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3DTrek Concept Ship

YggYgg0 Posts: 0Member
edited March 2015 in Work in Progress #1
Hallo Meshies,
im trying myself on a four nacelled design as i never could do one properly, here is a first raw concept
concept232 2.jpg
concept232 front.jpg
concept232 top.jpg
just a first look, im currently experimenting on it
Post edited by Ygg on


  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    I like it. Refine it some more and you've got yourself a winner. :)
  • YggYgg0 Posts: 0Member
    thanks, wish i had your skill in detailing ^^, still stuck on the nacelles

    concept232 new1.jpg
    concept232 new2.jpg
    concept232 new3.jpg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804616 Posts: 11,188Member
    I like it so far and I'm looking forward to seeing it develop.
  • YggYgg0 Posts: 0Member
    thanks evil :), i want to train my detailing with this too

    wondering about the size now, should be more compact than the akira or prometheus but i could also see it larger, so far i have it at 16 decks (like prometheus) and about 400 meters
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    It looks similar to the Prometheus, that can't be denied. :)
  • YggYgg0 Posts: 0Member
    lol you really think so?

    concept232 prom1.jpg
    concept232 prom2.jpg
    concept232 prom3.jpg
    excellent prometheus mesh by Ed Giddings

    also good for more size relation, apart from the four nacelles - really? i took the shape from a church im designing for one of my fantasy maps, cant think of another trek ship that really looks similar, but i like the prometheus, very elegant shape
  • YggYgg0 Posts: 0Member
    using the mesh for inspiration if found that the prometheus has a tiny nacelle on the top, cute ^^

    colour, slimer nacelles, bridge (resting on a federation badge-like shape, yesss ^^)

  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    I am really enjoying the direction this is headed. Nice work so far. :thumb:
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804616 Posts: 11,188Member
    It's not as ugly as the Prometheus. ;)
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    I find the Prometheus looks quite agreeable. Not great, not marvellous, but deffo better than those ugly-kitbashes like the Raider-x-Intrepid (Yeager-class), or such crap....
  • YggYgg0 Posts: 0Member
    thanks evil, and yeah aresius, i always thought the prometheus was a slightly awkward compromise for the four nacelles and seperation mode but since i loaded it to my scene now i have new respect for the design, its more excentric than harmonic but not really bad, recently seen the yeager in a game mod, still good for a wtf moment

    just some reworking of the sec hull, nacelles and some makeshift details, shuttlebay ends up being right under the bridge lol
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    You could move the impulse engines to the rear two points aft of the nacelle pylons and use your current impulse engine location as the shuttlebay.
  • YggYgg0 Posts: 0Member
    hmm, that sounds more plausible indeed, ill give it a try
  • YggYgg0 Posts: 0Member
    here it goes, thanks for the tip :thumb:
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    When you put your escape pods on, think about where the crew will actually be. Will there be enough people in the sponsons to justify that many escape pods?
  • YggYgg0 Posts: 0Member
    its where the engineers work who also designed the ship :D, good point though, ill give it some more later on, so far its makeshift detail - im still not that good at detailing
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804616 Posts: 11,188Member
    It's looking good, though I agree about the escape pods.

    "Getting cramped.... running to..... far away escape pod!" ;)
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    I'll third the issue on the escape pod location. The hatches themselves look good but moving them up toward the saucer would be the best bet. I love the impulse engine set up now, by the way. Tweak that area where you're putting the shuttlebay and it'll be great. With that area you could stack shuttlebay doors (two vertically would fit) and still have clearance below the bridge. Speaking on the bridge, IMO those windows are too much. It looks like the current setup would require those windows to be open to the bridge which probably isn't a good idea strategically. :)

    I just thought about it and phaser strips would be a good fit in the escape pod locations.
  • YggYgg0 Posts: 0Member
    "Getting cramped.... running to..... far away escape pod!"
    well makes for good tv, dramatic running sequence, ill also work in some gaping abysses for fight scenes :D

    agree to your points schimpfy, its makeshift detail, also feel the bridge windows are a bit big, ill rework that, now im free to make a proper shuttle area, 2 levels seem a bit high, mind the curvature next to the nozzle, i cant go over that, maybe i can combine the cylindrical part with the nozzle somehow, but it certainly has to be higher, fitting a venture or danube in there would be nice

    the phasers strips are a good idea too, will do
  • YggYgg0 Posts: 0Member
    oh well, runabout fits, everything fine :D
    runabout mesh by Matthew Allen of the wolfpak

    just kidding, thats clearly too small, and doesnt look like a shuttle bay, also think i shouldnt use runabouts, they are too big for a ship like this
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804616 Posts: 11,188Member
    Ygg wrote: »
    "Getting cramped.... running to..... far away escape pod!"
    well makes for good tv, dramatic running sequence, ill also work in some gaping abysses for fight scenes :D

    All you need is an explosion and Stallone or Schwarzenegger running from and yelling it to make it complete. :lol:
  • YggYgg0 Posts: 0Member
    :lol: get to the chopp.. i mean escape poooods

    btw: with the shuttle bay right under the bridge maybe the bridge officers considered additional escape pods a waste of precious ressources ^^
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    About the escape pods in general, there are a few questions that you should think about; How many people do you think would be on the vessel in general? How many people would fit into one escape pod? Hence, how many escape pods do you need ; a) at least; b) at maximum.
    Add another number in case you have damaged sections, and thus inaccessible escape pods.

    Then comes the placing, which goes by the amount of people being (i.e. both working and living) in the whole habitable area. Look at any given area and think about the fastest route (without a turbolift in case of a breakdown of the lift-system) from that position to an escape pod; it should not take more than 2 minutes on a ship your size.
    Place them in groups of even-numbers to make it both aesthetical and reasonable; one double escape pod area every 10 meters is not only a wast of space, but also obnoxious.
  • YggYgg0 Posts: 0Member
    very interesting aresius, i yet have to get the skill to plan a ship through like that, how many people fit in one of these standard triangle pods? by size i would guess three to five but when i count the pods on the akira class i end up with around 60 for a crew of 500, leaves it at something like 10, my ship is smaller, around 300 crew so i should fix about 30 pods i guess, the secondary hull is quite beefy so i need at least some there

    quickly did a shuttle bay draft, keeping it simple for now, you were right schimpfy, works out to two levels, i know it needs detail, been battling a mean vertices error


    type 9 shuttle mesh by Mohammad 'MK84' Khair
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    According to the technical manuals (most people hate them for their somewhat contradictory statements, but for such small things they're usually a good idea, or at least give you a good point to start from), the Defiant and Intrepid-type escape-pods could hold up to 6 people. Then again, most of the time, shuttles and runabouts are also counted as escape-vessels, and while a smaller type-6, type-10, type-15, and type-18 would already be crammed with 2 people, a runabout like you showed, could easily hold up to 40 passengers (again, DS9-Tech Manaual). Now considering that Jaeger (or in-verse speaking, the ASDB) designed the Akira as a shuttle carrier (hence that humongous shuttle-bay), they have a plethora of shuttlecrafts to be used as additional escape-vessels. So the escape pods could hold 6*60=360, and 3 Runabouts could hold 3*40=120, and let's have another of the smaller crafts, one which can hold 5 (shuttle type 6, 8, or probably even 9 would be that) we need only 4 more of those. Then the crew of 500 is safe (and such a huge shuttlebay likely has far more than 4 smaller shuttles and 3 runabouts....).

    So, about your ship:
    -How many runabouts and shuttles do you plan to have in that shuttlebay?
    -How many remaining crew does that leave?
    -Where are the most likely stationed?
    -Which decks do you want to make focal-points for the escape-hatches?

    There ya go. ;)
  • YggYgg0 Posts: 0Member
    ah very interesting aresius, didnt know the akira had such big hangar bays, in the last game i played it was even considered a carrier (sacrifice of angels mod for sins of solar empire - highly recommended), makes sense then, so far i can fit in 12 type 9s which definitly carry only 2 ppl, with the figure of 6 for the pods (which to me also makes sense with teh shape - two ppl each side) ill probably fit like 45 pods and maybe design a carrier shuttle that can take the rest, the runabout is too big right now, im thinking something like the arrow class, thanks for the clarification so far :thumb:
  • YggYgg0 Posts: 0Member
    only minor changes, ill leave it at this for now as i have some other projects too but ill finish it later
    ill redistribute the pods and make windows and such, so far i almost have my 45
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804616 Posts: 11,188Member
    Where is all that red light coming from?
  • YggYgg0 Posts: 0Member
    from frustration about my broken glow effect ^^
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