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3D-= The Trek Project =-

MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
edited March 2015 in Work in Progress #1
This thread is to document the refit or rebuilds of older models. I have found some of my early models are loaded with mesh errors due to being built in older versions of MAX. Loops edge4s etc are all shifted or inverted in the case of tight curved surfaces. I will also be using this thread to finish off old models and to refit others to flow with the rest of the ships I have made unless they are canon era specific.

The first model here to be updates is the old Potamos Class Cruiser and it's variations. I will likely add a few to the mix as well. These will be altered to follow the details and build of the abandoned Re-re-connie.



Now some comparos of the old vs new



Current updates will follow cause if I remember only 5 images per post.
Post edited by MadKoiFish on
Each day we draw closer to the end.


  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    Small update gotta re-uvw it all when I weld it altogether but I think this is it except for the raised panels and other details that have to wait for me to well, weld it up.


    Likely I will work on the central bracing the spire before I weld things up. BUT I might just faf off and work on some other part of the ship for a while.

    Video playlist of the build

    Ugh it shows them backwards. Damned youtube. When it opens scroll down and select video 1 if you want to see it from the start. I have missed the last week or so since I have only managed tro work a hour or less a day on it.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    Nice to see you're still going strong! The ship looks like a nice intermediate step between a Kelvin and a Constitution. I'm particularly fond of that shuttlebay :)

    I know it might be inappropriate, but might there be a chance you'll continue work on your 1701-G?
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    See the youtube I have made a few updates to it. Some of the WIP is over at F3d but I had issues with the image host I was using and most of the images are gone now as they started linking to php instead of the images itself. I dunno when I will return to it though as it is pending a rework. As I have other models and projects (blakes 7, Yamato2199, personal work)along with this project to work on so it is on the back burner atm.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    The magnetic field whatchamacallit, pennant and uh I guess that is it lol. Slow going, seem to have lost my speed.

    give the video a few as it is still processing
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • TrekMDTrekMD192 Posts: 639Member
    Nice stuff! Thanks for sharing it!
  • publiusrpubliusr555 Posts: 1,755Member
    Thanks for coming back to the old faves.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    added a core ejection hatch before I realized that uh this ship really didn't have one like this on the older versions. derp. oh well. O_o
    Not happy with the spire so ignore it.



    Some extras,

    For those that care about what the little ships are:
    This one you can just see how these old 70s and 80s molds just do not hold up the plastic they used while detailed for such a small thing really acts up with the weld glues.

    And for the heck of it one slow ass render of the ugly spire. I think for tomorrow I will put the models away and just avoid long renders and just do work.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    The Project, The video Session 9
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    Added a inner dish to the dish and fooled with brackets and other things I left the spire for now but likely I will fool with it some more or swap it out altogether. BUT for now I think it is time to move to some other area of the ship to give me a break from all this LONG arse renders and all this rubbish copper. NOW in the colour renders IGNORE the surfacing on the dish parts as I have to weld and UVW everything so there are some details related to that that are smeared about or pinched up right now.



    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • dbrasco2069dbrasco20690 Posts: 2Member
    MadKoiFish wrote: »
    Added a inner dish to the dish and fooled with brackets and other things I left the spire for now but likely I will fool with it some more or swap it out altogether. BUT for now I think it is time to move to some other area of the ship to give me a break from all this LONG arse renders and all this rubbish copper. NOW in the colour renders IGNORE the surfacing on the dish parts as I have to weld and UVW everything so there are some details related to that that are smeared about or pinched up right now.




    This is pretty good. My one suggestion would be to really think about how the pieces fit together. Just inter-penetrating them isn't going to work for close ups. Just a quick example below: I fit this phaser bank directly into the hull and modeled around it. From a distance you won't be able to tell, but for close shots, it makes a huge difference. With proper textures and lighting, it will really 'sell' the piece.
    58.jpg 88.7K
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    Session 10, sorta

    I keep forgetting to un-pause the recorder and interruptions like max eating ram and causing massive lag, forcing a restart of the app do not help in the least. It is getting to the point I am having to restart max every 20~30min now.

    Renders are of a loose idea for the glow shapes seen in TOS. I dunno. heh. Original idea was just glowing pills on sticks. This is so busy now you cannot really even see the struts that suspend these parts. I might revert to something simple like a panel wall with the collector bits embedded in vs this array.


    Yeah the extended ship render is just too cluttered. Even with the slight diffuse domes I was planning. The green was a temp colour, plan was red orange or yellow. Or to do each unique in the TOS colours. But more I look I think i will just pull those and maybe some of the internals for something else. I will have to stick to something like the Daedalus or the rereconnie unless I redo the rereconnies bussard which really wouldn't end the world. Maybe junk it all for the style of dome I had on the thanatos even if it did eat up render times.
    Thanatos Bussards to jog those memories:


    Rereconnie bussards:

    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    This is where I left it a few days ago, well later that night.
    Caps with a slight blur on them. Well i think refraction flattening I guess. IE stuff further from the grill will blur more than things closer.
    The glows are generic atm so they likely will change. I pulled a lot of the copper mostly because of how the dome works it is a waste of time and rendering to have them be a metallic copper. EXP if I frost things up.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    Session 11 sorta, lots of DERP forgot to unpause and leaving the stupid recorder running when I was afk.

    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    Saucer is getting a bit tight so I might drop some of the details. Really not sure on the triangle things due to them having to break across the phaser inset and emitter ring. I did this as without it they are awfully short. The ribs I would like to try to retain as those were again a feature of the original model. Real fin is grid lines and such. I really am tempted to abandon those secondary mounted torps and stuff a set in the saucer as one of those variants will need this done to it but logistics says having a central weapons store in the secondary away from the crew quarters is a more desirable thing. I dunno.

    Speaking of torps I am likely to dump the existing objects (mostly stolen from my rereconnie) for those for the ones on the Thanatos. But then again those are supposedly newer than the Connie's HDW but then again the connie HDW is more exploratory so the need for probe launches and other things that use the torps will require a more robust system vs just blowing crap up.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    mm ok that didn't take long. Spent more time making and eating lunch. ;p

    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • slybrarianslybrarian68 Posts: 49Member
    Cool bussards. I also really like (and have for a while) the torpedo tubes you use, I think they're a nice middle ground between the huge TMP-onward tubes and the small, almost invisible ones of Enterprise, fitting for a TOS ship with actual detail.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    Ok I guess I can upload this update, messing about with plating that lower bit of hull. Might be to subtle.

    It is a issue when you loose your notes on what you did with panels on other ships (this case the rereconnie) So I dunno I might be reverting and starting over. fffff
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    GOD I hate the overlay crap to enter images videos etc half the time it is white overlay and it hangs killing everything I wrote.

    Stupid bloody youtube, finally got that file to process

    updates paintover and a scribble sneak peak.



    It is a private project atm as I was really sick when the request went out. Since I am going my own way with the interpretation of the ship from the singular top down image. Only thing is I am not finding much in the way of data, weapons, size, etc.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    That endcap has little use; if you keep the raised section, it's only for aesthetic purposes. Your call.

    I like that turret though. I'd keep it :)

    And that private project: Ditch the exposed deflector. If this is a destroyer, it is bound to be in more than one combat situation and that deflector literally screams SHOOT ME OFF OF THE HULL!!!11!!! I'm not suggesting a Vengeance like set-up, except I am ;) Recessed into the hull, more akin to modern deflectors, means it is less of a target than what it is now.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    Do not pass further if you do not want to read a mess of neckbeardy verbal vomit!

    I am so tired by now of hearing that phrase, these are not ships that can absorb tonnes or gigatons of weaponry, once the shields go any shot to central mass will make a mess of the entire ship. Shooting at any specific target with shields up is pointless. Aiming at a grid or zone on the shields with intent to possibly damage a section of ship with low yeild weapons with intent on disabling it maybe. Do not forget the dead Klingon that missed the target.

    A destroyer is not a battleship, it is small lightweight and heavily armed. In the navy it's targets were aircraft and subs. They were not armored for a defensive role, they are purely offensive.

    I would rather the proverbial dog balls than the mess that is explaining why the deflector and coms systems are not large visible objects. REASONING, if they could hide or conceal it why bother making ginormous dishes otherwise. (reliant I am glaring at you, and no I do not need a dissertation form anyone on what where and how the Reliant deals with it, it is still a mess no matter how you spin the excuses.) There is precedence for exposed deflectors, not 100% canon but much of what people hold as design elements are not either.

    Design wise there is not much you can do with the shape. you pretty much would have to take that leading nose and convert it into a deflector array as clearance and sight views are all obscured. (this is something I am considering) Unless you break the flow of the shape and the overall design ideals of trek and the warp field plan of trek and make a large bulbous unit below the saucer, with what appears as a large brick under that spanning Y to house a deflector. I am unwilling to have that large and wide of a mass hanging below the center-line of the saucer. Consider the existing 3d model of this "class" I could always say some hull is obscured from view and construed that into some shape that can house a conventional in hull deflector. But then again Additional hull means more mass and weight.

    Example, TMP with shields down ship hull could not maintain integrity with a single phaser hit, plenty of other examples in trek. It was not until the latter TNG era they they could sustain integrity of weapons fire of similar tech (read phasers and torps) unshielded. I do not see any armor in the TOS or pre TOS era able to withstand the weapons fire of similar advanced tech. So obscuring the deflector with hull or plating like on the Vengeance, would just provide more mass to interact with the antimatter or in the case of phasers provide more mass to turn into molten shrapnel to cause more damage.

    Oh had a thought, I could say instead of that Y touching the saucer it could be raised and have something in the hull maybe those dark areas are extensions that house comms and deflector control. Only issue is again comms and all that deflector crap isnt too good to have NEAR or next to hull. Anyhow like I said early days in fleshing it out. (and yes, I am not all too happy with the idea of a typical TOS like lower saucer on this thing.

    In the end it is just a 10min doodle that needs fleshing out. I likely wont approach this model any time soon unless i loose interest in the LETHE work. You never know. But I can say with a firm answer I will not do anything that relates to the Vengeance or the idiocy related to it. It is all conventional thinking and stupid trend over function. (that whole tactical BS, make it black , make it angular, make it tank armored.) Consider what I have done prior with my designs what has come in ENT, TOS and what came after in TMP TNG etc. I will not obscure elements with "blast" armor and other stupid atmospheric like defenses.

    Yes a wall of text, YES I think things out I do not just stick **** on based on how it looks.

    Endcap if your referring to the Lethe it serves a purpose, retaining the grid integrity for the warp cutout. The upper surface though has no purpose, least not yet or none I have handwaviumed up. The original was just pill shaped with a hole for the torp tubes, I deemed this a bit to cheap looking and a cop out, and am looking at alternatives.

    I already have other ideas for that rear shelf, Originally I meant to place a phaser array there but it would have limited view, though even mounted on the dorsal hull the nacelles and struts will still obscure much of the upper hemi. Having them down on that platform would provide a bit more angle under the nacelles. It just needs me to look at the clearances and decide which is best. The current idea is to extend that object the torps are housed in and step up the outter hull to create a shield array in that area or maybe some sort of gravity well for warping space to help direct the torps on initial launch. I could do a large half circle object with the torps in some turret mount, a bit moot as torps have their own navigational abilities. :p Either way it is not just aesthetics. Then again, I might undo all that hull and do something else entirely.

    lots to think about.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • stephan_skastephan_ska171 Posts: 0Member
    Great work as usual. Keep it going !

  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    Let me rephrase that,


    Yeah right.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    finding a lot of conflicts with dates, and timeframes so heh.

    well further down it goes from a few years to a decade, so I guess. heh. Changes some mental ideas I had about the ships though. It would fit more inbetween the lethe series and the rereconnie if I were to apply this to what I am working on here.

    not sure how right or where these stats come from
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    well. . . . . . . guess I lost interest in the Lethe. . . . . . .


    not so sure about copycating that ncc1000 Bonaventure.

    Also found this. Not sure about the stats listed there either.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    MadKoiFish wrote: »
    It is a private project atm as I was really sick when the request went out. Since I am going my own way with the interpretation of the ship from the singular top down image. Only thing is I am not finding much in the way of data, weapons, size, etc.

    Was this the request for a Marklin class for Axanar? If so, I worked on that model. Just can't show it quite yet, but soon I hope.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    Well I had planned on doing something with it but the req came when I was not well and seeing the time frame being like weeks I didn't do anything or contact them. The responce was silence on the forums so I thiyught once I got some doodles and if they still needed it Id send them off.

    In the end I just liked that top down view so I thought I would have a go at it if they needed it stil or not given the prelude video is already out. First the plan was to kitbash the bits of ship that would result in the LETHE build but then as I read up this ship was a good 10yrs or more newer than I had thought.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    Oh you really have a point there about the whole deflector setup, but IMHO it really looked tacked on, with it jutting out of the underside of the hull. And it being a destroyer, I understand it's fast, but something jutting out llike that doesn't seem to be a good plan. Mind you that I think that having a loose dish a la Saladin is just as impractical. The Bonaventure setup isn't necessarily better, I was just thinking about something more akin to a catamaran hull setup in the front so that you couldn't see the sides; something like that.

    On a side note, that back end of the Lethe looks a bit like a Proboscis Monkey. It makes me all happy and stuff. Smiling while getting a torpedo in your face probably is the best way to go :p
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    But that is just as pointless. Why buttress the deflector like that when the whole purpose of it is to send out a "wave" to deflect debris. Obstruct it with hull crew and all of the crap related to it it narrows the beam and obstructs coms. Did you even read what I wrote?? The whole point I was trying to make is it is useless to obstruct a deflector with hull in the vain idea it would protect it. Once the shields are breached that is it. A single torp at the hull and the whole ship is GONE. No amount of HULL obscuring anything will protect it. THE WHOLE POINT IS THAT IT DOES NOT MATTER IF IT STICKS OUT.

    You do realize your whole argument dismisses every trek deflector design canon or not.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    I stand corrected. Sorry man, no harm meant.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member



    Each day we draw closer to the end.
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