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3DThe Creech

japetusjapetus2981 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
edited June 2014 in Work in Progress #1
I've had this awesome spawn figurine for a long time and I've attempted to model him over the years...the last time was.. ::gasp:: 7 years ago... wow I feel old. But I've been learning way more about zbrush, I decided to give him another try. Feel like it's coming along well...



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  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Some dreads....

    No mouth or will it be added/modelled later on?
  • japetusjapetus2981 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    He doesn't really have a mouth, if you google him, it's underneath his green suit

  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Ah, it's a suit...
    TBH, I didn't know this thing.
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    Looks to be a cross betwern ironman sandman the hulk and doc oc
  • japetusjapetus2981 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    Here's the latest...almost done, was messing with some zbrush render settings. I have a low decimation mesh quality on the boots and gloves, I'm gonna improve that and I'll try to pose him. Was having troubles with him exploding when I pose him, so we'll see how far I can get with it. creech10.jpg
  • japetusjapetus2981 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    Learned a lot since I started this guy! Decided to go back to him and learn some multi-pass compositing from zbrush. I'm calling this guy done for now...

  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    Dude! Is there anything that you can't model??? Amazing as always.
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    Loving it! :)
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Cracking work as ever.


    SPAWN action figures? Jeez that's a blast from the past, they were awesome though.
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Love it! :thumb: Excellent work.
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