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2DApple Computer of Tomorrow

BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1154 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,607Member
Hi, all...

Recently, I found a few vintage Apple concepts for future computers that I am going to try and realize. However, one of these designs looked quite awkward as it was, so I am taking steps to tweak and rationalize it into something that would be a viable consumer product, and that fully keeps with the early-to-mid 1980's design motif for consumer electronics.

My current project is based upon the 1983 concept by Hartmut Esslinger for the "Apple Power Workbench" (pictured below), which while a VERY sound concept for an early all-in-one machine, had a few glaring issues...

Original concept model.

I don't like how clumsy and awkward the monitor, keyboard, and phone look just slapped onto the unit like that. So I have decided to tweak and rationalize the device into something that adheres to the spirit of the concept, but does so in a way that produces something a little more viable as a consumer product.

So for my project, I turned to the old "pizza box" Apples for my solution. The keyboard is now a flip-down unit, the 15" LCD monitor is now a flip-up unit, and the phone handset rests in a recessed cradle atop the unit. This not only solves the issue of looking clumsy and awkward, but maintains a clean look, and adheres to the design motif of early 1980's "big box" electronics, like the massive top-loading VHS and Beta VCRs. All in all, I think it's a good solution that works.

Below are my first 3 WIP images:




The speakers, which on the original concept unit were a mere box atop the unit, will now be integrated into the sides of the unit, much like the open lines on the sides of the old "pizza box" Apples.

Behind and aft of the general LCD display is a printer/fax unit. The rear panel aft of this section can be removed for paper loading or troubleshooting, should the need arise. The paper support arm for the printer will be a pull-up plastic tab, on top of the unit.

The numeric cluster keypad on the full-function keyboard is the telephone's dialing pad. There are 6 functions for the phone. They are listed below:

- Line 1
- Line 2
- Messages
- Speakerphone
- Conference Mode
- Fax

There's still a bit of work to do on the front view, and then I'll start on the rear view.
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