hatches, lights, ports, weapons, antennae, etc.

    Each level goes on top of or inside of the previous.

    If you want even more detail in a model, you can repeat those three aspects on top of the primary stage. For example, an access hatch can have turn wheels, levers, keypads, or whatever. Just keep in mind that you can go overboard with bits and bobs and greebles. Whatever design you do, try to make it look like it belongs there and has a purpose.

    Don't be afraid to break up your model into smaller, more manageable sections. Really the only limit to the design work is how well your computer can handle the processes. When you're working on smaller pieces that fit into a whole, you won't feel overwhelmed from the entirety and can take your time to craft a better looking design. Unless you're under a deadline, taking your time is key for a good outcome.

    That being said, try to translate the level of detail of those smaller ship models to your mobile starbase. That will really give it a sense of size and scale without having to rely on the other vessels.

    Secondly, I think you need to work on your base shapes a bit. It looks like there is some pinching, misaligned faces, and other geometric errors. This can happen due to a number of mistakes. Someone who's a lot more familiar with your software could better point out what was done and how to fix them as well as how to avoid future mishaps. Don't worry about that right now though. Making mistakes is a large part of how we learn!

    Lastly, don't be afraid to rebuild entire sections of your model. I can see that there's a clear progression to the development of your current design from the pics you've posted. The best advice I can give here is to keep going! When you feel like you've settled on a solid, foundational base for your ship, then you'll feel comfortable getting to the detail levels of the vessel itself. If something doesn't work out or doesn't just "look right" then start that part over and try again.

    I see a lot of promise and potential here. With a little work it could become even better.
    "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the corgies of war!"
  • sojournersojourner0 Posts: 0Member
    The side view really shows a Battlestar Galactica influence. The 3/4 view though is nice. Love the nacelles.
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