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3D-= NCC - 1701G USS Enterprise =-

MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
edited May 2014 in Work in Progress #1
Well, I suppose it is time for this thing to have it's own thread.

I figure the time frame would be sometime near 2450~70 (F 2380~2410 as intro dates for it) Granted none of this is canon so it really does not matter I guess but a bit of effort to tie it in. The E-J having been sometime 25XX could have been 2590 or what not still seem a tight time frame unless some of the ships had a rough life and did not last very long like the D. I figure these ships would have at least a century lifespan in the best case scenario. Though I guess they could be stripped of the name and put into service elsewhere.
Anyhow, I will push forward with the 2450~70ish date. With this date being some 80~100 years past known canon I would think things have changed a bit new ftl technologies/ Maybe transwarp or slipstream took hold or some other sort of ftl was developed etc.

With this in mind it has shaped the bottom half of the ship. The underside and spacing of the nacelles is to generate some sort of rarespace field. I dunno which it will be atm as both are sketchy and not that well defined. I lean towards transwarp (borg style) Via conduits (distance) and larger ships able to create them (small jumps) over the more fan abused Slipstream.

SO with all that said here be my WIP of the NCC - 1701G USS Enterprise. My first take on a enterprise that is not some reimagined or rebooted design.

Shapes and forms are very much in flux and in some cases clunky. Her size is up for question right now as I am unsure how big it should or should not be atm. It is about 690m long give or take as I fool with the shapes. I have included the Balmung in a few renders to give a rough idea of size. (though the Balmung is not a known size it just happened to be in the file.) I should probably dig out prologic's D or one of the E-Es I have and use that. The design is a culmination of ships and bits I have done over the last 8years (sheesh) Things like the 25th cen fed to the pancake class and other doodles and bits of ships. Cannot say there isnt influence from elsewhere with that forward bridge and I have added some hints of the J. Those who know me from pre 2006/05 probably could point out these details.

This will also be one of my first projects where I will capture some of the work via livestream, I will later upload it to Youtube (maybe at some point I will edit it as well) I hope to later find a better cap method that will allow full frame 1920X1080 or 1200 for playback. ATM I am limited to 1600X1200 I am filming at 1080 vs 1200 to avoid any scaling that youtube might impose. The videos not only showing the viewport but showing the ship in a way a 2d render cannot.









Well playlists have to be a link as the forum does not support them.
Post edited by MadKoiFish on
Each day we draw closer to the end.


  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    I'm not really digging that forward bridge. To keep the design balanced (it looks like it would topple over), moving it back a little bit might be an idea. The fact that it overbanks doesn't help it's silhouette either :(

    The form when looked at from the back is pleasant, though, so I can understand why you choose the shape. I'm just not really sure if it "works" :/
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    For some reason, when I see this, I'm thinking fast-forward.

    I tend to agree with Borgman that it looks a bit too much like about to tip over..
  • komarokomaro348 CanadaPosts: 752Member
    I would lower the saucer and the neck part. Bring it a little more to the back. Question of making it more in laws of aerodynamics. I would do the saucer toward a more V shape or part ellipse. I don't dislike the placement of the bridge, but the place on which it sits is odd shape. I would make it a more smooth and think of a way to reduce drag.

    I really love the rest tho. The engines are amazing. I just think you need to make slight adjustments, so it's more logical as a ship and maybe more eye candy in a way.
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    interesting design - think would look more balanced if the nacelles were higher up as more the norm federation ships or maybe the saucer lower down - otherwise looks great and has some nice detailing
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Interesting, I like where this is going, quite a nice mix of bold shapes and intriguing design decisions that help it steer clear of being just another Enterprise clone. I like most of what is going on here, and actually find the elongated neck and tipping over look to it to be some of the strongest of its features, its in space, it doesn't have to have a more logical center of gravity as such, and I think it helps the design to look more unique and unusual. The only thing I'd perhaps change is the section on which the bridge is mounted, having it slant back towards the bridge from the nose rather than the slanting forward detail that you currently have which looks like the bow of a ship. I think with that change you'll be onto a winner with this. Looking forward to seeing this one develop.
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    I actually like that bridge structure as it is quite a lot, not only because it looks good, but also because it's shaped differently that the way it's expected to be shaped in the common Trek 24th century. A design set in the far future should, in my opinion, avoid looking like the known Trek ships in any way it can. (Just like Probert tried to make the Galaxy-Class look as different and "incompatible" to the Constitution as possible, while still retaining the lineage).
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    Akin to what the arrow shaped saucer was to the overall change of design aestethics, Rekkert? I was thinking about that recently and, well, there's precedence for that. The evolution from complete circular saucer, to elongated on the D to arrow shaped on Voyager is 'logical'. I'm just not 'feeling' that overbanking bridge. It continues the diagonal orientation of the rest of the ship very well; I agree on that. But it's just that I'm not really agreeing with myself if I like that orientation or not.

    Mind you, MKF, that this has nothing to do with your design skills. I'm feeling the same way about that early Star Trek Online design (the Excalibur), which has some of these features as well. Diagonal/vertical orientation is just weird ;)
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    more streams one needs to process.

    Goofed on one of the markings as it does not flow with the shapes. I also need to uh use higher contrasting materials as at a distance it is all weak and turns to a muck of gray. The close in render shows what is there but not seen at distance.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice work on the deflector. Also like the bridge superstructure, btw. Unusual, but not too unusual. ;)
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member

    give the vid some time to spawn
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    I really love those impulse spikes/fins on the saucer.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    Here is a render of the nacelle where i left it a bit lumpy Lots to do to it and likely alter to make it a bit more scale and less lumpy lol. I cannot think of a word other than chibi or maybe blocky. IE not sleek heh. The bussards I want more of a yellow glow with orange ambient spill. ATM it is some sensor dome material with engine materials inside. Warp glows are just generic plasma blue right now unsure what colour I will do that. Likely leave it some sort of blue.
    Some views of what they look like on the ship. Clearly shapes and lengths will have to be adjusted to match the new strut locations. They also appear MASSIVE so I have to thin them out some too. I did match them up to the dummy object I had but apparently giving them some girth changes things drastically!
    Gotta love the lum spill, dunno why subdiv stuff does this so ignore it as itll be boxed in later to NOT do this.

    Anyhow I will be starting the stream again soon see the player above or link out

    last video from yesterday hopefully itll process fine and play as I had to direct stream cut some bits. I forgot about it and went to eat and watch some videos so there was over an hour of nothing. Give it a bit to do whatever it is they do to video over at youturd.(guess it is processing it for non native rez versions as the 1080p stream is suppose to be youtube compliant) w/e
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Love the nacelles so far. :)
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice work there indeed.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    Ok I didn't get much else done tonight just some placement and small adjustments so no vids. Spent my time updating blog, youturd etc elements in a poor attempt to improve or update them. Probably just made them uglier. hah
    Anyhow some renders of those nacelle updates seen in the vid above.



    one angle I do not like. Flattening it would help but then it would remove a lot of other details and feel of the ship. mmm we will see. Forward top 3/4 is not much better though that is often the ugliest view for any trek ship as the saucer covers everything else. I think this is the reason Jefferies did the nacelles ABOVE the saucer vs a lot of following trek where they sat at or below.

    Thinking of taking a break tomorrow for drawing or maybe cleaning up this pigsty house.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member


    Other video and not worth bumping the thread for
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    Ok few are reposts but the last is the most recent session. Real issue I have found is MORE issues with the app the old 4gig file limit rears it's head and corrupted some of the beginning as it overwrote the file. So instead of a warning or stopping or something else it just started over writing it. . . . . .-_- needless to say the app is being uninstalled.

    Session 14

    Session 15

    Session 16
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • NevetsNevets201 EarthPosts: 134Member
    Another good-looking MadKoiFish. Loving the nacelle plyon configuration in how it attaches to the secondary hull.
  • USS MarinerUSS Mariner0 Posts: 0Member
    None of the videos will load or play. :(
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    Dunno if your at work admin probably have them blocked. HOWEVER I have had issues with some HDW being able to play anything on youtube and ONLY youtube and have to force it to play with the html5 player. I reinstalled the os on that pc 4 times (based off a old dualcore p4) and black static every time. Apparently it is that version of flash or some crap google has done with youtube I have found no info online either about any fix other than me forcing it to html 5 (google html 5 and youtube) so if your hdw is old likely it is unsupported now, It is really stupid as many people still have these machines that are not even 7yrs old that cannot play back stuff because of some stupid need of theirs that causes this. I now have a old machine I retired from leech duities that is useless to me because it wont do what it was retired to do and that is play youtube.

    Outside of this nothing I can do as it is something wrong on your end or to do with the isp screwing with youtube and the fact I have no control over what youtube does.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    A few more videos. Using a different codec and method on the other vid I did speed #17 up. 2X so let me know if it is too fast and if I should stick to real time, or as close to as the app I am using will allow atm. Again they ARE unedited raw videos.

    Session 17

    Session 18
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    More nacelles. MORE

    yes, each code is for a different forum.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    And even more nacelles, more to come as well. Hopefully youtube does not crap this one up and gets the HD stuff up sooner than later Session 19 looks like a failure so I will have to play the delete and reupload game until it takes. PITFA

    Session 20
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice. I love the details on the nacelles.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Those nacelles are awesome. :thumb: They could almost be made into a ship themselves.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    Another go to get HD on this one. Very annoying.

    Session 19 again
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    Ok that is it no more music. I am done with sifting through liars.

    Anyhow giving everyone a break from the nacelles to do something with that impulse spoon thing. As usual I had more ideas while the thing was rendering off

    Session 21
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member
    Session 22

    Cut it short because I was just not feeling it. Likely take some renders into SAI to sling some paint on it and see where to go next. The whole yt music crap just put a damper on the motivation.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9921 Posts: 5,337Member



    Session 23 (video forthcoming.)
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
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