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3DStar Trek Renegade Variation

metalsnakemetalsnake5 Posts: 0Member
edited October 2015 in Work in Progress #1
hello folks theres not much to show on this wip from before reaching this stage but thats mainly cause i've run into issues now lol ..... i'm having trouble designing warp nacelles for this little beast its based off the fan movie StarTrek Renegades Iccarus class ship and is going into a game called x3: reunion

its still early stages most of its blocked out and updated to the shape and just needs detailing in most locations IE windows bridge module etc

below its its current look from the front to aft but i'm not happy with the nacelles so figured i'd ask around on here and see if anyone has any suggestions ( the image ones could be classed as a place holder unless everyone actually likes them )

much thanks
Post edited by metalsnake on


  • SanderleeSanderlee1 Posts: 0Member
    Pretty radical design! Looks like it has elements of Battlestar in the "saucer" section.

    I find the nacelles to be interesting. Perhaps a bit more smoothing and blending the forms will help. Stretching them further aft might also help (and add to the racer feel the hull gives).

    I'm very intrigued as to where this will go!
  • komarokomaro348 CanadaPosts: 752Member
    I also like the nacelles a lot. But the saucer not so much. For once, I think it's too small from the rest of the terms of being wider. I would have put a design element that goes from the middle section to the front of the saucer, just to put a flow from the saucer to the rest of the ship. The saucer looks too much like a separate element compare to the rest of the design. Hope you find a balance...
  • metalsnakemetalsnake5 Posts: 0Member
    some valid points from both replies here and while i agree with some ideas about the design for the nacelle work the saucer section is supposed to be small in general its based of the ship in the images below but i wanted to make a slightly different version from the one in actual show for copyright reasons

    and fyi its still a wip i'm working on the saucer and the bridge section atm hopefully have a wip image for that in the next update :D
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804581 Posts: 11,179Member
    Also, for those who haven't seen the film, this ship isn't a Starfleet vessel. So, it's a bit different than what you're used to seeing from Starfleet.

    Your version is looking good so far. :)
  • metalsnakemetalsnake5 Posts: 0Member
    that isnt quite true ..... from what i've read about the films storyline i'm pretty sure it was a starfleet vessel it was however stolen and renamed the hms icarus ..... at least from what i heard i might be wrong though lol hense the blue warp nacelles and red bussards phaser arrays etc however in the film its been fitted with plasma beam cannons on the front of each nacelle :)

    like i say i might be wrong on this so dont quote me either way i'm glad to hear you like version its nice to have some 3rd party inspiration these days :D
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804581 Posts: 11,179Member
    I got the impression it was a Section 31 ship, but I also may be wrong. Section 31 uses Federation technology but is kind of separate from Starfleet, or something like that. They're not exactly in the Starfleet chain of command. Either way, it's not your typical Starfleet vessel.
  • komarokomaro348 CanadaPosts: 752Member
    Well I couldn't get passed the first half hour of the movie, but I see your point about the saucer. That said, in is a natural line that goes from the hull to the saucer. Elements that merge both of them together. Keep it up.
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,210Member
    ^^ That's about 20 minutes more than I managed. Glad I didn't support that one, I'd be pissed.

    I do kinda like this ship, though, but feel that there's too much wasted space in the saucer cut-out.

    As for the OP: I really like those nacelles. They just need some bussard caps on them and they'd be great. I'm not entirely sold on the saucer, though.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804581 Posts: 11,179Member
    I like Renegades. Now that I'm employed again, I'm thinking of supporting their next installment at least enough to get a Blu-Ray of the film. Though, I'm tempted to kick it up to the level where you get that, the DVD of OGAM and a Renegades combadge. It's a better deal.
  • komarokomaro348 CanadaPosts: 752Member
    I like Renegades. Now that I'm employed again, I'm thinking of supporting their next installment at least enough to get a Blu-Ray of the film. Though, I'm tempted to kick it up to the level where you get that, the DVD of OGAM and a Renegades combadge. It's a better deal.

    The space scene were top notch...but all the composite scene were weak. The way the character were cut into FX, the particles effects were subpar. But I do understand it's a very expansive area in movies. That said, making a variation on their ships is a good idea. I like the fact they were a bit more alien then federation, while keeping some of the design's guidelines.
  • bosunbosun62 Posts: 0Member
    I watched it because I remembered the WIPs of the new Klingon ship were on this site, which looked fantastic. As for the rest of the movie... well, it's fun to see Chekov being Chekov. (Trying to think of something else that was good...) And the captain was hot.

    OK, I'm done.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804581 Posts: 11,179Member
    bosun wrote: »
    And the captain was hot.

    Yes, she is. :D
  • metalsnakemetalsnake5 Posts: 0Member
    i can not find reason to disagree on that comment lol ..... on another note before i get to work on the bridge area and saucer to hull connection work i have 2 ideas for new more streamlined nacelles coming up within the next 20 hrs lol first is a new design based off a few others i've got reference models and reference pictures of and the 2nd type is a simple " re-use " of the nova/equinox nacelles should have images up later :)
  • metalsnakemetalsnake5 Posts: 0Member
    small update here nothing new on the actually ship but i have come up with a new undetailed warp nacelle design that i'm happy with and it seems to fit the rest of the ship nicely .... following the ideas given here i gave them some streamed lines and i hope you all agree there nicer than the big chunky front end ones :)

    let me know what ya think guys
  • SanderleeSanderlee1 Posts: 0Member
    Very nice. A bit, erm, phallic, but that's sort of inevitable with many nacelle designs. I'm still curious to see if lengthening them would improve the feel of the ship ... but it's not my ship and I can't model, so ... :)
  • metalsnakemetalsnake5 Posts: 0Member
    further back or bring it further forward ? cos they are slightly longer than the other ones that where on it
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804581 Posts: 11,179Member
    I like them, they have a nice shape. :)
  • metalsnakemetalsnake5 Posts: 0Member
    I like them, they have a nice shape. :)

    glad you agree they suit the ship better i think i personally like the size too so meh i'll keep um just gotta detail them up and texture them along with the rest of the hull lol :D
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804581 Posts: 11,179Member
    Yeah, the size really gives the ship good balance, in my opinion. With four nacelles, it's important to be careful not to make them too big, or else the ship will look like it's all engines.
  • SanderleeSanderlee1 Posts: 0Member
    metalsnake wrote: »
    further back or bring it further forward ? cos they are slightly longer than the other ones that where on it

    Pulled a bit longer aft to give the ship a longer, sleeker profile. Not much, maybe 10% - 20% longer aft beyond the secondary hull.

    It might not work, but it could add even more to what's a pretty nifty ship already.
  • metalsnakemetalsnake5 Posts: 0Member
    so lengthened the nacelles by 8% roughly and finally blocked out the bridge module area ...... made a few phaser strips too though they need redoing anyway .... an oil tank and half tubes = to many polies for my liking lol still gotta block out the underside of the saucer section ..... not sure but I may put a captains yacht on this thing
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804581 Posts: 11,179Member
    Looking good. :)

    Are you trying to keep this under a certain number of polygons? If so, why? (just curious)
  • metalsnakemetalsnake5 Posts: 0Member
    the game i'm making it as an addon for doesn't have a poly limit as such .... the higher the polies the more parts it goes in as however you can only have a few high poly ships in one area ...... but the poly limit doesn't really apply to me on this build i'll increase the detail and polies till i'm happy with it overall and go from there :)
  • SanderleeSanderlee1 Posts: 0Member
    I'm not observant enough to see the extra length to the nacelles, but that's not relevant. This continues to be a spiffy ship!
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