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3DStar Trek: Type XXV Starbase

BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
edited September 2014 in Work in Progress #1
I've been searching for a cool starbase as a backdrop for some of my ships for a long time, but the usual suspects (Spacedock, Orbital Office and it's variants, etc.) usually are focused on the fact that they're, well, f*cking big. This makes for, in my opinion, a poor setting. Hence I started building my own (again). I've been making ground based towers and whatnot for some time but never finished them because I lost interest. I'm planning (honestly!) to finish this one off; it's been a good run, but I really need to get my act together and deliver something useable one day eh?

The basic shape is taken from a Star Trek Online space station I found during a google image search, but augmented to become 'whole', so to speak. The large saucer portion will hold several repair and docking bays (6 total), large enough to fit a single ship per bay in size up to an Intrepid class. Underneath those are a total of three docking hubs, allowing nine ships to dock simultaneously, with fly-through shuttle facilities in the arms connecting the hubs to the central shaft. The longer, overarching arms contain docking facilities for shuttles and runabouts (six entrances) and a total of three drydocks to service ships larger than an Intrepid class. I skipped the intern bays in the arms because the resulting hole looked rubbish. It does, however, create excellent space for phasers and torpedo launchers :) I'm not sure yet how long it will be, but right now it's 3 kilometers from the farthest end of an overarching arm to the central shaft and 3.2 kilometers high (not counting the everything above the fattest part of that communication spire); I'll probably keep it that way but I might add a few hundred meters if I can't manage to stuff the generator part in the lowest parts of the shaft.

And about that Type XXV name? Yeah, no clue :p
Post edited by BorgMan on


  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    Ah, this looks based on the original ST:O base. Yours is much better. Looking good so far.

    (I like your Galaxy Class model. :p )
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Looking good so far. :thumb:

    Yeah, the design you're basing this on was used for the original Earth Spacedock before people whined and they changed to the double mushroom style station. (before I started playing) Though, the model does still exist in the game, as Starbase 39.
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    Awkward, it doesn't look like it at all. Or is that because it's a higher level version?

    Anyway, next render!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    That's looking good.

    I have no idea what you found in your Google image search. It could have been a player fleet Starbase. That could be it, if it was incomplete, as one of the things you have to do in a fleet is "build" your Starbase. Or, maybe one of the other Starbases in the game. There are also some that are multiplayer PVE maps.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Very cool, although it kind of reminds me of this:

  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    Lol, it does resemble yeah :D

    Here's the image I used as a base :)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    BorgMan wrote: »
    Here's the image I used as a base :)

    Ah, the Tier 4 Fleet Starbase. I haven't played that game in so long that I had to look it up, but I thought that was a Fleet base.
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