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3DMy Vengeance!



  • Wishbone_AshWishbone_Ash325 Posts: 250Member
    Saquist wrote: »
    Not that most of Trek is a model of perfection but JJ Trek abandons reality regularly.

    You're misunderstanding my point. Star Trek is sci-fantasy and always was. I'm saying, JJ Abrams is the first director associated with Trek to build a believable WORLD. And design is a key part of that. Lord of The Rings abandons reality all the time but the world that was created in the books and later, the films, is wholly believable. That is what JJ Abrams has achieved in his Star Trek. A complete living, breathing world in which the story takes place. With nearly all other Trek before this you had to pretend the low budget wobbly plywood set painted bright blue and red was a real starship bridge. In Abrams Trek you can simply sit and witness a believable world.
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    Star Trek is sci-fantasy and always was.

    I would have to disagree with that... since science fantasy is a mixed genre within the umbrella of speculative fiction which draws upon tropes and elements from both science fiction and fantasy, and sometimes also incorporates elements of horror.

    In fact, Neil deGrasse Tyson considers Star Wars science fantasy... haha. Which is why he likes Star Trek, for it's attempts at portraying real physics.

    Anyway, this is Madman's Vengeance thread...
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  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for the clarification Ash, that makes a a lot more sense.
  • tommygdawgtommygdawg0 Posts: 0Member
    Really liking the work on this so far. I can't imagine how difficult it is with so few really good resources to go off of. Looking forward to more :)
  • publiusrpubliusr555 Posts: 1,755Member
    I learned about space from Star Trek. I saw the (andromeda) kelvins from the TOS episode and knew the difference between galaxies and star systems. Many confuse that.

    Once, a talk radio personality tried to say the Voyager probe was leaving the galaxy. I knew better at six years old.
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    That's awesome
  • C_SanderC_Sander0 Posts: 0Member
    Amazing work Madman! Just sent you a PM
  • komarokomaro348 CanadaPosts: 752Member
    Very nice work. Keep it on. I especially like the side and front view.
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Please everyone, keep the discussions of this thread STRICTLY to the topic at hand: The model ship which is being made, and not have stupid rants about your trek preferences! :p The size of captain kirks hands are relevant to the topology of this mesh how?

    Hopefully I will get this on BluRay soon, so I can see what the ship looks like better: the references available are extremely scant. Not really a fan of the design either, but it had some really cool bits to it. Good luck with the mesh, this is a hard ship to do!
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    tobian wrote: »
    Hopefully I will get this on BluRay soon, so I can see what the ship looks like better: the references available are extremely scant. Not really a fan of the design either, but it had some really cool bits to it. Good luck with the mesh, this is a hard ship to do!

    Even in the blu-ray, there are very few shots that are clear without motion blur to see details...
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • alonzo11208alonzo11208331 Posts: 0Member
    I think he's doing a pretty decent job at the recreation, despite the lack of reference sources.

    And to add, I happened to like the Venny. Though admittedly, those rotating Gatling phaser drone missiles caught me off guard o.O
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    Though admittedly, those rotating Gatling phaser drone missiles caught me off guard o.O


    Another aspect that throws me off, are those ginormous cannons that are deployed, I don't even know where those weapons come from (I know they're at least in the saucer, but where?) when Marcus goes to fire on the Enterprise and Scotty sabotages the ship, since they're not visible in any of the shots following their deployment... that I saw...
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • alonzo11208alonzo11208331 Posts: 0Member
    Chris2005 wrote: »

    Another aspect that throws me off, are those ginormous cannons that are deployed, I don't even know where those weapons come from (I know they're at least in the saucer, but where?) when Marcus goes to fire on the Enterprise and Scotty sabotages the ship, since they're not visible in any of the shots following their deployment... that I saw...

    I say its on the back part of the saucer, where the "throat" of the ship is.
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Certainly helps, I am sure, Chris! :)
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    Here's that pre-release underside shot, only brighter:


    Also, there's little door-like things in front of the deflector dish that partly close after the Vengeance drops out of warp...
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    The only I don't like about the Vengeance is the purple impulse engines. Red would of been better looking.
    Going have to watch the movie again today to note other things. The smartglass app is pretty sweet for looking for these kinda things.
    Your right to an opinion does not make your opinion valid.
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann698 Posts: 1,343Member
    I like the purple, it's so underused.

    Can't wait to see more of this baby, I'm gonna have to dust off and do a redesign of my Vengeance Megazord now that more reference material is coming out.
  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    I like the purple, it's so underused.

    Can't wait to see more of this baby, I'm gonna have to dust off and do a redesign of my Vengeance Megazord now that more reference material is coming out.

    I saw enough of it on DS9 :D
    Your right to an opinion does not make your opinion valid.
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann698 Posts: 1,343Member
    The ONLY time I saw it was on DS9. Though it was overused there, I agree.
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    Saquist wrote: »
    When ever has a mans hands swollen to 3x times their original size not result in compartment syndrome, nerve damage and extreme spiking in blood pressure?
    23rd century medical science might just be a bit better than ours today, and bones likely treated all side effects of the condition right there and then along with the cause
    Saquist wrote: »
    -you can't witness the destruction of a planet by blackhole from another planet...with the human eye and survive (even Stargate SG-1 got this right)

    thats true of a natural black hole, this one was anything but and it only consumed the mass from a single planet - that means its gravity field would in fact be no greater than that of the planet - the artificial singularity only allowed all the planets own gravitational field to collapse the planet since the the material that fell into it was be compressed leaving a void - otherwise there would have been no need to actually drill a hole into the core of the planet - a genuine black hole anywhere near would have done the job

    that said it sounded like they were on a planet in another system - not a moon of vulcan which is the only thing that would have been close enough to witness by eye

    all that said finally saw into darkness yesterday on blu ray - damn good film - nice tribute to the wrath of khan - the vengeance - hmmm not sure - it certainly looks menacing but you never get a great view of it - but does seem a bit to much of a departure from standard federation design - and surely the enterprise should have been able to take a bit more punishment - did better against a 24th century borg enhanced romulan ship

    anyway model looks pretty accurate to what i saw but as i said not the greatest shots of it even in the film
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    Stormcloud wrote: »
    but does seem a bit to much of a departure from standard federation design

    I think that was one of the points... if I recall what I've been reading about it...
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Please take this discussion off the thread. It has nothing to do with the topic at hand... the MESH!
  • stfanboystfanboy67 Posts: 388Member
    Madman, is there any more updates on this? I would love to see more of this ship. Also, has anyone seen this piece? !Spoiler below!
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    stfanboy wrote: »
    Madman, is there any more updates on this? I would love to see more of this ship. Also, has anyone seen this piece? !Spoiler below!

    He told me via email that all he really has left to do is some detail parts and textures... he's hoping to get it done before the official blu-ray release.
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • stfanboystfanboy67 Posts: 388Member
    Chris2005 wrote: »
    He told me via email that all he really has left to do is some detail parts and textures... he's hoping to get it done before the official blu-ray release.

    Sweet!! Can't wait to see it. :D
  • madman1701amadman1701a339 Posts: 366Member
    Hey guys...

    Chris is indeed correct... just a few detail parts, cleanup, and textures left. :)

    I was working on it some last night, and took some more pictures. It's not 100% accurate, after having the QMX Artisan Replica photos to look at, but it's close enough for me. :)








    Hopefully textures will start appearing this weekend... they ought to be easy enough. There's only one pattern, and no lettering anywhere. :)

  • biotechbiotech171 Posts: 0Member
    Looks amazing.
  • stfanboystfanboy67 Posts: 388Member
    Looking great Madman. I didn't like this ship at first but she has grown on me. I just hope that some model companies release plastic or resin kits here soon. I think she is becoming my 2nd favorite canon ship behind the Enterprise D. Heck I even have her as my cover photo on my Facebook.
  • RekkertRekkert4260 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,326Member
    That looks amazing, I didn't notice that the nacelle pylons moved slightly forward near the nacelles before.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    Yea, there are little doors that close over the deflector somewhat when she drops out of warp... and opens back up when she's at warp...
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