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BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
edited May 2014 in Tutorials #1
Hiya guys!

I was all busy modelling my Cassini craft, when I came about a problem I've had several times over the past few years: how big is this? How big is that? How wide should this be? Is there a specific color reserved for this here thingy?

I thought it would come in handy to have a central repository where one can find all sorts of information. As people pitch in, I'll update this post so that everything is in one nice, central place. No more rummaging around the internets to get what you need ;) If a dimension needs to be changed please say so! Dimensions in red are uncertain. Dimensions in blue are closest approximations and in the rule are rounded up to the closest whole logical unit. Due to converting from inches/feet to centimeters/meters, 6'8" becomes 203,2 centimeters, so rounded up becoms 205 centimeters. Otherwise, these figures are final unless someone has a different source :) If you guys want imperial dimensions in here as well, just say so, but I think that the metric system is preferred overall so until someone wants me to, I'll leave it be :)

Width: 3 meters
Height: 2,4 meters

Jefferies Tube
Width:2,5 meters, with pipes etc. on the side
Height:1,4 meters when above corridor, 2 meters when on the side. Pipes etc. go above and below

Total deck height:4 meters, including 10cm floor beneath both the corridor and the Jefferies. Add thickness when used as bottom of the ship, as noted below

Regular Door
Height: 2,05 meters
Single Width: 92 centimeters
Double Width: 2,05 meters

Blast Door
Height: Really don't know...
Width: 2 meters?

Shaft diameter: 2,5 meters
Interior height: 2.4 meters, same as corridor height

Airlock <-- This one seems a real problem for a lot of people. This should be around the same format as the TMP shuttle's airlock ring, to ensure interoperability.
Outer Diameter:
Inner Diameter:
Door (entrance itself):

Regular width: 31,5 cm, rounded up
Major structural elements: 40 cm, rounded up

Minimum height:
Minimum Width:
Post edited by BorgMan on


  • count23count23367 Posts: 785Member
    nothing you've written matches the set or stage plans for any of the star trek series so far.

    for instance, one type of galaxy class corridor (and the intrepid corridors) are 8" tall and 10" wide. Doorways are 6"8' and 3" wide for a single door, or 6"8' for double doors.

    Turbolifts have a 10" diameter at their widest point.
    Formerly Nadesico.

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  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    I take it you mean ', feet, instead of ", inches? In that case, this would come down to a turbolift shaft with a diameter of 3,05 meters. Even taking into account that a turbolift itself has these structures on the outside that enable it to move, that's... wide. Alonzo11208 gave me the width of 8' in my Cassini thread; I worked from that. Wider seems a bit impractical?

    That same width for a corridor would work, though. And rounding your digits up with 6,2 centimeters gives me a height of 250 cm (8' 2.425"). That's not far off...

    The doors convert for me to 203,2 centimeters. Even rounded up to 205 cm, that's a 15 cm difference. Good to know!
  • count23count23367 Posts: 785Member
    Yea, I always get feet and inches done the wrong way, I personally prefer the metric system so i can avoid any imperial entanglements. But i found that since the designers were obviously american, it was easier to work with imperial then metric with these measurements.

    I have others somewhere, i have to find them.

    and as for the turbolift, 3 metres is not that unbelieable, the doors are tiny but if you examine them, their widest point is about waist level, not the base, they sort of have a rounded skirting and a steep rounded cowling. I think i measured the base as only about 2.2 metres of standing space. "Disaster" and "Contagion" really helped there as you had good people V floorspace measurements in those episiodes. And Voyager just redressed the TNG turbolift and the longer corridor that's 8x10.
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    Thanx for the help Nadesico! Really appreciate it :) If anyone else has any information to share, please feel free!
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    Updated some of the figures. I'm still in need those Airlock dimensions guys...
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    What does the red mean? Outdated/unverified?

    Here are my thoughts:
    Blast Door
    Height: [corridor/deck-height]
    Width: [corridor-width, or whatever it's supposed to protect/shield]
    I'm thinking of these blast doors that you see being manually activated during the Battle of Kithomer (TuC) on the Excelsior. Beyond that, during the 24th century, they seem to have force-field blast isolations.

    Outer Diameter: 3.75m
    Inner Diameter: 1.04 - 2.25m (depending on the door size)
    Door (entrance itself): Either 92cm, or 1.05m (since it's an entrance).
    Just a routh estimation. Considering the size of a regular door and using that to calculate the other figures from a closer look of the airlock on the NX-Ent.

    That's a hard one... I've collected the general figures for all shuttles and runabouts that I could find. Any number with ~ before is an estimation using screencaps and size-comparison, or using a non-canon source:
    Type 6 (seen mostly in late TNG, tho Voyager also had some): l: 6m, w: ~4.5m, h: ~3m
    Type 8 (one of the most common Voyager-suttles): l: 6m, w: ~4.5m, h: ~3m (mostly only a refit of the Type 6 to make it look more modern for the more modern Voyager)
    Type 11 (Sovereign complement): l: ~17m (54ft, JohnEaves dimensions), w: ~9m (29ft, JohnEaves dimensions), h: ~3.8m
    Type 15 (shuttlepod used during TNG): l: ~5m (15ft Sternbach dimensions), w: 1.8m (6ft Sternbach dimensions), h: 1.7m (5.6ft Sternbach dimensions)
    Type 18 (One of the two kinds from the Defiant): l: 4.5m, w: 3.1m, h: 1.8m
    Type Chaffee (the other one from the Defiant): l: 9.6m, w: 5.8m, h: 3.4m

    Travelpod (most movies): l: 4m, w: ~2.5m, h: ~3m

    Danube Runabout (Most of DS9): l: 23.1m, w: 13.7m, h: 5.4m (Yellowstone probably 5.9-6.4m with that rollbar)

    Since shuttlebays mostly seem to be two-deck tall internally, a door should be at least 1.5 decks tall (6m+), so that even the tallest type 11 can easily get out (add a half meter for hovering above the ground and headspace to the doors end). Now, if you want a Runabout there as well, you should have the doors be around 7m in height.
    The width depends on 3 factors:
    -How big is the shuttlebay itself? (is it a small bay like we saw them most of the time in TNG, or more like the alledged superbay right below the bridge of the Ent-D?)
    -How important is the shuttlebay? (Is it a primary or secondary bay? Or the only bay? Can it hold more than 2 shuttles or pods? More than 5? More then 10? The entire ships complement?)
    -Where is the bay located (that mostly defines how the bay doors open; to either side, up or down into the walls?)

    Minimum height: 2.5m (type 15: 1.7m + sufficient space for the pod to hover out)
    Minimum Width: 4.4m (type 15: 1.8m + sufficient space for a second one to enter or exit simultaneously)
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    Thanx Aresius! Lots of helpfull numbers you've got there! Red numbers are indeed uncertain/unknown numbers :) With the blast door, I meant the doors leading to important areas that need to be able to be closed off completely, such as main engineering.

    I suggest we divide the possibilities of the shuttlebays into, say, three types: small (holding only workbees and shuttlepods), regular (types 6, 8 and 9) and large (type 11, runabout and above).

    On a side note, I'm having a hard time believing that the Chaffee (referred to by DITL as Type 10) is so big, even though all sources say so. I just didn't expect that from a Defiant shuttle...
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Alright in that case, let me give you the following numbers:

    Blast Doors
    Height&Width: [5-10cm broader than the corridor/area they're installed at, to root and fix them against the walls itself]

    About the Shuttlebays, two things: Firstly, I've found no numbers on the Type 9, so I'm going with the type 6 (which were set-replacements for the type-9 when it simply became too obnoxious to use).
    Secondly,I'd add another size. Starbases, considering their huge size, they also have different traffic...
    Height: 2.5m
    Width: 4.4m

    Height: 3.5m
    Width: 10m

    Height: 6m
    Width: 14.5m (1 Danube-class + 40cm each side), 28.6m (2 Danube-class + 40 cm to either side and inbetween).

    Height: 7m (I think it's safe to assume that this the absolute maximum for a 2-deck shuttlebay, and this gives even te Yellowstone a headspace)
    Width: 42.7m (3 Danube-class + 40cm each sideand inbetween).

    As a sidenote, the launchpads on DS9 would be about 26m long by 17m width. I'm basing these numbers on the size of the Romulan shuttle that we once saw being docked there (DS9: In pale Moonlight), which is 24.3m long, and 16m broad (and 6.6m tall). We know that aside from Danube and Romulan vessels, there's also a Ferengi vessel docked there (Quarks Treasure), but there are 2 general figures for Ferengi shuttles; 6m long (that's the first size, that got lostin the Barzan wormhole during TNG: The Prize), and 18m long (that's the general number given to Quarks shuttle, tho I'm inclined to call his rather a runabout).And the only figure of small Cardassian vessels are the numbers for the Hideki-class fighter, which I doubt to land there (that "fighter" is almost 86m long! That makes it longer than the Enolian prison ship from ENT: Canamar...)
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Well,according to those it's longer than the types 6 and 8, but slimmer and about the same height, so it doesn't really matter.
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