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3DShuttlecraft and small ships

ryo80ryo800 Posts: 0Member
edited November 2015 in Work in Progress #1
Well... my hard drive died and it's taken me a while to get everything back up and running. I was able to recover my work with a backup drive fortunately. That said, I wanted to shift gears and revisit some old stuff before getting back to what I was working on previously. When I watched TNG and TOS as a kid, I was always fascinated with the shuttles and smaller ships the crew would use. So I figured I'd try my hand at some of them here before I get back to the larger, more complicated work.

I know a lot of folks don't like the Type 7 shuttle too much :P but I was reading about Mr. Probert's original design and paintings of it and thought it would be interesting to see fleshed out. Though it was a pain to get the basic shape set, I think it's fairly accurate thus far; albeit with a couple of spots and the undercarriage I haven't worked out yet. (Also, I never really liked that the windows were always opaque on the filming models, so I feel compelled to do at least some of an interior to make these realistic)
Post edited by ryo80 on


  • BoogerMcBoogerMc176 Posts: 243Member
    An interesting design, it has some good points and some bad ones, but will have to see how it develops. The modeling itself looks great.
  • thth0 Posts: 0Member
    I've always been a fan of this design, it great to see it modeled.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    I like the look of the thing, quite interesting, and with the ergonomic shapes, quite in keeping with the design of the Enterprise-D, but I can understand why people don't like it, comes across a little too much like a blob like compact car like a Nissan Micra or Vauxhall Corsa, very much a product of its time. I like that we can see the interior with this version of it. Also where is the hatch? In the middle of the nose section between the windows?
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    The biggest problem fans had with the Type 7 was the dreadful full-sized version. It didn't match the filming miniature at all. So, people hated the shuttle and it was eventually replaced by a modified version of one of the full-sized shuttles from Star Trek 5.

    I really like your model, it looks fantastic. Probert's design is great.
  • JeffJeff1 Posts: 0Member
    I too like some elements, not others. Always disliked the big, wrap-around butt end of the thing but like the detail you've added here. One question though; is that the hatch I see outlined at the fore end, between the windows? If so I really do like that idea though I can imagine that location creating some issues. Also, would very much like to see the internal layout and variations for different mission assignments. Look forward to seeing more.
  • ryo80ryo800 Posts: 0Member
    Glad you guys like it thus far :)

    I have to agree that there are some... odd angles for this particular shuttle (I'm a Nissan man and I lol'd at the Micra comment), and I remember how painfully horrid that full-size "mockup" of the Type 7 was. But yes, the panels in the middle of the forward end of the shuttle is actually a ramp opening, with the top half sliding up. The hatches on the sides open up like gull-wings to add/remove cargo. There is also the top hatch, which I believe is on the canon version as well. I think that and the warp powertrain configuration are the most forward-thinking aspects of this craft. More on the interior as I get that part cleaned up.
  • count23count23366 Posts: 784Member
    I'd love to see you make the interior with the centre cockpit hatch that opens, sure there were a few issues with the interior of the real set there, but it's still workable.

    There were a few other designs for TNG shuttles that never got realized, i reckon you'd turn some heads if you pull them off too.

    but so far, your Type 7 is very nicely shaped, quite accurate to the studio model (the mockup was terrible IRL), can't wait to see which ones you do next.
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Nice work. I've always been a fan of this particular shuttle because it fits so well with the Galaxy.
  • ryo80ryo800 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks guys :)

    This is the shuttle that started it for me, for sure.
    Nadesico wrote: »
    I'd love to see you make the interior with the centre cockpit hatch that opens, sure there were a few issues with the interior of the real set there, but it's still workable.

    There were a few other designs for TNG shuttles that never got realized, i reckon you'd turn some heads if you pull them off too.

    but so far, your Type 7 is very nicely shaped, quite accurate to the studio model (the mockup was terrible IRL), can't wait to see which ones you do next.

    Indeed, I'd like to get to some of those other concepts as well. Since I haven't rigged this model yet, I mocked up how the hatch would look open, based on Mr. Probert's sketches. Again, I'm still piecing together the interior, based on his paintings, rather than the interior we saw in the show.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Nice, is that how the hatch appeared in the show? I really can't remember how this thing looked on set, has been a long while since I've watched early ST:TNG.
  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    awesome, I remember collecting a load of reference material for this but in the end I could never be bothered to build it

    cool ship though, glad someone's done it
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    Great work. I've seen this concept lots of times, but I don't know if I ever knew that was a hatch. If I did know that, I don't remember.
    TALON_UK wrote: »
    Nice, is that how the hatch appeared in the show? I really can't remember how this thing looked on set, has been a long while since I've watched early ST:TNG.

    No, they never did a hatch like this on the show. When they did the Type 7, the closest ship on the show to this one, they put the hatch in the back. Too bad, because it does look neat having it in the nose.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    I thought so, most of the ST:TNG shuttles seemed to have rear hatches, though a few had them in the side like TOS shuttles. Was thinking if I'd seen anything as cool looking as the above in the series I'd have remembered it. A hatch in the back is just such a pedestrian way of doing things.
  • japetusjapetus2981 SeattlePosts: 1,403Member
    Ive liked this one for a while too. Nice work on it! Seems like it's more of a luxury shuttlecraft with all those windows, still I don't mind. Great work so far!
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1188 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,629Member
    Sweet work on this! I always loved the "soapbar" shuttles.
  • count23count23366 Posts: 784Member
    ryo80 wrote: »
    Thanks guys :)

    This is the shuttle that started it for me, for sure.

    Indeed, I'd like to get to some of those other concepts as well. Since I haven't rigged this model yet, I mocked up how the hatch would look open, based on Mr. Probert's sketches. Again, I'm still piecing together the interior, based on his paintings, rather than the interior we saw in the show.

    I like that, but the complaint with that approach for the receding window piece is that there is a control panel on it (in the real set), so what you should do is rather than have it retract, a nice blend with "canon" would be to make it flip up, just like the ramp flips down. And you can leave the control panel in place as well as reconcile the interior set and the exterior model :) (Think, like the side hatches for the Type 15 shuttlepods).
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
  • jrhotteljrhottel18 Posts: 0Member
    Beautiful work, and beautiful design. The huge blind spot in your forward field of view would really suck if reduced to visual flight.
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    Very sexy! I always loved the original type-7 concept. Too bad that it was too complicated for its time and budget.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BasillBasill172 Posts: 0Member
    Sweet. Always my favorite TNG shuttle, though it never reached its full potential due to practical matters.
    Really nice seeing it redevelop here. Excellent modeling! :D
  • uniderthuniderth1 Posts: 0Member
    I love this shuttle design too. It's too bad it didn't get any real good use in the series.
  • ryo80ryo800 Posts: 0Member
    I appreciate you guys' comments and suggestions :)
    IRML wrote: »
    awesome, I remember collecting a load of reference material for this but in the end I could never be bothered to build it

    cool ship though, glad someone's done it

    Thanks man, it's a lot of fun building something like this and seeing how different it was from the show. I'm only working off of about 5 references that I've found from paintings and a schematic or two. Would you mind sharing some of what you've found?
    japetus wrote: »
    Ive liked this one for a while too. Nice work on it! Seems like it's more of a luxury shuttlecraft with all those windows, still I don't mind. Great work so far!

    I think the big windows reflect the luxury style and vision of the Galaxy Class too; it's almost like one of the lounges, but with nacelles
    Nadesico wrote: »
    I like that, but the complaint with that approach for the receding window piece is that there is a control panel on it (in the real set), so what you should do is rather than have it retract, a nice blend with "canon" would be to make it flip up, just like the ramp flips down. And you can leave the control panel in place as well as reconcile the interior set and the exterior model :) (Think, like the side hatches for the Type 15 shuttlepods).

    I agree that's the most practical approach to it. I'll try rigging it once everything is done to see how it works. I'm trying to keep this as close to the concept as I can, but that's a compelling argument for sure.

    Here's a shot of the cabin. From what I've been reading, the interior was supposed to be fairly low-lit, but I've only been able to add the floor lighting thus far.

    ecqw.jpg 310.6K
  • count23count23366 Posts: 784Member
    ryo80 wrote: »
    I agree that's the most practical approach to it. I'll try rigging it once everything is done to see how it works. I'm trying to keep this as close to the concept as I can, but that's a compelling argument for sure.

    Here's a shot of the cabin. From what I've been reading, the interior was supposed to be fairly low-lit, but I've only been able to add the floor lighting thus far.


    I think it only looked poorly lit in the original SDs, if you check out the interior appearances in TNG blu-ray's screenshots it looks a lot easier. I am pretty sure BOBW showed at least a "big" roof light in the cargo section, I don't know about the cockpit though, but the blu rays of Q Who and Unnatural selection should help there.

    Edit: It's not a lot, but it's the start of something to extrapolate:

    You can see the big square light panel, judging from reflection in the rest of the scene, I think that's either it or they were using key lights from outside the shuttle. I'll keep looking.

    EDIT2: Found some cockpit roof shots:

    Not as good a reference as US because, but you can see, there's no light in cockpit past the door's bulkhead. But... the roof is completely featureless, so you could extrapolate the rear sections' light fixture and put it forward, at least partially (I'm thinking, forward of the bulkhead until the door hinge at least), and that should lighten the interior up a touch while looking canon-ish.
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804598 Posts: 11,184Member
    The interior is looking great so far. :)
  • bernard guignardbernard guignard334 Posts: 48Member
    Nice work there :thumb:
  • TrekMDTrekMD192 Posts: 639Member
    Looking nice!
  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    ryo80 wrote: »
    Thanks man, it's a lot of fun building something like this and seeing how different it was from the show. I'm only working off of about 5 references that I've found from paintings and a schematic or two. Would you mind sharing some of what you've found?
    ah I can't seem to find it so maybe it's gone, I will keep looking though, I had interior sketches and things, it was good stuff
  • vmblastvmblast3 Posts: 0Member
    This is the original shuttlecraft concept design for the Enterprise D. Im really sad that they rejected it, because its a great design and it matches with the D perfectly. Ofc reason for this -production limitations :(

    Andy had really great vision and as its often happens, they toned it down. He did best to transfer that idea to the more "boxed", official version (which they butchered as well at the end). :p

    Original shuttlecraft.jpg
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Heh, that design would have been interesting to see realised. I can sort of see why they didn't go with the design though, it does look a little impractical and a little too literal with it's aping of the Galaxy class's curves.
  • rdudarduda332 Posts: 0Member
    I think this is the coolest shuttle, great work!!!
  • ryo80ryo800 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks guys, for your comments :)
    IRML wrote: »
    ah I can't seem to find it so maybe it's gone, I will keep looking though, I had interior sketches and things, it was good stuff

    No worries. I talked to Mr. Probert and he gave me some really good reference shots to work with. I appreciate your help though. :)
    vmblast wrote: »
    This is the original shuttlecraft concept design for the Enterprise D. Im really sad that they rejected it, because its a great design and it matches with the D perfectly. Ofc reason for this -production limitations :(

    Andy had really great vision and as its often happens, they toned it down. He did best to transfer that idea to the more "boxed", official version (which they butchered as well at the end). :p

    Original shuttlecraft.jpg

    Now that one I did find! :P Because it was preliminary and they had him change it, I think he didn't have much of it fleshed out. That is a shame, and his finished prototype does look smaller as well.

    So as mentioned, I got some guidance from Andrew on the shape and interior details of the shuttle. I refined the shape of the fuselage a bit, and cut in most of the paneling. I also rebuilt the seats to match the painting he did for the SOTL calendar. Still lots to do, but it's almost done.

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