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3DRomulan War Destroyer

evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
edited October 2014 in Work in Progress #1
This is a ship IA’m building thatA’s based on a design that Madkoifish posted the other day. He drew this sketch while he was waiting for something to render. I wish I could draw like that.


Slightly revised version:


Anyway, I immediately liked the sketch and said I may have to nab it, to which he replied, A“go for it.A” So, I did. While he designed the ship to be a TOS ship, the design really lends itself to any Trek era, as we later discussed. So, I decided to do mine in the Romulan War era, just over a century before TOS. HereA’s my back story on the ship:

As tensions were rising between Earth and the Romulan Star Empire, war was inevitable. The duty of protecting Earth fell to Starfleet. As an organization dedicated to peaceful exploration of space, the idea of going to war was an alien one, but Starfleet officers were trained for combat. While the NX-class ships were handy to have in a fight, each ship took over a year to build and required a large crew to operate. Starfleet Command realized that they would need ships in a hurry, so they needed ships that took less time and resources to build and less people to operate. This thinking gave rise to the destroyer. Unlike StarfleetA’s earlier vessels, the destroyers were pure warships. The design was smaller and more nimble than an NX-class, but had no less firepower. Each ship had a crew of thirty, less than half the crew of an NX-class. Crew quarters were small, with only the captain and first officer getting private cabins. The rest of the crew shared quarters with one other person. Due to their small size and focus on warfare, the ships had no science labs and only a basic sickbay. Crew facilities were limited to one mess hall and the crew ate Starfleet field rations to save on cargo space, which was very limited. Unlike the larger ships, these vessels werenA’t designed to operate for long periods of time in deep space. Instead, the ships would launch from a Starbase or other command post, fly to an area to fight, and then return. If they were used for patrols, their time on station was limited to a few months. Destroyers saw a lot of action in the war, leading to a number of StarfleetA’s larger victories.

Following the war, the ships in this class were used for defense. They would be assigned to a planet or Starbase, or would act as escorts for colony convoys. Some ships were also used for border defense.

Anyway, the build so far is pretty easy, though time consuming. ItA’s a lot of box modeling and subdivision. I started yesterday and this is where IA’m at now:





I meant to add the warp nacelles today, but I never made it that far. I started on the deflector housing, then I got started on paneling. After that, I added the RCS thrusters and impulse engines. So, it can move at sublight speeds. ;)
Post edited by evil_genius_180 on


  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1188 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,630Member
    Sweeet! I also loved the sketch when I saw it... glad someone's modelling it!
  • calamity_sicalamity_si361 Posts: 370Member
    Looks great so far!
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    I first looked at the pic and thought it's a new thread from MKF, and the first renderings looked much alike to his workings in regards of detail. Only that his logo was missing. Only then I realised that EG made them. You've got great there, man!
  • nightfevernightfever372 Posts: 585Member
    Clean and solid, a good start.
  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    Looking good Chris. I just don't understand how you folks can churn out models this quickly and look so good.
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    I also really liked that sketch. Great start on it.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Thanks everyone. :)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Tralfaz wrote: »
    I just don't understand how you folks can churn out models this quickly and look so good.

    It's called having too much time on your hands. ;)

    The beginnings of the nacelles and pylons are in place.





    Presently, this thing is 98.55 meters long, 71.8 meters wide and 21 meters tall. I don’t expect the length or width to change much from here on out, but the height will definitely change when I add the bridge.
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    D'aawww, it's so cute. Makes me think of a Chibi Voyager. :p
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Vortex5972 wrote: »
    D'aawww, it's so cute. Makes me think of a Chibi Voyager. :p

    Good, cute. The very look I was going for with my warship.

    I toyed with the idea of doing this one Voyager era after I did the deflector housing. Then I did the RCS thrusters and that changed it back to Enterprise era. ;)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Work continues on the nacelles and pylons. I got all of the grids and whatnot in both parts, which means I should be mostly done adding lines to the ship. I may add some on the bridge module, but that will be small compared to this. I also added the groove for the nacelle components. I went with only putting that on the inside. Since this is a warship, youA’d probably want more heavily armored nacelles, like the Defiant on DS9 had. In fact, this shipA’s small size and role in the fleet is very similar to the Defiant.




  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    Looks great. I'm sure the Romulans shall underestimate her. :p
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Not if they have sensors. :p

    More stuff. I added the bridge module (the dome will be added later) and some docking ports last night, I just didn’t post them. “Alien” was on Encore, so I listened to that while I was working, even though I have it on DVD. ;) Today, I did the line treatment to the bridge and added the navigational deflector.





    Now, to some people, the bridge and docking ports may seem a little “tall.” That’s because they’re realistically scaled. As I’ve said a whole lot of times in the past, scaling issues are a pet peeve with me. For ships built out of plastic, scaling issues are going to happen. It’s a fact. For example, the original Enterprise is full of them. Originally, the bridge was taller and there was only one line of windows in the teardrop and saucer edge. However, when they changed the ship for the series version, they shortened the bridge and added second lines of windows to those structures. With the ship scaled to its fictional measurements, the series bridge minus the dome is only 2.5 meters tall, which doesn’t match the internal sets. Likewise, there really isn’t enough room for two full-sized decks in the teardrop or saucer edge. But, that was the 1960s and, like I said, plastic models.

    However, these things still happen. Even on a well thought out and designed ship like the NX-01, there are some iffy measurements. One great example is the docking ports. Scaled to its fictional length of 225 meters long, the docking port hatches, including the frames, are only 1.5 meters tall. As we saw in the episode “Vox Sola,” the hatch itself isn’t even that large. While it varies by country, the average height for men in the US and UK at present is 177.6 centimeters, which is 1.776 meters. I’m closer to 1.91 meters tall, and there are a lot of taller people than me out there. So, most people would have to really stoop to get through a less than 1.5 meter opening.

    In my humble opinion, there’s just no excuse for scaling issues in CGI. Build everything at 1:1 scale and you’ll be fine. So, for my ships from this era, I’ve increased the size of the ports quite a bit. The door frame is 2.4 meters tall, the opening itself is 2.0716 meters tall. While some taller people will still have to stoop, at least not all of us will. (note: this series supposedly takes place 150 or so years in the future and average height will be taller by then, but that’s beside the point)

    Also, I avoided putting docking ports on the saucer edge because I didn’t like how they looked. The port structure is nearly as tall as the saucer edge, leaving little room for an indentation.
  • ryo80ryo800 Posts: 0Member
    Very nice, man. :) And small craft and vessels are especially challenging to make work with realistic scale and proportions. I, for one, share in your grief sir
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    ryo80 wrote: »
    Very nice, man. :) And small craft and vessels are especially challenging to make work with realistic scale and proportions. I, for one, share in your grief sir

    Thanks. :) Yeah, small craft can be a real pill. One detail slightly off scale wise can make it look completely wrong, especially if you do renders with people.

    Speaking of small craft, I want to do a slightly modified version of one of the Enterprise-era shuttle pods to go with the ship, but I can't find an accurate size on the thing. The best I've found is "about the size of a minivan." :rolleyes: I may have to just do something original.
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    I love how small this ship is.

    Looking forward to seeing your take on the shuttle. I've already begun my own.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Speaking of the NX shuttles and iffy designs, where do the wings go when they retract on the NX shuttlepods? Right into the impulse engines. That has always bugged me.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    HA, not around for a day then get sick for another and come back and find EG has cranked out another ship model!
    It is really interesting to see how people interpret a single view or image. I will refrain from making comments on shape design etc as I want to see how others develop the ship from the painting.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Like I said, too much time on my hands. ;) Plus, I'm trying to hurry through my personal stuff so that I don't have to "shelve" it when things heat back up on this fan film I've been working on. That may be happening soon.

    I definitely like your design, though I of course threw in some influences of my own. One thing I like about single views is that they're very open to interpretation. Sometimes, I'd rather work on something like that because there's not the need to be accurate like there is with something like the Enterprises, which are so well documented that everybody knows when you do one single thing wrong.

    I'd still love to see how you would build it sometime.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Not a lot done the past few days, but I’ve picked at it a bit. Mostly earlier today, while I was watching football.




  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    Looks amazing. Feels like it's all coming together now.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Thanks. I need to stay focused so that it does all come together. ;)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Nice. :)

    You know, something has bugged me about that part of Star Wars for years. For the guy who was supposed to be leading the attack, Gold Leader sure did fall to pieces under pressure. I don't know why Red Leader wasn't Gold Leader, he appeared to be older and definitely had his stuff together much better than Gold Leader did. From a tactical standpoint, it makes more sense to have your most senior and experienced pilot do the first attack run, since you don't know how many you're going to get. (That's why Luke went last.)
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    That's a good point. The same could be said for all of the other Captains and even higher ranking officers in Trek that were incompetent. Also, half of the time, the reason Kirk and co survived was because someone else had already been and tried what they would have done first, so half the work was already done.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    That doesn't bug me as much as how many times the Enterprise is the only ship in the area to respond to anything. That's especially bad in TMP. "The only Starship in interception range is the Enterprise." Really?! Now, according to Gene Roddenberry's definition of the word, "Starship" referred to large heavy cruisers like the Enterprise. So, it could be that there were smaller vessels in interception range, but Starfleet decided they couldn't handle the task. After all, the thing took out three of the Klingons' largest and most powerful warships. Still, does it make sense to leave the defense of the Sol system and surrounding area to smaller, less powerful ships? No, it does not. They did this a bunch of other times. In Star Trek II, the Enterprise was the only ship in the quadrant. I sure hope they mean sector quadrant and not galactic quadrant. Either way, that means the Enterprise was flying on a training mission in a relatively undefended section of the galaxy. Not smart.

    Then, of course, in ST5, they had ships but they needed James Kirk. That goes to that thing you were talking about where Kirk is put on a pedestal and supposed to be better than everyone else.
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    Agreed, it's a rather cliche story telling trope. As for ST5, surely they'd have just temporarily assigned them to a different vessel.

    I think the absolute worst is Generations. Just where was the Ribbon in the opening? Enterprise-B was supposed to be making an in-system flight. Okay, fine. The Ribbon must be incredibly close to Sol if they're the only ship in range. Why wasn't it being tracked? Where did it go after? Where the f*ck was the rest of Starfleet in the Sol System?
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Don't even get me started on Generations. Worst Trek movie after "Into Darkness," in my opinion. So many plot holes. Hell, the whole plot is a hole. If Soran can fly into the ribbon with a ship and the ship is destroyed and he still makes it into the Nexus, why not just do that? 39 years is plenty of time to get an operator's license and a one person ship, 78 years is even better. Instead, he goes the mass murder route. Destroying a couple stars won't change the gravy forces that much in an area, you're not going to be able to "push" the ribbon like that. I could go on, but you get the point. ;)
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    Nice. :)

    You know, something has bugged me about that part of Star Wars for years. For the guy who was supposed to be leading the attack, Gold Leader sure did fall to pieces under pressure. I don't know why Red Leader wasn't Gold Leader, he appeared to be older and definitely had his stuff together much better than Gold Leader did. From a tactical standpoint, it makes more sense to have your most senior and experienced pilot do the first attack run, since you don't know how many you're going to get. (That's why Luke went last.)
    You always have politicals in any military, rebellion or not. It's entirely possible that Gold Leader got his job through connections, rather than ability
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    Don't even get me started on Generations. Worst Trek movie after "Into Darkness," in my opinion. So many plot holes. Hell, the whole plot is a hole. If Soran can fly into the ribbon with a ship and the ship is destroyed and he still makes it into the Nexus, why not just do that? 39 years is plenty of time to get an operator's license and a one person ship, 78 years is even better. Instead, he goes the mass murder route. Destroying a couple stars won't change the gravy forces that much in an area, you're not going to be able to "push" the ribbon like that. I could go on, but you get the point. ;)
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