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3DThe Alamo Class

rwkingrwking189 Posts: 173Member
edited March 2014 in Work in Progress #1
This is already a completed ship. I post a good deal at Bernd Schieder's Ex Astris Scientia forum, the SCN ( Subspace Communications Network and this is one I had posted their. I decided to re-post it here after I made the comment about the wonderful Naucrate ship created by Manos and Valkyrie, but noting the absence of a plausible background/backstory.

This is the background/story I wrote up for the Alamo Class design and so there would be a point of reference, the associated images accompany this.
My goal in creating this design was to create a true battleship/gunship......without taking it to the uber-level. I tried to place the weaponry in such a manner as to give true 360 degree coverage and in the respect, I think I succeeded.


The Alamo Class Battleship is the latest development by a special branch of Starfleet and the UFP known as UESPA. UESPA ( United Earth Space Protection Agency ) began as the predecessor to Starfleet when it was known as United Earth Space Agency. Over time, the department morphed into the department it is today.
The UESPA is concerned with conflict resolution. After the Dominion war, Borg encounters including Wolf 352, encounters with the Sona, Romulans, and other species, the UESPA was assigned the task of developing top level battle technology and ships able to utilize that technology. Their goal is to create ships that can turn the tide of any battle toward victory for Starfleet and the UFP and to bring a decisive end to an armed conflict.
The Alamo class is named after the legendary San Antonio, Texas fort. Following the basic lines as the early Amarillo Class is no co-incidence. The designers felt that the space frame was the most battle worthy design ever created by the infant Starfleet and the UESPA.
Some of the features of the class are laser and phaser turrets instead of collimated phaser arrays and point phasers. During testing, the turrets were 32 percent more efficient at discharging energy and directing it at a target than traditional phaser defenses. Torpedoes and Missile defenses are also prevalent in the design.
Most ship captains are unaware that ships of this nature exist and the mission of the UESPA. However, ship computers are not unaware, and thorough a series of transmitted computer codes, a UESPA captain can directly control a standard Starfleet ship, with or without the permission and assistance of the ship or her crew, although it is protocol that the ship's captain be informed of the pending control.
It is worth noting that the lead ship in the class, The UESPA ALAMO engaged William Riker’s ship, the Luna class TITAN in war-games and after only a span of 90 minutes, the Titan surrendered the battle and named the Alamo as the decisive winner.
Plans are underway to ascertain how well the Alamo could withstand a concerted attack by multiple Borg cubes, how the ship will fare is anyone’s guess, but after seeing the ship in action, my money would be on the ALAMO.
One unique feature of the Alamo class is a type of weapon, originally seen in early Romulan ships, however, the technology has been updated and now it is thought to be the elusive “Borg killer” weapon that Starfleet and the UFP have been attempting to develop. It is a Plasma beam emitter. It discharges photon charged warp plasma encased in a collimated phaser beam. Exactly how this would affect Borg cubes is unknown, but it is thought that the beam would simply melt a huge hole in the ship rendering it incapable of operation, Multiple beams fired from multiple ships would be enough to reduce a cube to nothing more than a blob of molten metal, or so UESPA engineers think,
Lastly, since the UESPA and their ships are so secretive, and not directly governed by the UFP and Starfleet, the Alamo class is fitted with a fully functioning cloaking device developed by the UESPA scientists and engineers. Whether or not history proves this a violation of the treaty between the Romulans and the UFP regarding cloaking device technology remains to be seen.

Hope you all like the ship. Like I said though at the beginning, It is basically a completed vessel, but please feel free to comment, critique, offer opinion or whatever. I will be getting back to designing after I get settled in my new plce and get things rolling.....primarily a newer computer geared for designing.
Post edited by rwking on


  • rwkingrwking189 Posts: 173Member
    Last two images associated with this design.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    interesting ship, first trek one i've seen with proper turrets, although you might want to work them into the fuselage a bit better. it's good to have it heavily armed however you may not need that many turrets to cover and protect all vectors that an enemy could attack along. the only real problem is ow it looks like the turrets have just been thrown on(and some of the other components) without enough support around their bases. also the nacelle and pylon area really lacks detail.
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    in a warship the bridge should be in the middle of the ship safely away from vulnerable surface - turrets good for main armaments but defence batteries should be normal type that can fire in any direction instantly - as a primarily defensive ship warp systems would be more minimal and heavier duty - those long slender nacelles scream weak point

    not sure about the idea of a new force though - starfleet already started down this path with the defiant - so would they not be the obvious choice to continue the idea onward?
  • rwkingrwking189 Posts: 173Member
    All good points.....I am slowly getting back to designing. The primary purpose for the posting though was to showcase a completed backstory idea that I want t create ( with permission of course ) for the wonderful little ship created by Valkyrie and Manos....The Naucreate class. I love that little ship and would love some input regarding the writing of a plausible backstory on the design.
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    I think those nacelles could use some work yeah. They're really, really long and make for ideal targets. If you want to keep them at least a bit like this, try just cutting off that end tail section. Also, if it's an UESPA vessel, why does it have so much warp power? Isn't it supposed to stay in a single system? Have a look if you can get away with just a single nacelle, close to the fuselage, instead of having them on pretty thin pylons?

    And... Well, while I like the idea of turrets, they're not really practical when you can have a phaserstrip that has the possibilty of a 360 degree fire arc. They do use up a lot of extra space though, but that breaks the shape up nicely. Plus, it helps putting the ship a timeframe.

    Next to that, you might want to 'Star Trek-ize' the design a bit. An UESPA logo in front of two red stripes would help a lot, as would proper shuttlebay markings and use of the Federation font for the text :)
  • JennyJenny2 Posts: 0Member
    Hmm. Other than the turrets, it looks a great deal like the stuff in the Starfleet Museum website.
  • sojournersojourner0 Posts: 0Member
    Interesting design, very anachronistic for the time frame mentioned in the backstory. The turrets look like pasted on clipart and don't match the rest of the ship.
  • rwkingrwking189 Posts: 173Member
    Again, all good points. The reasoning for the similarity to the SF Museum ships....was inspired by the work created by XFozzboute and I wanted this design to reflect those lines. I covered that in the backstory. I am going to eventually re-do the ship....but it will be a while. The primary purpose for this posting was that I wanted permission to create a plausible background story for the Naucrate design designed by The Hand of Manos and Valkyrie.....which has rapidly became one of my favorite ships ever.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    I like the ship so far. It definitely would fit in well with Masao Okazaki's 22nd century Earth fleet. :)
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    I like the ship so far. It definitely would fit in well with Masao Okazaki's 22nd century Earth fleet. :)

    Except that it isn't a 22nd century ship, but a 24th ;)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    BorgMan wrote: »
    Except that it isn't a 22nd century ship, but a 24th ;)

    I stand by my statement. I also didn't read the whole first post. ;) (but you already knew that)
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