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2DCuyahoga Class Runabout

ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
edited August 2014 in Work in Progress #1
So I recently built a model of the Danube class runabout out of paper. I decided, before starting on it, that I'd make the model modular, so that the cockpit section, aft personnel section, and four middle sections could separate from the main warp sled. I know, they never demonstrated that capability during the show, but there are images and at least one or two articles demonstrating that their design was intended to incorporate that feature.

Anyway, I decided I liked the idea, but that eventually, of course, Starfleet would need to replace the Danube design as more advanced technology came out. The interesting implication of the modular design is that Starfleet could conceivably replace only one part at a time as became necessary; a new cockpit, personnel section, and warp sled could all be designed and built independently at lower cost to Starfleet, and be deployed on Danube class runabouts until all components of the new class were available. Even then, Starfleet would probably maintain many Danubes for service, and swap out modules when necessary.

Anyway, with that in mind, I started designing what I'm currently calling the Cuyahoga class (in keeping with the tradition of naming runabouts after rivers). She's designed to be compatible with every module of the Danube class, while still representing an advance. The design is basically a mix of the Danube, plus the Type 11 shuttle and Federation Scout Ship, both featured in Insurrection. I do intend to design several "rollbar" modules as well, similar to the ones runabouts used in DS9, though with some different purposes (one will very obviously be a torpedo launcher, another might look like the triangular section on the later Nebula class starships, which I would call AWACS).

I'm mostly set on the shape by now, but as you can tell, I still need to add a lot of surface detail. Any suggestions are appreciated. I do plan to make a paper model of this when I'm done designing it too, and will probably post a thread about that in the physical model section

Note: I decided to not call it the Cuyahoga, since I don't want my work to be associated with a burning mass of sewage and trash. :P
Post edited by Paragon on


  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    Ok, I wasn't quite as set on the shape as I thought. I decided to lengthen the cockpit and aft sections a little.
  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    Another update, I work fast. Got a preliminary bottom and back view added. Fleshed out a lot of details. Fixed a lot of shapes so all views match dimensions (which was a pain). I've added a few surface details so far, but I still need more. Just panel lines really at this point. Maybe some transport emitters, or another phaser array or two around. I feel like the RCS thruster placement is finished now. I'm pretty satisfied with the deflectors, though I do wonder how necessary it is for the runabout to have a primary and secondary deflector, but they both feel necessary for the aesthetics. I probably need some dedicated sensors too.

  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    That's pretty cool. It's a pretty good looking transition from the Danube. One question, though. Are you sure you wanna name it Cuyahoga? Being from Northeast Ohio the first thing I thought of was when the Cuyahoga river caught on fire and burned for a couple of weeks back when it was so polluted. :p
  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    Haha, I'm definitely open to suggestions on the name, it was really just a placeholder that didn't get any input until now.

    Anyway, in the meantime, another update on the design:


    I've added some surface details, panel lines, etc. I also added the pads that typically appear on the bottom of nacelles on shuttles and runabouts. My guess is they're lift thrusters, and since the "Cuyahoga" should be just as capable as the Danube class, if not more capable, it obviously needs to be able to land.
  • publiusrpubliusr555 Posts: 1,755Member
    This defiant, the Scout vessel from Insurrection that seemed to stem from the scout in one of the old tech manual or other (Officer's Manual) really look like they come from a nice line. I seem to remember some off hand sketches of similar in the old GEC. The center of the Lief Erikson is similar.
  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    So after changing the name to Colorado, I also decided to start working on alternate modules. First, here's the full version:


    And here's the Colorado equipped with a low profile warp sled. This module has a less powerful warp core, lower maximum warp, less armor, fewer armaments, fewer impulse engines, resulting in slower acceleration at sublight speeds. The tradeoff is that this module is easier and cheaper to build, and makes the runabout easier to accommodate in the hangars or shuttlebays of starships and stations.

  • blackbird17blackbird170 Posts: 0Member
    Nice to see a fresh design of an original Starship design even its Kitbashed together. But looks different enough that it follows the starship line of the Defiant Class and Venture Class. Nice work so far, looking forward to more updates!
  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    Quick update of the Colorado with an AWACS pod:

  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    Started work on a model of the Colorado. Just the cockpit section so far, no RCS wings yet, but you can get a feel for it. The rest of my progress on the physical model will be in this thread:
  • commandersozocommandersozo504 Posts: 630Member
    after a careful approach to this model i like it more and more. look forward....
  • TrekMDTrekMD192 Posts: 639Member
    Very nice!
  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    Alright, here's another module, an aft shuttlebay module. I'm not sure quite how I feel about it yet, it looks a bit funky, but at the same time, I feel like it does something a runabout might need to do occasionally. Obviously it does away with the aft living compartments. If the runabout were on a long term assignment, I'm sure it would have living compartments in the middle modules instead (no point in designing different versions of those, they all have to be the same). Obviously the bay can't accommodate every kind of shuttle, the Type 6, Type 8, and Type 11 are all too big to fit, but as you can see demonstrated, the bay can house workbees and the Type 10. It should be able to store the Type 9, and any kind of shuttlepod as well (Type 15, Type 18, etc).

  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    SWEET!!!! Love ~both~ the AWACS and original versions!!! Why would you need a shuttlebay when the cockpit is sufficient as it's own escape pod? I could see a subspace amplifier or a wheeled rover for survey / duckblind mission, Corps Of Engineers combat-repair mission capability, or other uses in that compartment. Maybe a Starfleet Marines' personnel "orbital drop" compartment where they sit awaiting the signal to jump/pull their cords.
  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    Well I have been working on a dropship pod, but it was just going to have a rear gantry for fast offload, (with adequate aft weapons too, for protection). I like the rover and subspace amplifier idea though, I think I'll probably have to work on those. As for the shuttlebay module, I envisioned it being used for several purposes:
    - To carry workbees or other small utility vessels enabling fast response to starships in need away from starbases. Imagine, another runabout, or perhaps a Defiant class starship, has been significantly damaged by an asteroid collision, and emergency repairs need to be carried out from the exterior of the ship in space, and EVA suits are proving too constricting or obtrusive. The Colorado class can be dispatched with several workbees on board to help expedite the repairs.
    - It might also be useful to send someone to a separate location aboard a shuttlecraft while the runabout continues on it's own. Search and rescue over a large distance, for example.

    Anyway, I'm trying to come up with more modules. I'd like to do another cockpit module, but can't think of much reason to design another.
  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    I'd like to see the cockpit and see if she's like a Danube-Class or the "fake" Delta Flyer / Defiant-style bridge.

  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    Just carry a couple of workbee style pincers / self-replicating multi-tools (ie: exocomps) in the aft cargo bay that can be placed on the front of cockpit module by the pilots in EVA suits, to get the cockpit module *itself* to act as an additional workbee.
  • blackbird17blackbird170 Posts: 0Member
    Like all the Variants of this Runabout, keep up the good work. Like to see Orthos of all the variants of this ship!
  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    Sorry, reinstalled GTA a few days ago, so I've been busy beating it again. :P Anyway, the physical model is almost done, I haven't been posting progress on it here since this isn't the physical model forum, but I'll probably post a picture or two of the finished standard load. I haven't even started on building any of the additional modules.

    As for the cockpit, I envision it being very similar to the Danube class cockpit, though with some updates, and a little extra room. Not sure if I'll get around to fleshing that out though.
  • ParagonParagon0 Posts: 0Member
    Just popping up to show off some of the finished pictures of the runabout model:


    There are more in my physical modeling thread here:
  • nukenuke171 Posts: 0Member
    Just awesome
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