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3DKDF Vor'Cha Attack Cruiser

PhoenixfettPhoenixfett172 Posts: 26Member
edited July 2014 in Work in Progress #1
Hi all, i know i haven't posted in hear in a very long time, but well I'm still trying to learn and finally am building my first HIGH POLY model, using my Medium poly Vor'cha Class i made for Star Trek Bridge Commander, i hope you like her so far, but she has alot more work to be done yet









Post edited by Phoenixfett on


  • commandersozocommandersozo504 Posts: 630Member
    great work. thnx for posting.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    looks a great model, might benefit from a bit more grime on the hull and some of those grimy areas having a lower specularity.
  • StarshipStarship474 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,984Member
    Looks excellent!
    But I think taht I already said it to you over Bridge Commander forums... :D
    Welcome aboard again. ;)
  • PhoenixfettPhoenixfett172 Posts: 26Member
    im not 100% on weathering, i really don't know a good way to do it, but i wish to learn
  • trekkitrekki964 Posts: 1,417Member
    The ship is great.
    Greater Pics please.
  • greeblegreeble174 Posts: 0Member
    Love it. Nice detailing!
  • DaemoriaDaemoria331 Posts: 0Member
    If you made these ships for Bridge Commander, would you mind sharing some in-engine shots for these? I really like the detailed work on the paneling.

    @trekki - right click + 'view image' to view a larger resolution image.
  • trekkitrekki964 Posts: 1,417Member
    Thank you for the tip.
  • PhoenixfettPhoenixfett172 Posts: 26Member
    Daemoria wrote: »
    If you made these ships for Bridge Commander, would you mind sharing some in-engine shots for these? I really like the detailed work on the paneling.

    your wish is my command
  • count23count23366 Posts: 784Member
    looks good, if you want to make it higher poly what you shuld consider doing is find large unbroken surfaces, (like the rears of the nacelles) and see if you can get any more detailing in those areas and break them up, that'll give it a very high quality look:

    these should help, they're photos of the physical model:
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    nice composition to those latest pics and good to see the other angles. lighting in them is a bit bad, and the images are too dark really for really showing off the model but(no glows and there isn't much in the way of brightly lit areas). the underside panelling has come out well.
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    Looking awesome, Nix.
  • PhoenixfettPhoenixfett172 Posts: 26Member
    nice composition to those latest pics and good to see the other angles. lighting in them is a bit bad, and the images are too dark really for really showing off the model but(no glows and there isn't much in the way of brightly lit areas). the underside panelling has come out well.

    i suck at lighting i know nothing bout it
  • PhoenixfettPhoenixfett172 Posts: 26Member
    sorry to double post, but thought i'd pop my peregrine fighter in star trek armada 3
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Armada 3?
  • count23count23366 Posts: 784Member
    Sins of a Solar Empire Mod. I've been playing it on and off the last few months, pretty good, but a few bugs need to be ironed out still.
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
  • PhoenixfettPhoenixfett172 Posts: 26Member
    Over the last few day's i've been adding more and more detail to my Vor'cha trying to get it finished by next weekend, I'm just now worrying bout the mapping and textures :'(, but here she is so far, i'm still a novice so this is far from perfect

  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    wonderful level of detail!
  • RandalRRandalR0 Posts: 0Member
    That looks nice, would like to play with it please.....

    Just an avg joe who plays in 3d....

    Actually I have yet to delve into Star Trek animation, still on BSG :D

  • New HomelandsNew Homelands1 Posts: 0Member
    Star Trek Armada 3 is great! Yeah there are a few bugs, but it doesn't feel like a mod at all, it feels just like its own game in its own right.
  • New HomelandsNew Homelands1 Posts: 0Member
    Just a follow up, your modeling is first rate as well!
  • PhoenixfettPhoenixfett172 Posts: 26Member
    The you very much guys, i don't feel i'm all that, always moaning about something or rather, i must admit i do plan to release it so people can use it in pictures and animations, i just need to figure out the best way to have her textured :D - as for Armada 3, again thanks guys, the team is working very hard on it and alot of the bugs have been swatted, it is much improved i promise you
  • PhoenixfettPhoenixfett172 Posts: 26Member
    Sorry for the lack of updates, the mesh has had some massive refinements but im having issues with mapping and don't know what i can do to get the textures to look real with this high poly model
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