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2DEnterprise / TOS Hybrid Ship

DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
edited August 2014 in Work in Progress #1
July 9/2014 Update:

Updated the main image as well as the top and bottom views. Added in a few more sensor panels and living quarters / lounge windows.


July 7/2014 Update:

So I did a little more work on the ship tonight, and decided to update the main image with the current version.

As always, critique is always welcome.


Hey guys!

So I needed a break from my Ghost of Jupiter ship and have had this idea bumping around in my head for a week or so now. I'm hoping it's fairly original, or that I can at least make it a little more uniqe if it's been done before, but here is my current design.

Please note I don't have much in the way of information on this baby, I'll be adding in details as I go and working out the dimensions that way (Probably not the best way to go about it, but it is what it is).

As stated in the title, this is a combination of Original Series and Enterprise, but please note I'm using the excuse that it is from an alternate timeline (not NuTrek), so that I have a little more freedom to work.
Post edited by Damocles on


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Enterprise is in an alternate reality. ;)

    There's not much to look at yet, but it's got promise, that's for sure. It looks like a more compact design than the TOS Enterprise. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it.
  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    Enterprise is in an alternate reality. ;)

    There's not much to look at yet, but it's got promise, that's for sure. It looks like a more compact design than the TOS Enterprise. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

    Please don't go there. :D
    Your right to an opinion does not make your opinion valid.
  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    You know what I mean, evil_genius_180. ;)

    Did a little more work on her tonight, added in a side view minus the nacelle's, and also added in a small deck plan which gave me 12 deks total.

    As you can see I was going for a 50's / 60's curve look to the hull for a slightly retro look, and added in a more TMP version of the bridge (Though deck one is more than just the bidge). Put in a Warp Field Governor like the Enterprise NX-01 has, and thats about it for this update.

    I'm just going to throw this out there that I'm setting this ship about 2248 in this timeline. Does that seem like a decent period for this ship to exist?
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    That's nice. I like the side profile of the main hull. :)
    oldmangreg wrote: »
    Please don't go there. :D

    The funny part is, I love the series and I have every episode on DVD. :lol:
  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    Did a little more work on her today, adding in some of the details to the Warp Field Governor, Created a bottom view of the ship, added in the Running Lights, etc. She's a lot harder than I thought she'd be, her curves are giving me some trouble, but I do like a challenge. Haha.
  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    Another update. Worked on the sensor plates today on the Ventral (???) section of the ship, finished the bussard collectors on the Starboard (???) view, added in details to [What the internet tells me is] the Off-axis field controller, played with the internal design a bit (mostly for fun), added in lower cargo-bay doors...

    I'm still figuring out what colour I want to make the hull, its going to be tricky, but I'm thinking of staying with a lighter colour but not white... We'll just have to see how it all develops.

    I also have to clean out my attachments and get my ass around to uploading my images to my Deviant Art page...

  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    See first post for update details.

    Dont know why I didn't notice it when I was working on it, but I need to fix up the row of windows on the bottom view.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    The bussard collectors integrated into the saucer like that seems more like a TNG-era thing. The Enterprise and TOS eras have more distinct, separated nacelles. But, that's just my opinion. I still like the overall shape of the ship.
  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    Of course you would say that NOW, EG180. :lol::p

    Sadly at this stage I'm either going to have to just say its a result of handwavium or bump this baby up to the TMP / TNG era, either way, I made quite a bit of progess that I am proud of! Only got the top of her 'finished' but man do I think it turned out well.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    I never said it looks bad. I was just making an observation. However, you said at the beginning of the thread that this is your own alternate reality. You can do whatever you want in your own reality, JJ proved that. :shiner:

    I'm definitely liking the details on it.
  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    JJ Proved a lot of things... *cough* but lets not get into that. :lol:

    Although this design is going to be in the vein of a new timeline, I don't think it's going to be in the full timeline I've been developing in my head. It's kind of its own thing and I like it that way, just a fun ship that was great to design.

    Now, I did some more work on her tonight and finished the bottom paneling, and started in on the side view. I also removed the quadrant lines that helped me keep everything (relatively) centered. I am going to attempt (at some point between tuesday and friday) to add in the hull details to the side view, but may end up only doing the grid if there is too much trouble getting everything aligned... it's also going to take more time as, yay, I have a new trainee at work.

    Anyway's, I'm nearly done this one, in the home stretch! I may go back to my Prometheus / Voyager / Daunless one since I've had a few idea's about that since I first posted it, but... all in good time. Too many idea's, not enough time!
  • publiusrpubliusr555 Posts: 1,755Member
    I like that in some respects better than Defiant. The structure flying behind the saucer interests me.
  • Bell'OrsoBell'Orso331 Posts: 93Member
    You know, if you were to change the deflector to a more TNG/VOY looking one you'd be all set for a possible Sabre class alternate / replacement. Nice work! :)
  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    Another update! A little late, but its here. :)

    Changed the height on the nacelle's as they were a little off, but look much better now. Have more details added to the front / aft section, lower sensor dome added... thats about it for this update.

    @Bell'Orso: I had totally forgot about that class, though may the Sabre would be a replacement for this one? :) Either way, thanks for commenting!

    Crit, as always, is welcome.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    It's looking good. I like the shape of the nacelles. :)
  • publiusrpubliusr555 Posts: 1,755Member
    Sort of a Planet of the Titans saucer in some respects. That might be a good next project
  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    It's been a while but I haven't forgotten about the ship! I did a little bit of an update tonight, think I'm going to say the side view is finished, but still have 1/2 the front view to do and the whole rear view, but we're close to the finishing line with this little project.

    I also have to admit I started work on ANOTHER ship, but I will post that at a later date. Far too many idea's, and not enough time.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    It's looking good. :thumb:

    Don't worry, many of us are known to start new projects while we're still working on others. ;)
  • DamoclesDamocles171 Posts: 0Member
    Alright. I think this is going to be my last update to this ship. I have run out of the will to give her more details so this will have to do. :p

    Overall it was a fun little project, but I will be moving on to other ones now. If at some point down the line I decided to do more, I'll still have the original files. :)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    It came out great. :)

    I get to that point sometimes, too, where I'm tired of working on something so I call it done.
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