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Now even Snape....

AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
edited January 2016 in General Discussion #1
I guess by now you've all heard that Alan Rickman (Severus Snape) died....

I remember, when the former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt (reknown heavy smoker) died, there was a joke that God called, ordering a new stache of cigarettes, because Schmidt emptied them in a week. When Lemmy died, the joke was that Schmidt called, ranting about some hat-wearing bearded guy smoking all his cigarettes. When Bowie died, the joke was that David asks Lemmy if they really have to wear those rags, and Lemmy retorts that the bar is far worse....
Now I'm expecting memorial jokes about Snape facing the Goblin King.....
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  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    such sad news. Rickman was one of the best British Actors and had a voice you would recognise weather he was on or off screen.
    He also one of the ultimate screen villains with Hans Gruber. For me he also had one of the best lines as a Villain in Robin Hood: Prince of Thrives.

    [the Sheriff has said he'll cut out Robin Hood's heart with a spoon]
    Guy of Gisborne: Why a spoon, cousin? Why not an axe?
    Sheriff of Nottingham: Because it's DULL, you twit. It'll hurt more.

    Not to mention but he also had a great sense of humour which we got to see in GalaxyQuest and Dogma.

    Rickman will be missed. My thoughts go out to his family and Friends.
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