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PracticalSultan Class Honor Harrington Ship

VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
edited June 2016 in Work in Progress #1
Hi guys and girls!

Haven't been on much, been busy making prototypes for model kits. This is one of them! Ugh Models release of the Sultan Class from the Honor Harrington book series, 1/3400 class about 8 inches long. The master was created by me in Maya, then 3d printed on a Form 1+, then my friend cast the kits out of resin.

Link to where to buy.. yes shameless promotion! Ugh Models

So doing a build up for ya'll, see what it takes to build resin kits, I'll do my best!

Post edited by VALKYRIE013 on


  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member

    Regular Plastic model glue doesn't work for Resin.. so.. You can use Superglue, especially for the small parts, but for the big parts, superglue is to brittle, so best you use 2 part epoxy, like JB Weld/Quick for the big stuff.


    Glue in alignment pins with JB Weld:


    When those are dry, slather on some more JB Weld to both sides of the main hull. and hold/clamp it down till its dry usually 5-10 minutes. Works best to scuff up the mating surfaces with some large grit sand paper, or what my friend does is to carve some criss cross pattern in to make sure the parts bond.


  • akb1979akb1979172 Posts: 0Member
    Absolutely love the Honor Harrington universe. Will be watching this thread with great interest. :)
  • MaxxRushMaxxRush180 Posts: 168Member
    akb1979 wrote: »
    Absolutely love the Honor Harrington universe. Will be watching this thread with great interest. :)

    Might want to check this thread out then:

    Edit: And my sig :D
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Hi Maxx! Didn't know you were on here to! Pleasure to see you! Come Up to anything new lately? or one of those can't talk about it things? :)

    Thanks Akb! I'll try my best, sorry bout the pic quality, only have a phone cam.

    I've been building models since I was 5, but I've probably done 10 Resin kits.. Its abit harder than plastic, but sometimes, if you want a kit of a little known subject.. bout the best you can do.. And if I had 1 Million $.. I'd get an Injection molding machine and crank these out in plastic! But I digress.. :)

    Okay, ship is "glued" together.. We do out best to make seems as small as possible, but there there..


    Your standard putty does work on resin, these are what I have for options..

    Now.. the easiest thing to do to NOT Destroy your detail is to mask off the seam and fill it in with your putty.

    After tape is removed.. nice thin line of putty!


    My next step is to sand it down. Do try to not destroy your panel lines.. I will be re scribing them here soon
    More soon!
  • MaxxRushMaxxRush180 Posts: 168Member
    Hi Maxx! Didn't know you were on here to! Pleasure to see you! Come Up to anything new lately? or one of those can't talk about it things? :)

    Been pretty busy at the new job, and Tom's had a lot on his plate this past year (writing the Manticore Ascendant book, planning/writing for House of Lies), so I haven't got anything else to show yet. Working on fleshing out detail bits for the comms, telemetry, sensor panels, as well as the radar and LIDAR panels/arrays, and hull markings. Once that's all ironed out, I'll probably update the existing ships with the new doodads, new lighting, and better, less boring backgrounds for my DA images. After that, then I'll start on completely new stuff.

    Hoping to have most of the detail stuff done before David and BuNine meet in July for discussions on where we are and where we're going.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Very good!
    Yeah, had to make radar/lidar sensors for both the RMN, and then make something totally different for the peeps.. then keep in mind differences for the andermani and the sollies.. which I'm hopping to make up soon... bit of a busy season for us with wonderfest coming up.. Hopefully we make enough sales to keep the HH line cranking out, love building these!

    Hope you get some time soon! Thanks!
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Okay, Continuing

    For resin , First, wash them, a good dish soap will be good, Dawn or the like. Most kits, including ours have a de molding agent, pretty much oil.. so parts need a wash. Good habit for plastic kits too.

    Next.. Resin parts need a good primer coat, or else the paint WILL peal off, especially if you try masking it with tape.. the paint will just rip off. I use a good Laquour based primer, Alclad is my current choice, and it has a micro filler, so if there are any small holes or problems with seams, it'll fill them up. Try not to do to heavy!. If you don't have access to an airbrush, a Spray Can of self etching primer will also do. DO NOT use an acrylic primer if possible, it'll be like pealing paint off a wall, just wont stick.


    Might have to primer a few times, primer it, look for problems, do some more sanding, and re primer till satisfied!
  • StarriggerStarrigger476 Posts: 702Member
    Not sure what happened to the images above in post #5 but I am unable to see them... I would really like to.
    Come on over to my place CGI Worlds
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Okay, Finished her up!

    After a good primer coat, I used some Testors Gloss White Enamel for a final coat ( The ships are white in the book, but next time, adding a bit of grey or something.. its just... bland with just white.)

    After painted I done a wash with water color paint ( A wash is basically painting in the panel lines, using a watered down paint, this time I used watercolor, you can use ink, acrylic, or enamel paint thats thined down. After painting in the panels, you wipe off the excess with a rag or Qtip, just be careful not to damage the original paint job! If ya'll want to know more about washes or anything, just let me know, I'll post a tutorial.)

    Added all the antennas and fiddly bits, you can attach then paint, but this time I painted then glued them on with Superglue.

    And thats all for the Sultan! I'll post some better pictures soon!



    Already started on my next build, the Wasp Class from Starship Muesium! again made by us!


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