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3DPhaser Type II

huzzelwuzzelhuzzelwuzzel2 Posts: 0Member
edited February 2014 in Work in Progress #1
Complementary to my Type III Phaser Rifle i've decided to give the Type II a try, the late DS9/Voyager "Phaserang" version.
Phaserang WIP.jpg
Phaserang WIP2.jpg
Post edited by huzzelwuzzel on


  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    Looks like a great start.
  • huzzelwuzzelhuzzelwuzzel2 Posts: 0Member
    Thank you.
    Progress is actually much better than i thought it would be
    Phaserang WIP3.jpg
  • count23count23366 Posts: 784Member
    looks like the shape is right, but you know the cobra-head version is the correct compliment to the type 3, right? :)
    Formerly Nadesico.

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  • huzzelwuzzelhuzzelwuzzel2 Posts: 0Member
    Depends. The DS9 seasons 4 to 7 featured both the classic TNG Phaser Rifle and the Phaserang, and those are also the two i like the most. My wrist hurts just thinking about how you'd aim with the classic Cobrahead, not to mention the Dustbuster!

    EDIT: The Phaser itself is finished, now all it needs is a holster to be put in.
    The Phased Energy Rectification Weapon Type II is a directed energy weapon and the standard issue sidearm of Starfleet armed forces. Like most Starfleet Phasers, it fires a steady beam of rapid nadions whose effect depends on chosen setting and target.
    The Type II has sixteen intensity settings, the lowest of which causes momentary dizziness on normal humanoids. Set slightly higher it will stun for a duration dependant on the target's physiology, increasing intensity further will heat objects, then burn them, and the highest settings will totally vaporize a target.
    Beam width can be modified too, but a wide dispersal comes at an enormous cost in intensity.
    All hand-held Starfleet Phasers are gyro-stabilized, a sensor bar on top scans the wielders eye distance, angle and direction of focus and then compares it to the image of the target area captured by the emitter boresight. This way the Phaser's circuitry triangulates the chosen target, and the gyro motors align the beam emitter so it will be hit at center of mass. Gyro stabilization can be overridden, and the weapon will do so itself if it is unable to calculate a point of focus.
    Because most of the aiming is done by the weapon itself as long as it is held in the general direction of the target, Starfleet weapons training usually requires shooting at tiny, fast moving dots that change colors on the range. This trains reflexes and quick focussing on a target.
    When humanity set out to the stars, it was obvious that not everyone the explorators met could be expected to be friendly. Early weapons still had the classic pistol shape, a design used by almost every humanoid species in the galaxy. It was comfortable to use, but also instantly recognized as a weapon.
    For later Phasers, Starfleet engineers came up with a shape that was more reminiscent of a remote control. It not only made away teams less likely to be immediately disarmed, many aliens were also much more cooperative when they didn't consider Starfleet officers to carry weapons with them.
    Unfortunately the shape required unnatural twisting of the wrist to properly aim, and while the gyro motors usually compensate, they were angled down most of the time because of this.
    It was decided that the Type II would have to be redesigned, and so it received a more angled grip that is more comfortable to hold as shown here. Miniaturization also made the weapon wholly more slender, at no loss in capability. The new Sarium Krellide power pack even has a higher capacity than the old one, and reloading in the field is much easier.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    That looks great. The model looks nice and smooth. I used to have both the First Contact and Insurrection toy versions, (the toys were slightly different) but I don't think I have either anymore.

    This design was introduced in First Contact, if I remember correctly. The weird thing is, with everything they did from not changing uniforms and even tricorders and phaser rifles on Voyager to keep up the illusion that they were really stranded so far from home, they switched to this design for the type II. ;) It probably had to do with availability of props. I know a lot of the smaller props, such as the phaser pistols, "disappeared" over the years. That's probably also why they had both designs being used in unison on DS9.
  • huzzelwuzzelhuzzelwuzzel2 Posts: 0Member
    I thought they had made the new prop for First Contact too, but i recently rewatched DS9 "Way of the Warrior" and they already had the Phaserang there. I don't have the production (or star-) dates at hand right now, but in First Contact they beamed Worf over from the Defiant, so that must have been later.
    I have the (painfully expensive) Master Replica First Contact Phaser which i used as reference for my model. The only real differences i see are a red trigger and differently colored lights on the intensity settings.
    I also agree on the dubiousness of the new Phasers and Tricorders on Voyager, it was even more funny with the First Contact Phaser Rifle. It was in a few Voyager episodes (and one DS9 episode i think), then it was the refurbished Compression Rifle again.
    Maybe i'll do the TNG Type II too, it's pretty blocky so it should be easier to make in Sketchup.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    I thought they stuck to the older style compression rifles on Voyager, like they had in the pilot episode. But, it's also been a few years since I watched the entire series. Unfortunately, a lot of people took "souvenirs" from the sets, especially once they wrapped on a movie or season. That and the amount they probably broke along the way likely led to shortages of certain props. I guess, rather than making new ones, they simply replaced them with what was on hand, even if it wasn't correct.
  • huzzelwuzzelhuzzelwuzzel2 Posts: 0Member
    They switched back to the Compression Rifle later again, but i really don't like that design. It's huge, and in no episode i remember did they show how the "compression" did anything better than the smaller, older Phaser Rifle.
    It also has that strange, stubby stock that doesn't look like it was designed for a human shoulder.
  • count23count23366 Posts: 784Member
    Janeway used an FC rifle in "Macrocosm" in season 3, otherwise they largely used twin-prong types, most noticeably in the ALpha Quadrant too, the Twin-prongs were seen in "Message in a Bottle" as part of the Prometheus security team's weapons, and again in Equinox. But 7 also used an FC rifle type in "One" too. BUt they mostly stuck to the twin-prongs where possible.
    Formerly Nadesico.

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  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Nadesico wrote: »
    Janeway used an FC rifle in "Macrocosm" in season 3, otherwise they largely used twin-prong types, most noticeably in the ALpha Quadrant too, the Twin-prongs were seen in "Message in a Bottle" as part of the Prometheus security team's weapons, and again in Equinox. But 7 also used an FC rifle type in "One" too. BUt they mostly stuck to the twin-prongs where possible.

    Dreadful episode. I tend to skip it. ;)

    It was probably a case of somebody bringing the wrong prop to the set and nobody noticed.
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