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[Deleted User][Deleted User]191 Posts: 0
edited March 2014 in Work in Progress #1
Here IA’ll show you one of my actual 3D-Projects - the ANDROMEDA-CLASS.

Last year I was searching for a new MU-ship-class, for my Fan-Fiction-Verse: BREAKABLE.
I saw the Antares-Class years ago and I decided to modify it for a ship-class of the 22nd century.

I plan to make two different versions of it - one more TOS-like, and one, that matches with the ship-classes of my BREAKABLE-Universe (year 2160 - 2167) for using it on Covers for the FF-Episodes...

IA’ve startet to build this model with MAX2009. A few weeks ago IA’ve converted it into LW for continuing the work on it with this program.
Post edited by [Deleted User] on


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    You know I like it. :)

    It looks like it survived the conversion process rather well. Not all models are that lucky. ;)
  • You know I like it. :)

    It looks like it survived the conversion process rather well. Not all models are that lucky. ;)

    Oh yes.
    IA’ve tried to convert also my EAS SHERIDAN Mesh into LW, but the result was... ugly.
    Perhaps because the SHERIDAN is a C4D-Mesh. I guess the C4D-converting-routine isnA’t as good as the MAX-routine...
  • IA’ve continued the work on the rear-part of the narcelles...


    And: IA’ve rounded the front-part of the secondary-hull.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    I really like the details on the nacelle end. The rounding definitely looks good too. :)
  • Today IA’ve found some minor Polygon-Errors (mostly at the carved Parts) and fixed it. IA’ve also rounded the edges at the curved lower part of the secondary-hull. (And welded a few points here, and merged a few polygons there, and deleted a few points no needed anymore, and... ;))

    Okay - the mesh is clean now and I can begin now to continue the work on it.
    Here a few pics from some different angles as usual:




    This is a test for the blue glow from the narcelles:
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    That looks great. Are you using the glow setting, or did you set up lights? (or is it both?)

    It's not surprising you had some errors on the cut. I always have to weld some verts and do some other mesh voodoo to get those looking smooth. Yours definitely looks nice and smooth. :)
  • That looks great. Are you using the glow setting, or did you set up lights? (or is it both?)

    For the moment itA’s just the glow setting. I think about using lights for the final version.
    It's not surprising you had some errors on the cut. I always have to weld some verts and do some other mesh voodoo to get those looking smooth. Yours definitely looks nice and smooth. :)

    It goes on - step by step.

    IA’ve added a few windows (measures 1x2 Meters) and I consider about adding a few little round windows too (1x1 Meters).
    Also the most of the position-lights are now installed.

    For this renders IA’ve added a point light for the red position-light in the last pic. When the mesh is ready I add lightsources for all position-lights.



  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    I love the glow setting. I use it unless I absolutely have to have lights spilling onto the hull. ;)

    The windows look good, but they give the ship a bit more of a Next Generation look, in my opinion. Though, since this is a mirror universe ship, it probably doesn't matter.
  • I love the glow setting. I use it unless I absolutely have to have lights spilling onto the hull. ;)

    The windows look good, but they give the ship a bit more of a Next Generation look, in my opinion. Though, since this is a mirror universe ship, it probably doesn't matter.

    YouA’re right - IA’ve had totally forgotten, that the windows of the NX-era have an other adjustment... :O
    Thanks for the reminder.

    ItA’s not a big deal to try the NX-direction of the windows at a fewer version of the primary hull (I saved the last 25 versions of the ship, and I have had converted the different parts of the ship seperately - given it into seperate layer in LW - so Copy and Paste, and do it again... ;))
    But not today... ;) I try it tomorrow, or friday - perhaps IA’m more happy with that result.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Well, if you want to get technical, the NX-01 is just the Akira-class with the rear parts rearranged. (I love the ship, but it's true) The window shapes are more like what we saw on the movie-era Enterprise, not the original. So, having the windows going the "wrong" way doesn't look totally out of place. Plus, as I said, it's a Terran Empire ship, not a Starfleet ship. Aside from a ship just like the NX-01, some of the warp deltas and the Constitution-class, we haven't really seen much of the Terran Empire ships on screen. (they had more in the comics, but those don't count) So, it's not inconceivable to say the ship couldn't have windows like that, as we don't know just how far TE designs vary from Starfleet designs.
  • Well, if you want to get technical, the NX-01 is just the Akira-class with the rear parts rearranged. (I love the ship, but it's true)

    ThatA’s the reason why I like the NX-Class - because the AKIRA is my most favorite canon-design.
    The window shapes are more like what we saw on the movie-era Enterprise, not the original. So, having the windows going the "wrong" way doesn't look totally out of place. Plus, as I said, it's a Terran Empire ship, not a Starfleet ship. Aside from a ship just like the NX-01, some of the warp deltas and the Constitution-class, we haven't really seen much of the Terran Empire ships on screen. (they had more in the comics, but those don't count) So, it's not inconceivable to say the ship couldn't have windows like that, as we don't know just how far TE designs vary from Starfleet designs.

    You say it right.

    By building the vertical windows IA’ve had my ISS SCHARNHORST in mind, because there I have this vertical windows. But my MU-DAEDALUS has the horizontal windows, and it was commissioned 1 1/2 year after the PHOENIX in my FF, so the PHOENIX really should have the windows horizontal (itA’s not a must, but it matches better for my FF I guess). The SCHARNHORST and all other MU-ships commissioned after 2167 (in my FF) should have the vertical windows furthermore.

    So IA’ve designed the primary-hull new today (and IA’m really much more happy with the result). :) IA’ve also added a few smaller windows (1x1 Meter) and I like it. Maybe I add a few of it at the lower rear-part of the secondary-hull.

    Here are two new pics of it - itA’s not just yet ready, but IA’ve added the spec-maps for the most parts of the ship.

    And - yes, not all ship-designs was shown in "In a mirror, darkly" - so I guess there is much more room for another imperial designs. (Amongst other things, I need a fast frigate-class - between a length of 110 and 140 Meters for the Empire... ;)) mirrorsmi56.gif

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    That's looking great. :)
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    Very nice ship! :)
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • Thanks...

    IA’ve added a few details and three of the smaller windows at both sides of the secondary-hull. The value for the spec-maps IA’ve reduced from 70% down to 40% - I think thatA’s enough for it.



  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    That looks great. I especially like the way you did the stripes on the nacelle.
  • That looks great. I especially like the way you did the stripes on the nacelle.

    Many thanx.
    This stripes are similar to that kind of stripes I used by the DAEDALUS, but not even filigrane like that. This ship is a "wrathful little warrior" so I felt, this is the way to add the stripes... ;)
    I need little connections to link the deflector-hull with the secondary-hull, where the rings at the def-hull are. (For a more robust look. IA’ve a vague idea how they should look like and try to make this little thingumabobs - I like this word ;) :D - the next days.)

    An airlock is planned for each half of the primary-hull (at the surfaces between the position-lights). IA’m not sure if it looks good to give also one at the six of the deflector-hull (but I like the idea).
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    I thought of the Daedalus when I saw them. :)
  • I thought of the Daedalus when I saw them. :)

    That was the master-plan because in my FF both ships are constructed nearly at the same time (the PHOENIX Summer 2159 and the DAEDALUS Fall 2160) and they are going together into action in January 2161 (against some Romulan orbital-ship yards).
  • A little update:
    A look at one of the airlocks.
  • Some more details and the red marks on the upper secondary hull.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice work. :)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    I like the greebles, from what I can see of them.
  • I like the greebles, from what I can see of them.

    A closer look on it... ;)
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann698 Posts: 1,343Member
    I see blue eyes with eyebrows, I can totally imagine them changing to form different expressions. I like that.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    ulimann644 wrote: »
    A closer look on it... ;)

    Thanks for the closer look. I definitely like it. :)
  • Thanks...
    IA’ve added the weapons and the Hangar today. IA’ve also finished the cargo-bays. I think, it can leave the drydock and go into action this WE... ;)






  • Lights on.
    Now there are only minor details and a few textures to add and then this baby can leave the drydock.




  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    My only criticism is that the saucer underside is a bit plain. Are you planning to leave it as is or add something down there?
  • My only criticism is that the saucer underside is a bit plain. Are you planning to leave it as is or add something down there?

    My plan was to leave it as it is.
    But IA’ve considered about some rims or some plates, the last days - I think I test it this WE.
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    Very nice details on those cargobays! :D

    I have to agree with evil_genius, the bottom saucer looks a bit boring when compared with the rest of the ship.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
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