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3DSci-Fi Cargo Ship

trekie015trekie0150 Posts: 0Member
edited January 2016 in Work in Progress #1
So I'm working on a small sci-fi cargo ship. This is the most detailed model I've set out to create. Any tips/advice is quite welcome.

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  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Nice start, and interesting design.
  • trekie015trekie0150 Posts: 0Member
    Thank you. Here you can see what it looks like when there are no cargo crates, and a closer look at the articulating clamps.
    L.jpg 441.1K
  • rojrenrojren2373 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,987Member
    I like it, especially what I'm assuming is the bridge. It has a functional feel about it. I'm not so crazy about the... I don't know...the shielding or plating around the habitat area. Although, when you finish I might think 'of course, that's how it's supposed to look'.
  • StarriggerStarrigger476 Posts: 698Member
    Cool Design, Good to see something on the merchant side on these pages... ;)
    Come on over to my place CGI Worlds
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804324 Posts: 11,051Member
    Really nice work so far. I like the design a lot. :thumb:
  • tbronzwaertbronzwaer0 Posts: 0Member
    I dig it. It has a cool utilitarian look about it. It's also good to see another fan of physically based rendering (based on the noise in one of your images ;)) Which renderer did you use?
  • trekie015trekie0150 Posts: 0Member
    Thank you all for the feedback! I'm making some progress and thinking of having a more unified "backbone" structure of the ship so the thrusters can be aft.

    Rojren, I'm glad you like the bridge area, I roughed out the interior concept first so the shape could fit around it. I'm pretty proud of the windows. As for the shield hull.. thing. I wasn't liking the way that was looking either, but I liked what it was doing to the overall shape, so in the end, I compromised and did some tweaking. Simple, but I think it will make a big difference. Images to come.

    Starrigger, There are a few ideas behind the universe for this ship. Very merchant-y but with some grunge. Trying to have that come across in the modeling is something I'm trying to nail down. Greebles will help I'm sure.

    Evil Genious, Thank you!

    Tbronzwaer, To be honest, I had no idea about what physically based rendering was, but after a quick google search, I'm liking the sound of it a lot! I've just been using mental ray, and if you have any tips about physically based rendering, I'd love to hear it!
  • trekie015trekie0150 Posts: 0Member
    I've finally had an opportunity to keep at this design. Changed things up so it could be capable of landing. Need to enclose the lower cargo hold area.

    new des 11.jpg
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Nice, liking it. How do you mean enclose the lower cargo hold area? You mean the hull beneath the bridge where the boarding ramp leads to? Also, what did you do with that ventral protrusion? Have you just given it the ability to fold away? As it would be nice to see that detail return when in flight.

    Looking forward to seeing what details you add next, nice progress.

  • trekie015trekie0150 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah that open area will be for onboard accessible cargo. And I had scrapped that piece, though I did like it. I'll steal your fold away idea so it can still land.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    You're welcome.
  • trekie015trekie0150 Posts: 0Member
    I'm thinking if it telescopes on the attached pipes. I'll call it the 'Talon_UK Telescopic Method' :p
  • trekie015trekie0150 Posts: 0Member
    Here's a clay of the ship as it stands.
    Attachment not found.110066.jpg
    A.jpg 10.7K
  • trekie015trekie0150 Posts: 0Member
    Alright. Some progress. Can anyone point me to a good rigging tutorial so I can have the cargo elevator/ramp pistons extend? My searches have been largely fruitless, only showing two part pistons rather than a number of collapsible segments with hard stops.
    Anyway, Just working on the main part of the ship for now. Added some area in the back for living quarters and such. Then I'll start on the revised cargo container part of the ship. I'm ditching the hex crates for some cubes. Also, anyone know how to update the thread image? Thanks!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804324 Posts: 11,051Member
    It's looking great.

    Which program are you using? Knowing that may help people point you in the direction of a tutorial for your specific software.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Nice, liking how that forward hull section is developing, the additional hull plating and cutouts for the windows (I'm assuming those are windows for the crew cabins?) are a nice touch, also liking the unusual thruster cluster array at the rear. Looking good.

  • trekie015trekie0150 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks! You are correct in your assumption. Those are the cabin areas.
    And my bad Evil_Genius, I thought I had specified earlier in the thread but I did not. 3DS Max is what I'm using.
    Also, what is the name of the modeling technique where you model something above a surface and apply it to the surface below? Good for rivets and and such. Thanks.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    trekie015 wrote: »
    Also, what is the name of the modeling technique where you model something above a surface and apply it to the surface below? Good for rivets and and such. Thanks.

    Hmmm, am a 3DS Max user myself and trying to figure out which technique you're referring to there, but not quite getting it from that description, have you any further details on the type of technique you mean?
  • trekie015trekie0150 Posts: 0Member
    All I can remember is seeing a tutorial a while ago where someone was building a gun and it had an oblong concave cutout in the side. Rather than crate a long capsule shape and boolean it into the side to create that outcome, they just positioned the shape above the spot they wanted and applied it to that surface.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Hmmm, sorry to say it is not one I'm familiar with, does sound like some sort of streamlined Boolean like process from your description.
  • trekie015trekie0150 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah. It's a shame I can't remember it. I was thinking I could use it for greebles to reduce the poly-count. I'll just greeble the old fashioned way.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804324 Posts: 11,051Member
    Sorry, I know nothing of 3DS Max. (Other than it's too expensive for me.) Had it been Lightwave or Blender, I probably could have pointed you in the direction of some decent tutorials. ;)
  • trekie015trekie0150 Posts: 0Member
    Haha, expensive is right. I'm glad I qualify for the free student version.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804324 Posts: 11,051Member
    I haven't been a student since 1998. ;) (and that was high school) But, I use Lightwave, which is more reasonably priced. Besides, I got my copy of LW10 on Ebay, where I paid less for it. Then, when I'm ready to upgrade to LW2015, I can get it at a reduced price for owning LW10. :) I've also dabbled in Blender, which is (of course) free, but I don't like it as well. I just happen to know a few good sites with some great Blender tutorials.

    Onto your Max tutorial issue, have you tried a YouTube search? I often find useful how to videos on there. In fact, since YouTube is owned by Google, just Googling what you're looking for can often lead to good YouTube results.
  • trekie015trekie0150 Posts: 0Member
    That lightwave upgrade sounds like a good deal!
    I have been looking for both the modeling technique and the rigging solution. The modeling technique I don't know the name of, so my searches are ill worded descriptions. Haha. But as for the rigging, I only see things concerning double section pistons, not multi section telescopic assemblies with stops so after one section extends fully, the next one starts telescoping. But there are so many helpful tutorials on there. Learned quite a bit from it.
  • trekie015trekie0150 Posts: 0Member
    Here's some more progress on the crates and the integrated "crate sled" system.
  • trekie015trekie0150 Posts: 0Member
    A few more updates on the whole thing.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Cool, you've developed a very solid looking practical design there, I like the way that it is pretty much just an 18 wheeler in space. Are those cones on either side maneuvering thrusters or something? Are you going to put a few clusters of RCS thrusters for fine maneuvering, docking etc?
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804324 Posts: 11,051Member
    Sweet. I really like your rail and container system. It's simple and effective, just what you'd want when handling cargo in space.
  • StarriggerStarrigger476 Posts: 698Member
    Sweet. I really like your rail and container system. It's simple and effective, just what you'd want when handling cargo in space.

    Hey, I was going to say that.. I really like the idea and execution.
    Come on over to my place CGI Worlds
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