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3DKlingon Bird of Prey: using an unconventional modeling program.

bbeltbbelt0 Posts: 0Member
edited April 2016 in Work in Progress #1
Ok, I know that some of you might want to start pointing out that I am not using a 3D program for this, but I think it is still a great tool that people can use to make things. With that being said, I am making a life size (in terms of the game engine) replica of the B'rel class Klingon cruiser with full interiors. I just getting started so these first few images are really just me laying out the design and trying to get the dimensions right.





This tool is not going to give a very detailed model of the ship, but I think believe it will be cool to be able to walk through the ship and really get a sense of how big the ship really is.

And for those who are interested; I am documenting the build on video that you can watch.

Minecraft Starships: Klingon Bird of Prey

Post edited by bbelt on


  • Knight26Knight26192 Posts: 838Member
    I said this to someone else before, but if you are going to voxel model a spaceship, then why not use Space Engineers? Then you can at least fly and somewhat animate the design. Plus it will feel more like a sci-fi spacecraft.
  • bbeltbbelt0 Posts: 0Member
    Space Engineers? I honestly have to say that I never heard of it before. With just a quick google search, it looks interesting and I will investigate further; thanks Knight26. I am just using Minecraft because it is something that I already have. It is also a fun project for me that has a bit of nostalgia in it since my first experience with Minecraft was watching a video of someone building a life size version of the Enterprise D.
  • bbeltbbelt0 Posts: 0Member


    The Bridge

  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    oh my... Nice idea. :)
  • bbeltbbelt0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Aresius. It is going to be a challenge to have it still look nice when it is to scale in this program.

    Here are some updates:



  • bbeltbbelt0 Posts: 0Member

  • BarricadeBarricade199 Posts: 181Member
    As a fellow 'Crafter, might I suggest that, upon finishing this, you look into a few of the mods for Minecraft? There's several out there now that allow you to animate the blocks in ways that the stock game never could, up to and including movable parts (hinges, bending/folding, etc) and full flight abilities for a given object (as long as its not touching the ground upon being finished). It'd let you mess around with having the wings move up and down like in the movies/series, flight of course, and there's also various mods for letting you create actual weapons fire.

    From a model standpoint, try using some stained glass in front of the redstone lamps to give the interior more of that Klingon lighting feel. Possibly use some of the new sea-lanterns you can get from the newest update for a different soft blue hue for running lights. And I'd really recommend alternating between the green wool you're using and green clay blocks to break up the monotony of color in the hull.
  • bbeltbbelt0 Posts: 0Member
    I have thought about using mods to do some of those effects. I do plan on having this as a world download after I am done so others can do what they want with it; so making it mod dependable might not be ideal. I do have some ideas on how to do weapons fire and the sliding door ways using command blocks. It will still keep it "vanilla" so people will not need mods.

    I will look into using your other ideas as well. Thank you for the tips.:thumb:
  • bbeltbbelt0 Posts: 0Member
    The exterior (minus wings) is almost done. I am quit surprised with the amount of interior space inside.




    Once I make sure I have the exterior just the way I would like it, then I will start laying out the interior; starting with the cargo bay.
  • bbeltbbelt0 Posts: 0Member
    The outside including wings is almost done. I still have some work in tweaking areas and details, but then I will get started on the inside.


  • walpurgiswalpurgis181 Posts: 0Member
    its beautiful :0
  • Knight26Knight26192 Posts: 838Member
    That is coming together nicely
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