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AnimationSpace Shuttle Columbia-Columbia's Last Voyage

RandalRRandalR0 Posts: 0Member
edited October 2015 in Finished Work #1

Columbia's last voyage.....What really happened in 2003.
Visual Fiction or NASA has some explaining to do.
footage taken from US Space Command Archives..which happened to be watching the mission from satellite cameras
and comms eavesdropping.

This is a work of visual is in fact part of a Battlestar 2015
video am trying to remake.I thought I would cut a short and load it up...also thought of trying to add fictitious description and see what others may think...Interesting to see possibly.
Model credits I will add when I actually determine which ones I used and re-tex'd.And probably just add it to the Project this is made for.


I did run this thru AE and tried to add color balance changes..which i am just now experimenting with a thinking of dropping it for the real video.

Thank you for visiting my post.
Post edited by RandalR on


  • RandalRRandalR0 Posts: 0Member
    Addendum....Reply to SIgor@C4dCafe...
    on why not make it more interesting and animate the camera?

    Interesting you say that.. Because I did try that at first..and it I kept thinking....well, if this is the space shuttle..who is operating the camera?I kind of leaned to the idea that it is a static mount camera that captures the footage ( Similar to how I have always seen things when I have seen video of orbiter or station in orbit) leads into the Intro open titles and then,, the start of the viper dialogue..( where the camera will move...:D )

    I did entertain the thought..thinking of trying to add like a motor mounted camera,,but was not sure if I could do it or make it appear that way. plus it took me like 2weeks to render this...:D

    I been trying to hold on to the idea of slowly picking up the pace of things..I am not even using the ship DAT's I guess- directional thrusters until they start actually needing them..:D

    this is just an offshoot of the main idea and concept born of the footage.

    ---Maybe more info than needed...:D ---

    But to be honest..I do it to express and create and learn..thru experimenting and trial..not necessarily to imitate or recreate life events.Expressions of ideas and concepts.parodies,spoofs,satirical etc..ideas and thoughts that I cannot possibly entertain to make/create..but would like to...I just have too many too often and sometimes it actually goes dry too.

    I just hope people like or enjoy seeing these things or get some pointers or a laugh or maybe learn or see something they have not seen or maybe inspire..because Inspiration is a foundation for creativity,artistic expression,motivation and so much more....incl...Genius and Brilliance.

    the main project..I am trying to make in the fashion of the early BSG a tv show i hope.
  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    Hi Randal,

    I enjoyed the video quite a bit and definitely had the look and feel as well as pace of a NASA video. Well done.
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