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3DAtlantic Blood Submersible

DrCDrC0 Posts: 0Member
edited March 2014 in Work in Progress #1
Here are some of the renderings from a model I've been working on for a cover to my latest novel.




If there's an attachment after this line it means I was able to upload the Blend file.

I'll go through PasteAll but as of this it's still uploading. I'll edit later.
Post edited by DrC on


  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    it's a well composed shot but has some real problems in the details. your sub and seabed scape are both lacking in detail, untextured and not smoothed at all(basic smoothing is very easy in blender, just clcik the button under "object tools"-->"shading" marked as "smooth", if the model is imported form other software you may need to remove doubles for this smoothing to work"edit mode" then "mesh tools-->"remove"-->"remove doubles"). the rings of light in the backgorund of some of your pics are cool although not hugely photorealistic, overall lighting is alright but whole model is begging for a texture and for more details on the meshes(try some greebles on your sub and some rocks littering the seabed). if you want more advice on this i am happy to give it.
  • DrCDrC0 Posts: 0Member
    I've been having no luck uploading to PasteAll. It's about 15Mb.

    Removing doubles sounds familiar. May have already clicked that. The sub would be a bit faceted, still you are correct about detail. The seabed should not be faceted, but smooth. I haven't been tweaking that much now, but learning to animate the scene void of burning out a CPU. I'm probably going to start another model from scratch and work at rigging the sub's tall, launch bays, it needs an ionizer electrode and a lightning field of some type. If I cannot quite achieve Nu Realistic results, I hope to at least add some dramatic lighting. Other than hair, this is my first attempt at particle fields. Yes. Not intentionally, the rendering has a cartoon feeling to it. Any ideas for curing that faceted seabed and the artifacts that seems to be causing?
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    you seem to be having problems with blender running too slowly. here are two tips
    1) get rid of those particle systems for your seagrass, you should be able to just use a solid mesh for each plant
    2) turn off the raytracing option on your "properties"-->"shading" panel. you still get believable lighting but it renders much quicker
    for a more detailed description follow the tutorial link in my signature to "instructables" and go down the page to step 21
    that faceted sea bed should be curable through following the tips i gave in the previous post, the tricks needed are also described near the end of step 19.
  • DrCDrC0 Posts: 0Member
    I put the PasteAll link in the OP
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