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3DDoing a ship from a comic

Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
edited January 2014 in Work in Progress #1
I'm thinking of doing a model of a little known ship from a comic that I like but there's some issues. Basically you know how it is in comics, the ship can change every time someone draws it, you might never get a good all around view, etc.

So basically I was thinking of just taking a vew views I like and using them, and ignoring and are using the rest. I think that's the only way to go with a ship that is in a comic and can change regularly due to different artists, so has anyone done a ship from a comic and if so is that how they went?

It's the ship the red lanterns have shanghaied and are using now, the Kaalvar. Yes I know no ones heard of it, let's see if I can get some pics...

Here's one before the red lanterns got their hands on it.

There are more in the comics I have, but none really of the underside or the rear.
Post edited by Judge Death. on


  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    I like the green lantern ship from the animated series
  • Knight26Knight26192 Posts: 838Member
    Interesting design, I kind of like it, will look forward to seeing where you go with it.
  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks, I need to find some more views of it though.
    Knight26 wrote: »
    Interesting design, I kind of like it, will look forward to seeing where you go with it.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    That's a cool design. I'm looking forward to the build. :)
    So basically I was thinking of just taking a vew views I like and using them, and ignoring and are using the rest. I think that's the only way to go with a ship that is in a comic and can change regularly due to different artists, so has anyone done a ship from a comic and if so is that how they went?

    I haven't done a ship from a comic or cartoon before, but that's your best bet. As you say, it can change from artist to artist and even from panel to panel/scene to scene from the same artist. If you try to match everything, you'll go nuts.
  • wibblewibble1300 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 582Member
    I agree. Haven't build a Ship from a comic yet as well, but I'm playing around a bit with the Last Resort from the KOTR-Comics a while now. And yes it's not just changing from artist to artist it's changing from panel to panel. So taking a vew pics you like the most and ignore the rest is the only way it goes.
  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    That's a cool design. I'm looking forward to the build. :)

    I haven't done a ship from a comic or cartoon before, but that's your best bet. As you say, it can change from artist to artist and even from panel to panel/scene to scene from the same artist. If you try to match everything, you'll go nuts.

    Oh, It's far too late to worry about that..
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    You mean going nuts? I went years ago myself. It's a lot more fun than they claim it is. :devil:
  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    Oh, here is another view of the kaalvar, this is the one that I think made me want to model her if I can. If you notice she looks different it's because now she's running on red lantern energy. For those who don't know what the red lanterns are, think green lanterns except they use rage for power instead of will.

    Still can't find XXXX for rear or underside views though...
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    I prefer the green lantern ship from the animated series
  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    colbmista wrote: »
    I prefer the green lantern ship from the animated series

    So model it already.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    ^ Well said.
    For those who don't know what the red lanterns are, think green lanterns except they use rage for power instead of will.

    Thanks for that bit of information. I knew what Green and Yellow Lanterns were, thanks mostly to one of the animated films that I have and the live action film, but I wasn't sure about the Red Lanterns. I was going to look it up on the DC wiki, but I forgot.
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