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3DNew Travel Pod

dbrasco2069dbrasco20690 Posts: 2Member
edited July 2014 in Work in Progress #1
This is a slight redesign of the travel pod from ST:TMP--it is part of a larger work with a redesigned 'New' new enterprise and dry dock. The basic layout of the pod was inspired by a John Eaves design, with my own additions. Just looking for some feedback/suggestions about where I am with it so far. Thanks everyone!!

Post edited by dbrasco2069 on


  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    Very, very nice. The only thing I would change is the middle window on the front. I'd make it follow the shape and go onto the top a bit.

    Other than that, it looks spot on.
  • jrhotteljrhottel18 Posts: 0Member
    Admiring the greebles. I'm trying to work out techniques and a style for my own. I would enlarge the radius of the windshield corners. Sharp corners are stress risers having less strength. Besides I suspect it would enhance looks and sense of realism by adhering to convention. Beautiful work.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    for a travel pod i's say it's about right. as long as it's pure exoatmospheric for just transferring between ships its fine for the job. i like the smooth greebling you've put on it, it's an ugly shape overall but that's how a travel pod generally is. the detailing is cool and in some ways better than what you see in older star trek films.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Nice, and as everyone has already mentioned, great greebling detail you've got in there. I agree with Jrhottel regarding the windshield corners, but other than that? Spot on.
  • wibblewibble1268 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 569Member
    I like it. Not too blocky, not too retro. It still looks very much like the original designe (which is a good thing). Also like your greebling but I wouldn't add that much more (In case you planned). It could get overloaded very fast. One little thing I have to ask though, 'cause it's the same problem the original Travel Pod had have. If your doors open, where do they go?
  • jrhotteljrhottel18 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks Wibble, classic!
  • Judge Death.Judge Death.1 Posts: 0Member
    Excellent! was this done in blender? looks like it.

    I agree with most of the comments made, but I might declare this could enter atmosphere and land, once. Sort of an emergency survival pod.

    I like the bits on the front, I think making a pure travel pod is bogus, it should have multi functionality as standard. I recommend making the bits on the front various tools, like a mini tractor beam, a cutting/welding phaser and maybe add in a folded up Waldo or two.

    I know there were work pods, but I still think a travel pod should have some multi functional uses too.
  • trekkitrekki964 Posts: 1,417Member
    Interesting work, I hope we see more of this beautiful object.

  • dbrasco2069dbrasco20690 Posts: 2Member
    Wow, I didn't know I was getting this many replies to this...thanks to everyone who took time to look at it and give me a bit of feedback. Greatly appreciated =)

    Vortex5972: I like your suggestion of altering the middle window. it would give them a better view from the cockpit and look a it 'cooler'...let me see if I can rework it.

    jrhottel: Greebles are my nemesis lol. I probably couldn't rework the window corners without a major breakdown of the mesh. You're right that hard edges are weak points in the structure, but portholes would severely narrow the view of the occupants, and it seems like these pods were mean to offer a view of whatever they are traveling toward. Besides, they aren't combat ships so I'm sure we can bend the rules a little here =)

    spacefighter: Thanks! Yes, it absolutely isn't mean to enter atmosphere. Strictly short transport in space.

    TALON_UK: Hmmm, might have to take a second look at those corners now that it's come up twice

    wibble: As I've said, greebles are my nemesis...always seems like it needs more more more. Ugh. And these doors are designed on hinges to swing open, into the pod. This makes sense as the interior pressure would help keep them forced closed when traveling in a vacuum...although I'm planning on using the footage from ST:TMP, so you'll still get the ridiculous disappearing doors.

    Judge Death: This was done in Maya. I have two emitters on the front, but haven't decided whether to make them spotlights or something else. I don't want to overthink it too much as this isn't the main focus of the scene.

    trekki: Thanks!
  • bernard guignardbernard guignard334 Posts: 48Member
    Nicely done.
  • TrekMDTrekMD192 Posts: 639Member
    I like it. Nicely done!
  • dbrasco2069dbrasco20690 Posts: 2Member

    Just finished the modeling, now laying out UV's and doing initial material =)
  • dbrasco2069dbrasco20690 Posts: 2Member
    Initial color pass (not textures), and I also built and lit the front spotlightsPod_7.jpgPod_8.jpgPod_6.jpg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804617 Posts: 11,190Member
    Looking great. I really like the lights. :)
  • wibblewibble1268 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 569Member
    true, those are literally the highlights.
  • dbrasco2069dbrasco20690 Posts: 2Member
    Finished self lighting, no textures, no post. I'll texture it with the rest of the scene =)
  • wibblewibble1268 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 569Member
    With which programm are you working. Your lighting really is amazing, would be interested in knowing how you did it.
  • dbrasco2069dbrasco20690 Posts: 2Member
    wibble wrote: »
    With which programm are you working. Your lighting really is amazing, would be interested in knowing how you did it.

    Thanks, Wibble! I'm using Maya's showing its age, I need to upgrade lol.

    The overall lighting is just a simple Maya physical sun and sky (and the accompanying simple lens shader). It is a quick, easy way to get decent light for the modeling process without having to do a light set up (it's literally one click).

    On the pod, the strobe lights are simply textures that have been blown out just enough to leak some light. For small lights like that, you can get away with doing it this way and then hitting it with a glow/flare in post. However, this technique won't work for lights of any significant size because the glass panels are just too large and if you get close to it, it would look ridiculous. Hence...

    For the spotlights in front, I created a back reflective panel (chrome-like) and then put a piece of frosted glass over the front. The light is inside the housing (just like a real light). It's a point light with a physical light shader plugged in for realistic spread and falloff, and a blackbody plugged into the physical light to control light color and intensity.

    The back door lights are similar, except instead of a point light, I used area lights with a shape node attached (light shape). Light shapes give you very realistic lighting (since all light in reality comes from a physical surface), but they often create 'noise' in your renders that you have to clean up, oftentimes boosting your rendering times. Since these lights will only be on when the pod leaves the port and then docks with the Enterprise, I went more realistic (since I won't have to render them throughout the entire animation, just at the beginning and the end).
  • wibblewibble1268 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 569Member
    Yah, I mainly was referring to the Headlights they are looking darn real. The rest of it is good as well, but those are shineing out. Unfortunately I'm a Blender User so I will see if I can translate it to Blender. But much thanks for the Tips anyway.
  • The mesh is really cool.
    I like all those little details, and the lights are great. :)
  • dbrasco2069dbrasco20690 Posts: 2Member
    Haven't updated in awhile...finally got around to texturing! Main hull texture still isn't done...getting there. Also threw in a few quick snaps of the new dry dock. Still need to texture and light, so be gentle lol...any feedback much appreciated =)
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann698 Posts: 1,343Member
    WOW that Drydock is awesome. Looks like a giant space arrow. Honestly thought it was an awesome new ship until I realized how it fit into the superstructure.

    And the Pod looks brilliant, too.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    i also think the dock is great, can we see some views that include all of it. nice to see all the subtle details on the pod, such as the display screen in the airlock.
  • publiusrpubliusr555 Posts: 1,755Member
    Now I can see this backing up to the spindle of a small ringship...
  • dbrasco2069dbrasco20690 Posts: 2Member
    Surely, I'll update below =)
  • dbrasco2069dbrasco20690 Posts: 2Member
    Pod final (completed), low resolution renderings, no post effects (grain, flares, glows, etc). Once it's animated and goes through post, it will really, really pop out. Any feedback welcome! Also, as requested, threw in a tease of the dock, simple model for a quick test. Finishing up the model and dock textures now. Lastly, a quick tease of the new enterprise model. Woohoo =)
    52.jpg 101.3K
    51.jpg 122.8K
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  • trekkitrekki964 Posts: 1,417Member
    Wonderful objects, the Schuttle Pod is my favorit.
    Any chance to get the object? :)
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972333 Posts: 1,211Member
    Really love that pod. Nice take on the dry dock.
  • dbrasco2069dbrasco20690 Posts: 2Member
    trekki wrote: »
    Wonderful objects, the Schuttle Pod is my favorit.
    Any chance to get the object? :)

    Thanks! I'll put out the dock and the travel pod after I've finished the whole scene and put the video on youtube =)
  • dbrasco2069dbrasco20690 Posts: 2Member
    Final texturing completed. These are low res renders without any post. Once I put on the grain, motion blur, depth of field, glows, flares, etc, this is really going to pop. Any feedback and suggestions on how I can really 'sell' the final, please let me know. Much appreciated!
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