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2DShip of ants

froggi3froggi3336 Posts: 25Member
edited February 2015 in Work in Progress #1
I can't model in 3D, I have tried to over the years but just have too much going on. I am a writer and am published, I won't go into what I've written because I don't want to be self serving. I'm making my first foray into sci fi and have designed a ship crewed by ant-like creatures, they are bipedal and stand upright. This is what I have drawn with Photoshop and an older version of paint, I got some textures from various sites for the ship's hull. Please keep in mind, I am no expert by any means.


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  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    still looks very good.
  • froggi3froggi3336 Posts: 25Member
    Thanks Aresius. Now for some of the front....

  • froggi3froggi3336 Posts: 25Member
    More done.....

  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    Hmm. From that side view, I was expecting spin-for-gravity hab rings on a spine.
  • froggi3froggi3336 Posts: 25Member
    No, there isn't a spin. This ship has artificial gravity and is designed to burrow into the soil, like an actual ant colony. The spine is a lift and stairs designed to get from one section to another or to leave the ship. The basis of the story is that a series of craft set out from the home world to find food and return it or start another colony. Natural ant colonies are a series of rooms with tunnels and usually a main tunnel to get to the surface. I thought that a ship that looked natural would not be something an advanced civilization would construct for space travel.

    cast Ant City underground.jpgship4.jpg
  • froggi3froggi3336 Posts: 25Member
    Now to make it look old and used, like it's been in space quite a few years. Then the back....
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    almost looks like Narn scripture....

    Still nice tho.

    Btw, how does it burrow down? Drilling? That would still require it to spin....
  • froggi3froggi3336 Posts: 25Member
    As far as burrowing down I haven't addressed that yet, that's something I need to think about. BTW, anyone want to take a crack and model this 3D for me? If this is published you will be credited and paid! This story is to take place over a 30 year time frame so I'm looking at 3 novels. I know 3D modelling takes hundreds of hours and I can't guarantee a publisher will pick this up, but I'll be publishing it myself if it isn't optioned.
  • froggi3froggi3336 Posts: 25Member
    OK, did some more work, added some damage that would occur during space travel. Added a series of communications modules and towers. I've also included a design for the gun pods that are attached to the habitat "rooms".ship3.jpgpdc.PNG
  • Knight26Knight26192 Posts: 838Member
    Interesting concept, can we get some different view though, like a 3/4 projection?
  • froggi3froggi3336 Posts: 25Member
    I'm not really sure what you mean by a 3/4 projection? I'm no artist as you can see, I usually work with words. Can you give me an example?
  • Knight26Knight26192 Posts: 838Member
    Give us a shot that isn't just straight on to the side or the top. Say 30 degrees of center to one side and 45 degrees "up." Otherwise we can't see the details on the upper and lower side of the "discs."
  • froggi3froggi3336 Posts: 25Member
    You mean a view like this F-35 then.
    Oh, I can't do that. My drawing skills are very limited, I mean, I can see it in my head in 3D. Actually graphically drawing it would be impossible as far as my creative abilities are concerned. I've downloaded Google Sketchup and am taking several tutorials in order to learn how to do this in 3D.
    view.jpg 201.1K
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