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Ano'Sken Neilo. A blind Togruta Jedi of mine has a pair of unique sabers. Unique in that they combine a number of features in a set. The first, the sabers have a connecter on the pommel. The second, a blade length setting, enabling a double length blade on both. The third and fourth are aesthetic and audio only. The third basically weakens the containment field of the saber, giving it a flame effect. The fourth just makes the hum louder. (Togruta have a natural echo location thing, like Daredevil.)

Note: Since Ano is blind, she carries with her a two piece staff, connected in the middle. Each tip has a corresponding connector socket for the lightsabers, allowing each saber to be attached to the staff. Overall max length of the set is 19 feet. 5 for the staff, 1 for the handles, 3-6 for the blades. (Also note, I have gotten a LOT of comments on how ineffective this combo is, and yes I know it is. She uses this setup for poi/blade dancing.) But imagine if you would, how shocking it would be if a saber you are parrying away suddenly extends in length and explodes with a firestorm aura? Food for thought.

Second Note: Character was made and Rendered in DAZ Studio.
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