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2DFederation Cargo Ship

DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
edited November 2015 in Work in Progress #1
Hey guys,

I'm still working on the Nova, but my brain got this idea for a small vessel - specifically, a Cargo Ship. Though now that I look at it, its very similar to the Norway Class at the moment. I'll see what I can do to change that.

This probably won't take as long to complete as my other ships, but as always, critique is always welcome.

Post edited by Damocles on
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  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    Well, it looks very blocky so far. But then, you expect that from a cargo ship. ;)
  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah, This won't be a sleek ship like the rest of the federation, its going to be a little bulkier and awkward.

    Did some more updates today to give you a better idea of how she's going to look.
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  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    Yeah, cargo ships are about carrying stuff, not style. That said, I do like the design so far.
  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    Added some details in tonight, such as the colors for the cargo containers and the RCS Thruster's. Added some escape pod hatches and the deflector area... and the windows just in front of the bridge module are for the mess area in the ship, they are (will be) the larges windows on the ship.

    I also added in a small work-bee bay to the aft section for general maintenance and cargo exchange.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    It's coming along nicely. :) So, does the whole section the containers are attached to detach? That seems to me to be the best way to get them off, due to the position of the nacelles.
  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    Individual cargo containers can be removed or if more containers need to be added, or if they need to be ejected for any reason, the spine that holds them to the ship is detachable as well.

    I got the bottom mostly worked out tonight, but still have some editing to do.

    The windows on the upper saucer section may be moved around a bit, but I have a general idea where they need to be, its a matter of tinkering with the position to get it "right" thats the trouble.
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  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    Decided to do a little math on the ship tonight to get some figures to work with.

    Length: 213m (Inc. Nacelles)
    Length w/o Nacelles: 132m
    Height: 21.75m (3.5m per deck)
    Width: 91m

    Crew: 65 Standard
    125 Emergency

    Cruising Speed: Warp 4.5
    Max. Speed: Warp 7.0

    I figure for a ship like this, these numbers aren't so bad. Let me know what you think.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    The ship looks great and the numbers look solid. It definitely doesn't need a huge crew or a high warp factor. Does it ever carry passengers or just cargo?
  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    It's 99% just cargo, but taking your question into consideration, I have added 4 passenger rooms for people who would be or need to travel with specific cargo in tow.

    Tonight I got more of the top view done, started work on the side view and updated the bottom view with the ramscoops and impulse engines.

    The crew count can be fairly low too because I am assuming people have multiple jobs on the ship, unlike a federation exploration vessel.

    Next up I need to add in some phasers, sensor plates and a shield grid...

    1A) Bridge & Turbolift
    1B) Subspace Comm Array, Upper Computer Core, Escape Pods, Sr. Staff Quarters, Upper Warp Core & Fuel Tanks
    2) Mess Hall, Mid. Computer Core, Conference Room, Waste Recycling, Transporter Room, Life Support, Fuel Tanks, Upper Engineering, Upper Fusion Reactor, Work-bee Bay
    3) Sensor Ctrl Room, Gravity Ctrl Room, Lower Computer Core, Sickbay, Passengers Quarters, Replicator Bio-Matter Storage Tank, Main Engineering, Lower Fusion Reactor, Cargo Transporter, Cargo-container Docking Clamps
    4)Deflector Control, Crew Lounge & Gym, Secondary Life Support, Maintenance & Parts Storage, Cargo-container Docking Clamps
    5) Torpedo Launchers, Main Deflector, Crew Quarters, Escape Pods, Emg Rations Storage, Docking Ports 1 & 2, EVA Suit Storage, 'Armory', Sensor Plates, Bussard Collector Feed, Secondary Subspace Comm Array, Lower Warp Core, Coolant Tank
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  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    Just another quick update tonight.

    Phasers added, escape pods moved around a bit, two sensor plates added, transporter emitters, impulse engine has some coloring done, and a few minor details here and there.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    It's looking really good. :thumb:
  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    Didn't get as much done as I had hoped to, but here's another update.
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  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    Here is the finished product as of right now. Like all good artists... I'll probably go back and make changes to it later on, though.

    Alos: the MSD I made for her.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    It came out great. I like the MSD too. :)
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