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3DBabylon-5 Ships/Stations and other things

-=sAs=--=sAs=-336 Posts: 0Member
edited May 2013 in Work in Progress #1
So! This will be my Babylon 5 thread,here will upload all ship/station and etc...Omega destro thread for it not was good...:rolleyes:
I did Ortho views for ship (i hope its enought good),some little size and details change have between original and my models,added some extra detail.

Hyperion Heavy Cruiser:

Nova Class dreadnought:

Omega Class Destroyer:

And my ships and station what i plan after textured the already done ships:

Warlock class destroyer
Babylon 5 and 4 Stations(its not soon for sure,they long time projects..)
Explorer class starship
Olympus class corvette
Narn-G'Quan class heavy cruiser
And maybe more later...:)

About Texture...i did some test in Nova class,i want some upgrade in texture too,original too retro for me :)
Its just a test! try find what style can be good for them,here the first result..some "fast UVW" render:

This style is ok for ships? or try other way?
Post edited by -=sAs=- on


  • deadmasterdeadmaster61 Posts: 18Member
    Nice textures, materials... Love the detail.

    Can U tell me how many polys for model? :)
  • Knight26Knight26192 Posts: 838Member
    Arrgh, can't see imageshack at work, blast you AF IT, will have to wait until I get home to see the lovelies
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    awesome, the nova and omega are excellent, i look forward to the warlock class, the explorer class and the narn g'quan. these are truly epic.
  • MihoshiMihoshi0 Posts: 0Member
    Nice textures on that Nova class! You should try those on the Omega, because I think you nailed it!
  • MihoshiMihoshi0 Posts: 0Member
    Some help with that Warlock, including four small, but very clear shots of the original model. It was supposed to appear in a game, but when the plug was pulled on it the lead animator made these shots available on the web.

    The first official shots:

  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    sweet work.
  • -=sAs=--=sAs=-336 Posts: 0Member
    Mihoshi wrote: »
    Some help with that Warlock, including four small, but very clear shots of the original model. It was supposed to appear in a game, but when the plug was pulled on it the lead animator made these shots available on the web.

    The first official shots:


    Thanks man!
    Its will help me a lot,i think today will start that monster! :)
  • MihoshiMihoshi0 Posts: 0Member
    -=sAs=- wrote: »
    Thanks man!
    Its will help me a lot,i think today will start that monster! :)

    You're welcome. I posted a few more pictures, including one of the missile silos on the side of the ship.

    Some more notes: Those four angled nozzles on the sides of the front of the ship, just below and in front of the ships name, were maneuvering thrusters, not weapons. Underneath them, however, are those same plasma casters you find in the Nova and the Omega. The main weapons were two radically more powerful versions of the Omega's particle beam cannons, fixed forward underneath the nose.
    The turrets with fat barrels were somewhat smaller versions of the Nova's guns, and the turrets with thin barrels (two backwards aimed, one on top of the nose) were railguns.

    The large front spar was a sensor platform: The two petals attached to it could unfold to offer better hyperspace navigation detection.

    The forward bay, underneath the nose and above the sensor spar was a launch bay only. Fighters and shuttles were supposed to return to the ship by the starboard side bay. There is NO port bay, that extended part was supposed to hold work shops etc.. The hangar bay ran for most of the lenght of the ship.

    The engine section had four regular engines, plus two gravity engines, one on top, one on the bottom. These were shorter and fatter tahn the regular engines, but detail work is impossible to find. We simply never got that good a look at the engine section.

    Likewise we have no real idea of how the various smaller turrets look. Also, those clear pictures were from an early 2000's game, not the detailed models from a TV show. You've got some serious work ahead :D
  • den5den5171 Posts: 1Member
    Mihoshi wrote: »
    The engine section had four regular engines, plus two gravity engines, one on top, one on the bottom. These were shorter and fatter tahn the regular engines, but detail work is impossible to find. We simply never got that good a look at the engine section.

    Likewise we have no real idea of how the various smaller turrets look. Also, those clear pictures were from an early 2000's game, not the detailed models from a TV show. You've got some serious work ahead :D

    Here are images of the original model made by Tim Earls.
  • MihoshiMihoshi0 Posts: 0Member
    Ooh, nice, I never knew about those. Damn, there's even a blueprint for all the right measurements! You can even see there's two different types of point defense turrets!
    Great references for -=sAs=-'s coming model.
  • -=sAs=--=sAs=-336 Posts: 0Member
    Thx the Ref images!

    Today finally got time for this,so i started Warlock finally,after today much more freetime will have,so soon more detailed images come!
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    good to see some work, the hull looks right but more detailing is of course needed. i look forward to seeing it progress.
  • MihoshiMihoshi0 Posts: 0Member
    Missed you starting on this. Nice work on that main hull and it's texture. Engine block looks a bit flimsy, but at this stage it's probably just a place holder.
  • -=sAs=--=sAs=-336 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks :)
    But its isnt texture :D
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Don't remember this ship, which season did it appear in? You'll be happy to know that your work has inspired me to dust off my old B5 boxsets and give them a nostalgia filled rewatch. Damn this series is in dire need of a Star Trek series style Bluray or Dvd re-release with updated effects shots and a clean transfer etc, still an awesome show to watch now as is, but obviously being early cgi that stuff has dated quickly, but the shows strength was always as much the characters if not more so, than the effects.
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann741 Posts: 1,368Member
    I remember JMS having HD in mind from the start, shooting in 16x9 and thinking "oh, we'll just re-do the effects in ten-fifteen years when they get good enough." Yeah, hasn't happened. So I guess it's up to us. As much as I like seeing the Wrath of Khan being fantastically re-created, the original is fine the way it is.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Aye, Chris's talents might be better spent on recreating B5 effects shots, you'd certainly be able to tell the difference and improve upon the originals as highlighted in this thread.
  • TomboTombo0 Posts: 0Member
    TALON_UK wrote: »
    Don't remember this ship, which season did it appear in?

    I don't think the Warlock appeared at all in B5 itself, I know it showed up once or twice in Crusade and then in the "flash-forward" scene in Lost Tales but that was it.
  • Knight26Knight26192 Posts: 838Member
    Didn't it also appear in the last episode of B5?
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