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3DFerengi battleship: Tork One



  • komarokomaro348 CanadaPosts: 752Member
    Sorry, not much to say. I have a bad headache, gotta rest...Change the lighting type with omni lights to get a more accurate view.


  • japetusjapetus2981 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    It's coming along, still a little visually confusing design-wise, but maybe it's just the angles of the render. I can't quite tell what the scale is supposed to be yet, but that will come with time I'm guessing. It might also help to have a little bit better lighting, not that blown out area, to show detail, but it's getting better and better.
  • komarokomaro348 CanadaPosts: 752Member
    The lighting helps also to find missing or bad vertex. The default lighting would not show that. Still have a lot of things to do on it anyway...
  • komarokomaro348 CanadaPosts: 752Member
    Made the shield emitters, and work more on the back hull

  • komarokomaro348 CanadaPosts: 752Member
    OMG! I found out this morning that all the UVW maps are corrupted. I have to redo them again. They leave a line between all the textures cropping. That will put modelling to a stop.
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    You should worry about the textures after your done modelling anyway then you won't run in to probeys like that
  • komarokomaro348 CanadaPosts: 752Member
    I never had a corruption like that. There so many little pieces in 3d models that I prefer doing the textures from the start. I try to save some time like that. For the moment, the corruption seems to be on larger areas only, so I will manage. But I have 3dmax 2013, since almost 2 years, and it never did this before...weird...I guess I should have followed the rules of acquisitions.
  • komarokomaro348 CanadaPosts: 752Member
    Update. Change most of the texture, so it include a pattern and a specular color. Did the engines. And done a bit of the decelerating flaps on the side. I had a lot of troubles with the engines, so I did something simple.



    full size:
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    It's far to cluttered compared to other ferengi ships
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    I agree. And besides, the only known Trek-ship that uses something even close to deceleration-flaps is the Romulan/Reman-Scimitar with it's retro engines. NO Trek-ship uses decel-flaps....
  • komarokomaro348 CanadaPosts: 752Member
    Ok. I did some changes upon your feedback. Tweek much of the textures and done some hoses, work on the top section. Next is to finish the under parts. Probably gonna take 1-2 weeks before I work on it again.



  • komarokomaro348 CanadaPosts: 752Member
    You can see the finish ship here:

    I will post the wallpaper in the finish section with a small presentation video (When it's finished rendering)
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Impressive work.
  • komarokomaro348 CanadaPosts: 752Member
    Thanks. However the top hull uvw map changed again for something else. I changed it 3 times and it keeps messing up or switching (No clue why...). That was a difficult model because of all the bugs I got with the UVW and the vertex curving. And has you can see I decided I had enough of it. It the end, it's a nice ship anyway but I wish it would have been a smoother process.
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