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How to build the U.S.S. Enterprise in Lightwave3D.

gmd3dgmd3d251 DublinPosts: 132Member
edited February 2019 in Tutorials #1
How to build the U.S.S. Enterprise in Lightwave or One possible way to build the Enterprise.

In 2011 I started to build the Classic Star Trek iconic ship, The U.S.S. Enterprise. and I also kept a visual record of it with rough notes what I did and how I did it. after some time doing this someone suggested to me, to release this for others to build the model.

Great idea, and I did my best to add as much information to the tutorial as I could think off.


My Blog

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten

The Tutorial is hosted on my Blog, the tutorial is broken into 10 Chapters in PDF format.
I was unable to load directly to here due to my PDF file size

1. How I prepared the backdrop images (blueprints) In this case Charles Casimiro
2. How I loaded them into Lightwave.
3. How I started to build the model.

I then decided to build the model only using the tools that are native to Lightwave (in my case Lightwave9.6) meaning no additional downloadable Plugins free or otherwise where to be used.
Building the model with
Spline Draw Tool
Pen Tool
Rail Extrude
Set Value
Rounder Tool
and more

None the less this is a record of how I built the Enterprise (No Textures, Perhaps in the future) I have also tried to aim this at anyone that is new to Lightwave and 3dmodeling.
I would like to thank these following people, who help enormously by their encouragement and push to see this through to the end.

Who would proofread and spot any errors
For being there.

Who help with modeling information and
who help with the design of the new covers.

For his encouragement from start to finish

I hope someone finds it useful and I take no responsibility for any hair loss you incur while building it.
Trivia detail.
Words 43.486
Images 1380

Always said I had a book in me. I think this is it. :)
Post edited by gmd3d on
“You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.”


  • StarshipStarship476 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,985Member
    I have to say it again Ger:

    Thank you! IA’m not a lightwave user, but I read your tut and hopefully will play with lightwave too.
    I know it was a hard work and time consuming. ItA’s to much kind from you to release this.

    Hope you the best!:thumb:
  • gmd3dgmd3d251 DublinPosts: 132Member
    Thanks Starship.....

    I hope its useful.

    funny enough I having another go at building the Enterprise...this time just for fun.
    “You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.”
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804750 Posts: 11,270Member
    Taranis wrote: »
    this time just for fun.

    That's the best reason to do it. :D
  • fluxfirefluxfire181 Posts: 604Member
    I have used LW for at least 7 yrs now for a hobby and i have to say reading through this tut was rather fun.... and i even learned a few things in LW that i haven't used before :)

    Thanks for posting this :D
  • gmd3dgmd3d251 DublinPosts: 132Member
    fluxfire wrote: »
    I have used LW for at least 7 yrs now for a hobby and i have to say reading through this tut was rather fun.... and i even learned a few things in LW that i haven't used before :)

    Thanks for posting this :D

    Your welcome..... It been well received and that is great .

    I looking at doing another tut in the future.
    “You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.”
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